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What if we conciliated this war in the octagon.
Putin vs Zelensky.
Putin is coached by Xi jinpin and Rocket man Kim.
Zelensky coached by Joe biden and Japanese president
Ring girl:merkel
Referee:António Guterres.
They both have 1 year prep.
Putin was a legitimate judoka back when he was younger, but he's now a geezer over 70yo
Zelensky doesn't seem like the epitome of fitness, but he wouldn't need to be if his opponent is downright decrepit
Never bet against a short, bald, elderly martial arts master. Zelensky gets turned into a pretzel within 15 seconds.
Merkel is not in office anymore
The woman so is the one in charge of the inion or germany
Joe Biden accidentally leaves his corner
Putin already has belts in various martial arts on top of his KGB training.
Even though Putin is older, he is still a judoka
They’re all honorary though. Because he helped established heaps of martial arts tournaments and the like. Aside from sambo (and russians don’t tend to view judo and sambo as two seperate things), he hasn’t trained anything else. I mean, one of his black belts is in taekwondo, for fucks sake. You think he can bust out hwa-rang? What about koryo? Absolute nonsense, the man’s never done an axe kick in his life.
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Putin was trained in Judo at least.
Plus he probably knows some shady moves from his time in KGB.
You must understand that martial art training was a state monopoly in the soviet union.
So it's an old man with lots of training against a younger man who's not (to my knowledge) tained in hand to hand combat.
I'd rather see Ukraine win a conventional war.
The poor buggers would have to get into a conventional war first, instead of being expendable proxies for the Americans.

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