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Is it fair to say that bigger people are better suited for grappling and smaller people are better at striking?
The thing I like > the thing you like

Simple as
I concur.
>bigger people are better suited for grappling and smaller people are better at striking?
Bigger people are generally better suited to everything than small people. The advantage of being small is that grocery bills are cheaper, shortoids need to stop pretending that their lack of height is in someway a combat advantage when it's evolved to stay purely for economics.
Strength matters more in grappling, contrary to gracie propaganda, but really stronger is better everywhere and anywhere.
I would say short people have combat adventage on war cause they're harder to shoot at
Smaller people are better suited for grappling, because size and reach and weight advantages don't matter as much if your opponent is too close to you. Bigger people are better suited for striking because they have longer and heavier limbs to strike their opponents with, and more mass behind the strikes.
>Running has entered the chat
Tall lanky people are better suited for striking manlets are better suited for grappling. If you are actually big as in both tall and wide you are fine for either.

they usually have better coordination, a lower centre of gravity than tall people and have no choice but to develop good technique because they arent bullying someone with their size
Weight being equal, the shorter fighter will have better odds grappling than striking.
You can run way faster with longer legs. Usain Bolt is 6ft 5in.
On the other hand they can uppercut you in the balls.
I would say that taller thinner people are more suited to striking and shorter heavier people are more suited to grappling.
Bigger people can generate power with less effort, so anything strength related is easier for bigger people, assuming everyone is on equal levels of technique.

The only advantage shorter people tend to have is stamina, almost everything else that could be an advantage can be easily mitigated by someone bigger. Also, height and reach matter a lot too.

Anyway, fighting is in 99% of cases about execution, not predetermined traits. If you are big but keep exposing your chin even a child can knock you out.

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