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File: street-luge.jpg (167 KB, 640x433)
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Is Street Luge still a thing, or did it die out on December 31, 2009 when all the enthusiasts died of gravel rash?

Last year's World Championships. Men's and women's finals. The whole thing seems pretty small-time. The women's race, in particular, gives one the impression that this might actually be their first race.
it's weird to think how diverse the X Games were at the beginning, with weird stuff like this and sky surfing.

Now it's basically just a lower profile version of the olympic skateboard and bmx competitions. They need to bring back aggressive inline and add scooters or it'll be dead within a few years.
>They need to bring back aggressive inline and add scooters or it'll be dead within a few years.

Scooters would be interesting, but I disagree with bringing back inline. Inline simply isn't very well-suited to TV. All the various grind variations are impressive to those in-the-know, but to a normie it's
>he slid down a rail
>he slid down a rail with his legs crossed
>he slid down another rail

That said, though, the X Games' format is actually changing in 2026 to something akin to a year-round global tour, like F1.
>Inline simply isn't very well-suited to TV.
the x games was created because standalone inline contests were getting such high ratings.

Inline competitions are way more about the airs/spins/grabs which look spectacular to normies, definitely more so than "board flips in an imperceptibly different way" in skateboarding.
> akin to a year-round global tour, like F1
Except no one will go to or watch it. Why did it take until 2026 to realize that? Lmao. It’s too late
It was probably too late when the actual Olympics added skateboarding and all sorts of other X Games events.

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