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you dont understand i see red
i am but a shark in a pond of fish
you know whats gayer? being grabbed and not being able to do anything about it
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i am but a mere humble jiu jitsu martial artist that screams and threatens his students when they dont execute a technique correctly the first time after being shown once
you dont understand my mentality
i am a great white in a pond of fish
You have to understand that BJJ is marketed as a way for the unathletic weakling to learn how to overcome the big strong Chad
Chad already played full contact sports, he was on the wrestling team, he played football, he's in the gym throwing up big weight every day

But what BJJ does instead of teaching the weakling how to become strong, it validates their weakness
You will never be able to compete head to head with a real man, so become like a woman instead. Forget about strength, learn to put your ankles behind your ears, lay on your back, wrap your legs around the big strong man's hips and hold him tight so he can't pull ou-uhh, I mean pass, so he can't pass

Once you realize the goal of bjj is sissifcation the pathology makes perfect sense
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Wrestling psyop
So jiujitsu is gay by rule then
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>It's better to desire the higher over the lesser. It's better to desire healthy foods over unhealthy foods, a good life over a bad life, classical music over pop slop and so on. Then given that sexuality is a desire, then a sexuality that desires something higher, is better than something that desires something lesser. Given that men are higher and women are lesser, then homosexuality is a better sexuality for men given that you desire the higher over the lower.
And then this strong man gets choked out with sissy's thighs while looking towards his balls. Wow, he's so badass!
Only because the rules make it illegal to simply pick him up and batista bomb him directly onto his head
All grappling, whether it's freestyle, folkstyle, greco-roman, judo, bjj, involves rolling on the ground with sweaty, muscular men
It's all incredibly homoerotic, that's a feature
Striking is inherently the most gay form of combat since it seeks to avoid direct confrontation and just circles around the opponent trading jabs. Wrestling, for example, is the complete opposite of this.
bjj fucking sucks but it's currently as prevelant as karate was in the 90s and early 2000s so the majority of schools in a given area are gonna be bjj.
People dont have much of a choice to train bjj unless they wanna move
that doesnh mean bjj is good
i guarntee you if the majority of schools in my city werent bjj or mcdojo karate schools bjj wouldnt be as popular. If we had more variety like a major city had we'd probably have hema, more than one bohurt and sca club. More than one archery shop and a variety of other martial arts aside from karate and bjj
some mcdojo bjj
>some mcdojo bjj
and some mcdojo bjj*
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I remember in some thread, I forgot where, someone joked about a judo themed only fans. I went and search for any judoka onlyfans whores but instead found none and A LOT of BJJ thots. I wonder why?
BJJ was made by brazillians who are not known for honor, integrity or sexual morals.
If my style's "hot" women looked like Kayla Harrison I'd be coping too.
rules don't prohibit that.

only difference bjj works on all levels
>rules don't prohibit that
Yes they do, dumbass. You don’t even know the rules of the sport you’re defending.
Except BJJ extensively utilizes the guard; which looks a lot like sex (especially closed guard).

Anyhow, wrestler and judoka here. You guys are idiots. BJJ focuses on fighting off your back because it prepares them how to defend against the pressure, size and strength of the aggressor and how to defend against ground-and-pound until they exploit opportunities to heel kick to the kidneys, rabbit punch to the back of the head, etc. and then exploit an opening to go for a submission or at least a more favorable position to get the joint-lock or choke.

BJJ's biggest weakness is its neglect of takedowns because the sport aspect doesn't score it as well as sweeps and guardwork. No martial art will be 100% perfect and address every facet of combat.

Why don't Greco-Roman wrestlers attack the legs or go below the waist for takedowns? Why doesn't Freestyle have submission holds? Why doesn't Judo have leglocks like Sombo? Why doesn't boxing have kicks? So on and so forth.
here's the problem though and as you're aware from doing judo, open weights are a staple and nobody is afraid of standing and going for throws against someone larger and stronger
the only reason you would spend so much time practicing stuff off your back is because you're shit at the former.

like literally how the fuck are supposed grappling specialists getting stuck on their back against non-grapplers even if there is a huge size difference? it should be impossible, nobody else has this problem.
>bjj works on all levels

>gets shot
They don't in MMA.
>like literally how the fuck are supposed grappling specialists getting stuck on their back against non-grapplers even if there is a huge size difference?
It's the same question why should boxers bother about clinch from non boxer opponent even if there is a huge size difference?.
Thats why you trowh a left a right hook ...
Instesd of being gay
You can only slam the opponent against the ground from a certain height and no more than that according to modern rules (I'm talking about a legs lock like the triangle, strangling you, and instinctively standing up to slam him onto the ground, or at least use it as a defense to escape the lock). Old rules allowed it with freedom, but such a violent hit could cause cervical damage. I learned this just today because I asked it to my master (I do MMA, he teaches mainly BJJ, MMA and self-defense), he and along with his wife who was there told me that if you do it, apart of being disqualified, supposedly the team of the enemy waits for you after the fight for revenge. That was dark, but personally in that case I would shoot them all down lol.
If you think about this, like, imagine a "real life" situation, where you are fighting against another person in the street or wherever, where the floor will be likely made of ceramics or pavement or whatever solid hard, and slamming can easily result in fatality or severe and/or permanent damage.
Furthermore, you can't use ONLY Jiu Jitsu against several opponents if you're alone or you will get beaten while you have any of them in a lock, unless maybe you're very advanced and athletic and the enemies are out of shape/don't know how to fight.
My concussion is BJJ is as "gay" as wrestling, or any close contact style for that matter (despite the last thing you think about when you're fighting in any kind of style is sex).
Ineffective against multiple opponents. If one on one, it's too brutal because it revolves around choking, dislocating, and breaking bones, therefore legal consequences on you if you get caught, or a hard revenge if the guy knows who you are.
Rules had to be established in competition otherwise it would be basically either too brutal or impractical to use. And lastly, remember Fedor Emelianenko lost to 2 or 3 brazilians by sub., and the same way, he won fights using jiu jitsu.
>wall of text
it's curious because I was about to post exactly that (">ACK!") in another thread lol.
>>wall of text
I hate this term so much. I can't synthesize many relevant things I have to say to establish my point or aport something or whatever, into a comfy post composed of 3 vague lines, just because gen z little faggots or modern mankind can't read much because of laziness, or don't have time for it because they don't know how to manage their time in their trivial day-to-day wageslave life, etc.
>You can only slam the opponent against the ground from a certain height and no more than
That's only true for amateur mma
>Furthermore, you can't use ONLY Jiu Jitsu against several opponents if you're alone or you will get beaten while you have any of them in a lock, unless maybe you're very advanced and athletic and the enemies are out of shape/don't know how to fight.
That's true for any unarmed combat style, except using bjj also requires your multiple opponents to be turboretards. The only martial art that works reliably against multiple opponents is gun fu
Brevity is the soul of wit. If you can’t explain things succinctly then it’s because you’re low iq. See example:
>fuck off retard
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>That's only true for amateur mma
Not according to my master, (and his wife...), because as I said in my post they both told me that rule of the height is in pro-level. The master of the team I train in (or formerly trained in, because honestly I literally didn't go to the class of yesterday because this thread kind of opened my eyes, that on pair with the fact that I was already getting real tired of BJJ and the enormous inclination they have toward it. BJJ class always has more students than MMA, similar to comparing kick-boxing or the insufferable muay-thai (which I suspect most of its public is underages and adult idiots that feel cool for doing it due to its reputation of being so dangerous, despite it's not even allowed to actually elbows and knees, for that reason)) is and has been long-life friends with and disciple of Marcelo Giudici, a brazilian pro MMA fighter specialized in BJJ. The guy is a beast though anyway, he knows how to actually throw a massively destructive punch or kick, not to mention so many wrestling techniques, Judo techniques to take the opponent to the ground (and apply his BJJ!) or just throw him away flying if we're talking about a street fight. The guy is kind of terrifying. And is involved (I don't know in what way, never understood) with the "Gracie clan".

>>The only martial art that works reliably against multiple opponents is gun fu
>*runs out of ammo* / *gun gets stuck and doesn't fire*
The only slam rule is the spiking (piledriver) ban. Your master may just be retarded.
slamming is illegal in bjj, not sure why people are talking about MMA
you don't see it anymore much in MMA because the fighters aren't retarded enough to try and do submissions from the bottom anymore, which in effect, not retarded enough to do BJJ anymore

Slamming should be legal as long as you aren't doing it on their head/neck

like getting picked up and dropped in bottom closed guard really isn't a big deal, i had someone do it to me I just tucked my head in so I didn't bounce it off the mat, no idea why that would be a DQ in a tournament as you can just open your guard just stand up lmao

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