What techniques, moves, styles and other details about fighting would you want to see in an action film?Like John Wick incorporating Judo and BJJ or Silat in The Raid
>>209867i wanna see a movie where a guy just punches people really hard>goes into debt>punches debt>gf gets raped>punches gf>punches rapist>gets arrested>punches bars
>>209867>Like John Wick incorporating Judo and BJJThat's a lot of words to say sambo.
>>209867HEMA using improvised weapons would be fucking insane to see, especially stuff like messer.Throw in ringen and some old school boxing and youll have a film thatll make asian martial artists cope and seethe.
>>209867Action films are inherently ridiculous, that's why they're entertaining. Therefore, I'd like to see an entirely new form of fighting developed for the film, that could never work in real life, such as nose fencing. It should be played completely straight.
>>210404what is up with hema movies and running to the messer of all weapons?Why cant we get something more exotic like a type 4 viking sword, seax, or even the german longswordwhy always the messer
>>210269>That's a lot of words to say sambo.Because his character was Russian, the film pretended it was Sambo, but the actor had actually trained in a Judo/Jiu Jutsu gym.
>>212939They did get Stephen "Sambo Steve" Koepfer, who has a coaching MoS in Sambo, to work on the 2nd and 3rd film. So there's a little bit of real sambo in there.https://www.imdb.com/name/nm3554691/
>>209873They already made this a decade agohttps://youtu.be/hHZvUeAdzeI?feature=shared
>>210655The resident messer guy at my club is literally obsessed. I think messer people might just be insane in general.
>>212948That sense looked great,Wrestling mats in a High class marble room has become a goal for me
>>209867I just want them to start making martial arts kinos again
>>209867I'd like to see more throws like in Judo. When I watched Narco-Saints; I liked how the MC, Kang In-gu, would just slam the people trying to kill him onto the ground. Only a few of his opponents knew how to defend against him. Watching the dirty boxing in bloodhound was also decent.
>>209867Sumo would be really fun. A sumo wrestler gets framed for killing another member of his stable and has to fight his way out of it.>>210404You could make a really fun version of that with something revolving around a LARPer who gets involved in some real shit. Like a terrorist attack at a Renaissance Fair or something, Die Hard style.
>>214463>SumoSame scene, use pole push wrestling from Strongman games with a large single barrel of some kind. Two huge dudes going from barehand Sumo to that.