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I used to love urban exploring so much, climbing up the side of abandoned buildings, exploring inside, chilling on the roof. I moved to a country which has a high amount of crack heads in a lot of these places, meaning I can't get that feeling of freedom through climbing since there's more to worry about than just falling. Because of this I resorted to doing stupid shit on my motorbike.

How else do you fuckers get this rush and freedom? Should I go to Eastern Europe to train hop, should I hike up a mountain, should I try shoplifting? Or maybe I should just get into drugs?
Train hopping is not something you do for the fun of it. It's a rejection of modern travel and living expectations and standards, hence why it is a staple of the travel punk community. You do it for the freedom and beauty of being unchained from the System. If anything, just hike up a mountain or go surfing if you want a thrill. Maybe cycle the 2024 Tour de France route in your free time if you really have that much pent-up energy inside to release
Just go and beat the crackheads, do the best with what you got man.
I fight
I like riding my bicycle very fast on MUP/bike trails.Going over 30mph on descents on 23mm tires at 100+psi is fun to me, even better with the bros.
it's impressive how you made traveling by train sound so fucking gay

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