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thoughts on mountainboarding?
it looks fun
so... offroading but without any safety features or an engine? why would I endanger myself like this when mountain bikes already exist and are more energy efficient?
i only ever seen this shit in rocket power. i dont have the money to go to new zealand
no its just snowboarding without the snow
or skateboarding with more spot variety at the expense of no flips unless you do something fucking insane
gay ass way to kill yourself
i just bought one because there's a bmx track pretty close to me
i'll let you know how it goes
holy shit if you guys get one tighten the fuck out of the trucks
the death wobble was BAD out of the box
ok i took it to the pump track
i ordered an MBS Colt 90 because it was like half off and got an Atom 90 because amazon jipped me but i didnt feel like returning it because it was the same price on sale
it was too light to get enough speed to even get up the first ramp

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