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Do you think mma has grown and evolved enough to say younger legends like Bones, Khabib and Mighty Mouse are better than older ones like Fedor, GSP and Silva?
You have to wait till most of their opponents and contemporaries are retired to really say. Bones is going out of his way to ruin what should've been an inarguable spot at best so far. But as long as the gloves aren't officially hung up, who knows.
i don't think it's fair to say "better", it seems a bit redundant. they were as good as they were because of who they were fighting, if the industry plateaus then how can it be expected that they reach a higher peak.

eventually it gets to that stage as with everything. new generation outshines previous generation but its still important to remember the goats of the past and appreciate what they did. without them we wouldn't have what we have now

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