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Édition Honhonhon

Old Thread:>>195359

Keep strictly real-steel related topics in >>>/k/, gun and gear porn's cool as long as you don't spam.

If you have a useful guide or want to rework one for the OP, post it and someone will add it to the next one.

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What's your next purchase/project? And justify why you NEED it.
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GHK SIG Gbbr, because I've been converted to gas rifles and there's no going back (though keeping some AEGs for winter/backup). Pic related not mine, but it's what I'm aiming for.
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>What's your next purchase/project?
Planning on building mancraft HPA M16/M16A1 within DMR limits.
>And justify why you NEED it
I want M16, simple as. I mostly play in enviroment where DMR just means power limit that forbids the use of full auto.
Wish they made an SG550
Fix my L85 and then find something to sell to buy FAMAS
>What's your next purchase/project? And justify why you NEED it.
This https://candctac.com/products/c-c-tac-steel-short-bolt-set-with-m1913-rail-folding-stock-adapter-for-marui-tm-m4-mws-gbbr
and a heretic labs tank grip, and i'm gonna turn my MWS into a ESG rifle.
Why i need it? Idk i just think it would be funny, and i haven't seen anyone do that
Same, I was thinking of trying to convert it to a 550, but if that's too much work/cost I'll just go with the 551.
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Based bullpup enjoyer.
>don't know what ESG is
>look it up on youtube
>immediate nignog music
I finally got my PKM working 100% so I'm currently contemplating what kind of load bearing gear I need to get for it. It doesn't really seem like I need a whole lot though, the ammo box holds five times the ammo I normally carry for my heaviest rifleman set up. All I would need for short games is basically just a bottle of water and a sidearm in case someone gets within my MED. For longer games, I guess an extra bag of ammo and more water.

Was thinking about 'upgrading' my sidearm choice from $7 springer Tokarev to a gas one from WE. The more I think about it though, the more I'm thinking I'll just stick with the springer.
It goes full autoseer after a while, mags are ok but it basically only works in 75+F temps.any cooler and they dump all the gas.
Tempted by the lct hk33 still. It is that or anything that fits my vaguely stalker like kit. I modified a ktr cyma to look as close to a sako as possible and people really love my kit and gun.
I want to get an AEG Ppsh-41 as an option to my Kar98k. Still holding on to hope that some company will release a decent German gun though.
I've thought about it too, but having to buy a bunch of proprietary mags (and they're expensive for AEG mags) just puts me off.
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I've been out of the airsoft loop since 2016 or so. How much has the game changed since then? I first started playing back in 07.
I don't think it's changed much since then, a few more HPA users/speednigs, GBBRs are more common, AEGs now have MOSFETs and quick change springs as standard. Standard Tokyo Marui AEGs are even more pointless than they were before, and Chinese guns are slightly improved.
I can see myself selling the L85 honestly, it's a
Wish some other company made a GBBR L85. Like VFC or NE
I've heard the WE L85 can be made pretty good with aftermarket parts, like their M14.
Oh you sweet summer child.....
WE AR mags are hot garbage and the bolt stop system sucks. Had 3 WE ARs. Also had a friends who bought every single RA-tech "upgrade" for the M14 and it still was dogshit
That's disappointing to hear, but then it is WE, so it's not surprising.
>parents live in another state
>seem a little in disbelief when I tell them there's a bunch of us airsofting
>always ask for photos
>send them stuff of my gear and the field
>No of you with your friends there anon
>too pussy to ask everyone for a group photo
damn I'm autistic
airsofters love photos desu
Here's an easy airsoft hack that few people talk about:
>You can go to 'any' airsoft game if you say you're there as a photographer
Your friends want to go to an expensive milsim game you can't afford? Just show up with a camera. Wear the team camouflage so you can 'integrate with the unit without giving them away.' Eventually some loser will get tired and let you grab his gun and go shoot some peeps. Have fun snapping shots and slapping hands until then. Post the pics on Fagbook and receive instant rep + license to do this again.
Increase of normies and tryhards in the game.
Just get a gopro or guncam and grab some live footage. Then do a selfie clip and pan the camera around of you and your friends. If you make it blatant enough, they'll probably wave or do some other stupid shit. Then start stripping and blow some cocks. That's always a good icebreaker.

PROTIP: If you use a guncam, take it off the gun first. It shouldn't have to be said, but you're an autistic fuck.
Most people are normal. You might want to get used to that.
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duh, if I don't have a photo from the game that means I was not there
>be in a 5-man squad at the local field
>notice guy we have on the far left isn't watching left at all
>he just follows behind the next guy, only ever looking ahead
>tell to switch with me, center left, and I'll explain later
>team starts to do much better because I know what he's doing
>later on, he asks why
>fib that there's some grey asshole on the other team who keeps on spooking us and I wanted to shoot the bastard, don't mention his bad habits at all
I should say that we're a casual group, we try and keep things fun, no one is looking for the next seal team 6, but I was just tired of getting winged, whipping around, and seeing him stare blankly at me whilst bbs are flying in from that direction was infuriating. Just had to get it off my chest
I'd rather play with the weekend warriors than the milsim wannabe navy seals or faggots with the fake Russian accents
Well done for not being a dick, but you could still have let him know.

>fake Russian accents
I've never seen this, but the thought alone makes me cringe.
Maybe the new VFC PPK/S, should be out in August. But then, I really don't need another gbb pistol, I would only ever plink it and fingerfuck it.
Not in MY mil cosplay!!
Yeah, that's a delicate balancing act, trying to offer helpful advice.

Being told how to operate by an actual instructor? Awesome!

Being told by the guy next to me? Get off my nuts, tryhard! I just wanna have fun!
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I dunno, politely giving some pointers at the spawn can do miracles anon ie. 'you can do this and that a little bit better' between you two. Don't try to train, or lecture, keep it as simple pointers desu.
Honestly, I just gaslight people into where to push. Less words the better.
Some lightweight Ar15 build to accompany tac41. Not speedshit, but something small and compact at max 1 joule with very spammable trigger.
Recommendations for base? Considering either Specna core or Arcturus polymer receiver as base gun. Heck or even out of the box usable with small 11,1v at buffer tube.
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Basically yes. If I play some casual indoor game with minimum gear photos are not as important as when I dress up for historical games though.
It’s not an AR but the most spammable ootb gun would be the Well WE06 DSG version or the SSR9 DSG
Well are also coming with a AR model but it’s not out yet
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When did you grow out of AEGs and HPAs? You did grow out of them, right?
I have sold my HPA engine guns, but I’ll continue to run GBB with HPA.
I finally bought a TM Hi-Capa. First Tokyo Marui replica for me, I don't buy TM as they're really expensive but I got a good deal on this one.

But man, they're so damn good.
NGRS guns are great when my GBBR breaks or I'm short on cash to get green gas
They're mandatory if you want a good LMG
Yeah, love TM pistols. They don't rattle like pot metal ones
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I think it'd be really cool to have a GBB only field in the area, or a field that at least ran lowcap/realcap games. I think it would have to be really close quarters though.
HPA chuds couldn't handle that anon.
Trips of truth.

Funny thing is, I was about to pull the trigger on an Army Armament R28-S since it cost half the TM. But the deal and the..gut feeling? I guess, made me choose this. Plus, the after market is insane.
Good choice. I bought an Army Armament Sandstorm just for the meme. It wasn't good
Gotta admit, they're good looking. What went wrong with it? I know their mags are a crapshoot, you got a 50% chance for a leaky one.
Hey, so I'm want some input for my build.
I'm trying to build my first balls to the wall DMR.
I thought about going gung ho for .36s, but now I'm a bit worried about the price range for running it. I think I'd like to step down to .32s, but if it actually does make a significant difference, I might reconsider.
Should I stay with .36s or go down to .32s?
.36 is the minimum for a DMR
I wish I could get into Hi-Capas, the stock performance is great, the amount of aftermarket parts is like nothing else, and ricing them up is a whole scene to itself. But they just don't look right for some reason.
I totally understand. I'm a 1911 guy, and didn't want one at the start. The square trigger guard and hammer bugged me the most lol. But ultimately when picking one up in my hands, it performed so well I could forgive it for looking like a knock-off 1911.
>I've never seen this, but the thought alone makes me cringe.

Dude, those idiots are the kind of people that set up a flag of the USSR in the parking lot to show their friends where they are.
We used to fly the USSR flag at games when we captured key points just to make the boomers with expensive guns seethe when we outshot them with stock CYMA AKs.

Most of those boomers are too old to play anymore. Tragic.
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never got into them. Hate how they sounded
got 30+ of them and more coming.
Other than it being mandatory for LMGs (cause AEG and GBB LMGs suck ass), I only HPA shit almost nobody does such as DT4s and AA12s.
Update on ESS turbofan replacement. Ordered a small fan and AA battery pack and got it installed, just waiting on glue to dry now. The original fan system is off to the right. Will report on effectiveness in a few weeks. Final cost was around $19.45 after shipping and tax. Looking at ebay, the fan version of the ESS Profile goes for a $190 premium over the normal model and it's not even very durable, so might as well DIY IMO.
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Tokyo Marui HK416.
Trying to imitate pic rel kit.
Most parts are available at online stores.
The only hurdle for me is to find a quality MAGPUL drum magazine.
Another gfl fren. At least the top is easier to find for something like that. Easier than stalker clear sky faction camo at least.
Anon honestly again after years of using these just go fo it since as a side arm you only need 2 mags and the leak surprisingly little for the 5 mags Ihave, they still hate winter. Use a lot of silicone oil and propane for the most consistent operation, never use valken green gas it just doesn't work period. Also keep it out of humidity when storing the finish bubbles up. It doesn't exactly feel 1:1 with a real tok and made the firing control group more complicated than the actual thing somehow.
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>Clear Sky camo
It's a fantasy camo.
The closest you could get is Russian Blue Kamysh or sky blue BDU.
I saw cosplayers making their own clothes, and most of them looked meh because they weren't real. (Think of it like tf2 cosplay looking bad irl because people aren't cartoon)
What color are your panties?
Her figures have white panties.
These generals seem to be going much slower and less erratic than they were a few years ago when that guy in the skull mask with a scoped pkm were in here....I miss those days sometimes.
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Some randoms I saw at a noob day
>not camo panties

Do you even operate?
>welding mask
yeah this guy fucks
stupider the costume, better the player
From worst to best:
>Speedsofter in ultralight athletic protective gear and an hpa tank
>Heavy tactical man with extra plates, kneepads and pouches
>Tacticool operator guy who thinks he's unique for wearing a casual shirt on top of $500 worth of gear
>New players in basic hoodie + jeans
>Guy in historical military gear (wwi and up)
>basic airsoft tactical gear man
>guy trying to go for a lo-tacitcal look, like an afghan insurgent
>Funny tactical man who wears shit like a welding helmet or a chicken head
>Regular player there in normal street clothes, magazines in a fanny pack or pocket
>guy playing in ancient military gear (pre wwi, revolutionary/napoleonic shit)
>Cosplaying something military but fictional, like gundam or halo
>Schoolgirl outfit, short skirt mandatory
>obvious joke costume (banana, dinosaur)
>guys who play fully nude
Prove me wrong you can't
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>>obvious joke costume (banana, dinosaur)
I got one of those too.
Why even wear one though?
It's escape from tarkov NPC cosplay. He runs around with this sledgehammer killing people with it.
He does have guns though.
Funny costume gang
What the mean age at your field? 12?
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I just went to watch the chaos. There were (supposedly) 600-700 players at this game, on a field that was maybe 1-2 acre. In reality there were a lot of people just sitting on ass and each game had far fewer players, but still too many for the tiny field. First and only time there.
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What kind of gun does he use?
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back from doing hood rat shit with the biys
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After much fucking around with this junker matrix m82, I've finally got it up to to around 355 fps with 0.4 bbs. Only real issue now is I have to hold the magazine up while pulling the bolt back. That should shoot hard enough for outdoor sniping, right? I've never sniped before.
Where do you live, Ecuador?
What gun is that? An SKS?
no, it's just 4chan - this website loves randomly rotating photos

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