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File: IMG_20240714_143245_846.jpg (146 KB, 1280x720)
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please find the place from the photo if it’s not difficult for you, the place is located in Kyiv, but there are only assumptions that it’s on Ozernaya Street
what in god's name possesses you to post this on the extreme sports board?
I just didn’t know what topic to choose and where to post it
if you can tell me where to put this
nigger I literally did
File: kiev_urbex.jpg (114 KB, 640x800)
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The urbex kids on TikTok and Instagram seem to be able to find it easily enough, perhaps dig around there or do some urbex yourself. Reverse image search will get you pointed in the right direction. I would ask in the >>>/xs/urbex thread or >>>/wsr/ - Worksafe Requests board, possibly even >>>/b/ - Random, if you want 4chan help. Please read board descriptions and search the catalog before making new threads.
thank you very much

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