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File: belal roids ufc joke.jpg (198 KB, 1110x903)
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And that Dana acts like he hates him to make it look less plausible that the UFC rigged it for him?

It makes no sense for Dana to behave this unprofessionally if it isn't for a reason, it makes no sense for Belal to look like this and run through Edwards like that, and it didn't make sense to have the fight at 5 A.M. either

Social media monkeys obviously act as predicted and sell this chicanery for Dana
>hahaha look how mad he is, he doesn't even want to give him the belt :)))
this isnt /sp/

also they all juice, you're telling me DC has the testosterone of 7 men?
>Dana supporting a mothballed wrestler
This isn't even bait, just mental issues
No shit he's on roids, its why he wont fight in america

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