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First episode is out.
>What is the Ultimate Self-Defense Championship?
A bit over a year ago, former Aikidoka YouTuber Rokas Leo set up a tournament with a self-defense "academy" to have himself and five other martial arts YouTubers compete to see who is best at self-defense. It was a hilarious shitshow that nearly crippled one of the contestants, Ramsey Dewey who would later get into an internet spat with the guy behind the academy (Jeff Phillips) and described the entire event as "piss poor" due to poor management, an incoherent and arbitrary scoring system, running on a very limited schedule, and timing events terribly (like having a zombie apocalypse-themed event that didn't influence score in the middle of the entire thing instead of at the end or something) and doing comically dangerous shit like making people fight on a narrow bridge a good 30ft above the ground.
Somehow, he kickstarted a second one, which features even less martial arts YouTubers.
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The contestants this time around include:
>Natan Levy
Israeli lightweight in UFC, last year had some popularity due to getting into a sparring match with a groyper who hated Jews.
>Jeff "MMAShredded" Chan
Winner of the previous USDC, pretty much the only contestant who was an active fighter in an MMA promotion instead of a 40-50+ coach/trainer or schlubby dilettante YouTuber.
>Jesse "The Karate Nerd" Enkamp
Owner of the KarateByJesse blog and now YouTuber, Jesse is a high-ranking Swedish Karateka, bullshido believer, and Karate historian. Probably the second most autistic man in this show next to Rokas himself.
>Jordan "Jordan Teaches Jiu-Jitsu" Preisinger
Smaller name YouTuber focused on BJJ-related content. Of the YouTubers listed, is the least popular, but is also a completely normal guy.
French-German video game reviewer. Is only on the show because there's not a lot of popular martial arts YouTubers who humored Rokas and because he studied at Shaolin Temple in his early 20s and does some kung fu drills at home. Claims to be Chinese, barely speaks the language lmao.
>Craig Hunter
Literally just a guy. He's a filler because a basketball player Instagram influencer who was gonna be at the event flaked, and Rokas needed someone so he just picked a regular dude to work as a "controL" compared to the guys with martial arts backgrounds. His background is the occasional bit of weightlifting and typical bogan barfighting.

Rokas "Martial Arts Journey" Leo will not be participating as a contestant this season and instead serves as a commentator/referee/committee
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>*wins 10/10 encounters*
gun ku do is the ultimate martial art
That's the American division. This shit's set in Australia, everyone's a noguns. The very first challenge is "What'll you do if you're chased by a pack of Abbos with knives and they wanna fuck that rotisserie chicken you're holding?"
>"What'll you do if you're chased by a pack of Abbos with knives and they wanna fuck that rotisserie chicken you're holding?"

i pull out my pocket drop bear and throw it at them
>War with Hamas
>The only reason I can think of is because I'm a jew

This is shit
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Honestly it was hilarious. Especially given he's already losing out to the fucking untrained bogan.
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I am a little disappointed, you would think he would have redesigned some stuff after ruining Ramsey's knee. I am curious now, maybe his 1 year wait was not due to long covid but simply because he was sued for another injury and did not want to release it as long as someone could use the material in court?
All participants were sent the footage of everything well before the originally intended release of the USDC back in April, with the idea they could make their own content with it. If any of it would be material evidence, then it wouldn't matter that Rokas didn't air it.
way to just pollute this entire "experiement" with that shit
dude, you need to improvise weapons!!! except in america I carry my own so they can fuck off with that shit

also we know jordans knee gets fucked up early on and he's basically out of the comp, he talked about it on his podcast
secondly jeff didn't "bleed out" from getting poked in the back like that, there was no organ near that wound that would've killed him
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They're gonna do everything possible to not let Jeff Chan win a second time. The first time basically humiliated the entire fucking event because it verified the thesis statement that existed well before Rokas planned for the USDC: "If you don't have a gun and running isn't an option, training in mixed martial arts will be the most advantageous thing you'll have." They already scrambled to find ways to deduct points from him in multiple events last time and he still won because he was competing against geriatrics, a schlubby daycare teacher, and Rokas Leo who has gone on record multiple times about how often he'd been shoved into lockers growing up.
Next season: Jon Jones joins the USDC (guess who wins :O)
don't sleep on jesse with this and he proved it, I'd say he's the dark horse because hes really big and showed he's down to party with that first game
Jesse also trains in MMA. He talks up doing only karate but that's because his internet persona is mostly a character, the man behind the nerd is in fact someone who puts a lot of work into being a proper all-rounder because he has to be able to help train his brother who's fought in several MMA promotions.
Also pretty much every time he sparred with anyone from either season, he quite frankly beat the fucking shit out of them. He just doesn't make a big deal out of it because that's not his "job" so to speak.
The street light he crashes against and the girl passed out in the backseat
I feel like these people hate each other irl.
All the padding + the implicit agreement that they're not trying to knock each other the fuck out for a YouTube video kind makes this useless as an actual display of martial ability.because everything devolves into half-assed grappling. Season 1 had the same issue.
lol what?

If they picked him as bait... is working bc I am actually intrigued.
How am I supposed to know which one is jewish?
The strategies they employed in the first challenge seem so poorly planned, I wouldn't be surprised if they were told what to do just to show why those choices wouldn't work. The fact that the professional fighter decided to square up against 5 armed attackers by himself and the bjj fighter specifically decided to run while wearing shitty footwear and Jesse going out of his way to use the sponsored Self Defense Pen, it all seems artificial.
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Ranton letting his half-German side show through when talking to Natan, what a gamer
A reality show contest might be fake???? But that only happens on tv!!!!
the self defense pen is a dumb way to try and skirt knife statutes because they're always worded in a way to generally outlaw the use of sharp objects not just knives explicitly as an example "a sharp implement with the intent to use as a weapon"
at that point just carry a fucking knife
New ep link
>Craig left at the first fight
>Left the retard friend alone so he wouldn't keep getting into trouble
Literally the smartest person in this challenge is the fucking average Australian man
>The same bogan who definitely got into barfights IRL immediately knew to demand a lawyer
>The fucking Jew also figured this out and then decided to wait for a bit and make noise to psyche out everyone else
If nothing else, this is a much funnier season.
(I know Ranton also called for a lawyer but he was tragically unfunny this episode so I don't care)
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Current score. The MMA champs are being punked by a Regular Guy. Jeff is probably rigged so he doesn't win twice in a row but Natan has no fucking excuse, he's IDF and UFC. All this proves to me is that Australians are the strongest life-forms.
he's a student of the guy running this whole thing, he's been through all these exercises before and knows the answers to the test and what he's looking for
it's total bullshit honestly

I find it entertaining, but it's silly the way these combatives people go through life paranoid and afraid of everything
"he lost points because he turned his back to a potential attacker at the bar"
if you're that afraid to be outside then you should never leave your house, seriously
Jeff had top tier fighting skills in the bar but made self defense mistakes.
The scoring was so stupid. Jeff beat the absolute piss out of everybody and basically came away unharmed, but he almost got last because of some arbitrary bullshit that ruled he used "excessive force" and nitpicky nonsense like turning his back to a guy for 0.2 seconds. BJJ guy did not but cling to the attackers and got his shit stomped but somehow scored better.
meh, i liked the first season because of the fact that all of the contenders knew each other and had done a lot of collaboration before, so there was great chemistry
not feeling it for this season
also he preemptively attacked people who were drugging peoples drinks
all that says is he had good instinct
every person he struck first was going to harm him, he didn't attack a single innocent bystander
>-999171983736891 points
>Ultimate Self-Defense Championship
>Jeff becomes the aggressor
>loses points
>chaners cry

>someone tries to poison you
>take point away for beating his and every other attackers ass
It’s very clear this is rigged to make sure Jeff doesn’t win again
>muh excessive force
Kill yourself
>someone tries to poison you
Not only did he not know, he did not punch the poisoner first - he just punched a guy who was disagreeing with him. He was just channeling his inner nigger.
>he just inched the guy who was predestined by the competition to start a fight with him
>this is bad because he read the scenario too early

What innocent bystander did Jeff chan hurt?
The dude arguing with him was innocent. All he did was get mad his booze was spilled like anyone would do. That is not behavior that warrants swinging your fists like a nigger. Natan, who is a neurotic Israeli who has been actually shot at before in a warzone, didn't even hit the point of niggardry to start winging first on either of them, he just knew to avoid them.
I wish that instead of mostly having people who all have trained MMA they would actually have specialists and some more common martial arts too. Have a pure boxer vs pure wrestler vs pure judoka vs MMA etc.
It would give this more of a fun ufc1 what is the best martial art vibe.
Also, this season seems like it will have the same problem where they aren't all in the same weight class, so the bigger guys have a massive advantage.
Also the Craig guy is obviously not just some random untrained dude.
I can't believe this FUCKER Rokas is releasing this weekly after delaying it for so fucking long.

Jeff Chan isn't even trying, so it's obviously going to be Natan who wins (unless the "totally average guy" who's done all these drills before wins on points). All there is to look forward to is Ranton getting his ass kicked.
he pressed him though which is all the legal justification you need to hit someone
"I felt I was in danger" you don't need to actually wait for someone to hit you
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>bjj guy
>decides to not use striking and grapple against two guys at once
>bjj guy
there's your answer
Why would an MMA fighter winning humiliate the entire event when the entire gimmick of Rokas, the guy running the show, and his channel is "I learnt Aikido and it doesn't work in combat, I'm learning MMA now". And pretty much all of the martial artists invited to Season 2 have also trained in MMA.
Because the guy who Rokas is contracting for the event, Jeff Phillips, genuinely hates MMA. There was a spat between him and Ramsey Dewey earlier this year over it and how they kept making shit up to deduct points from Jeff Chan last year and he still won by a large margin. Philips very pointedly hates MMA because if people just train MMA, people won't pay for his combatives courses.
Watching episode 1 now, Jeff and Jesse surprised me, took 4 guys down rather easily
Jeff is sabotaging himself come on
>the normal guy was the best one in the bar fight
Mental, no overthinking just normal stuff
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>what did you do?
>i attacked back... in self-defense
This. This whole thing is just a meme larp

In reality if two guys who weigh the same as you want to beat you up, you're fucked

When one ties up with you and you're trying to deal with him, the other one will be throwing full on haymakers to your eye sockets and chin. You better be 140kg+ of muscle and fat in order to attempt to bully yourself out of that situation

MMA and grappling nerds get very cocky because of these gentleman's agreements during sparring
Why did they do so much better in the shank tank this time? Are last years contestants just frauds?
Ranton's boxing is pretty okay for an inexperienced kung fu flippy boy who's never hit someone before.
They saw last year's shank tank and knew more of what to expect. That's about it.
>Jeff chan kicks somebody in the head that's running straight at him with his chin exposed
>Ranton gives a guy a sloppy hook
>"yeah, that's a knockout stop the fight"
Judging has got to be rigged right?
It was like 3 hooks one after the other to be fair.
Also, why didn't Jesse go for more disarms? I thought that was a big part of trad karate.
I was surprised by that, given he showed one off in the Hide & Go Stab event that he even made a Seagal joke about.
last year they used a marker
so effectively the attacker had a weightless knife that also had infinite and unknown length and mass that both exists when the attacker is stabbing them but does not exist when the defender tries to grab it
a marker isn't an analogue to a blade at all
16:00 lmao fucking combative larper learned whats up
See >>211297

They’re doing everything they can to keep Jeff from winning again because Jeff Philips is butthurt his commando larp scenarios are best handled by combat sport athletes
Ranton did a reaction of the first two eps with Rokas.
Only reason I'm posting it is because Craig "Regular Guy" Hunter was, as confirmed by Ranton and Rokas here, a fucking bare knuckle fighter in prison. They straight up lied, they found Kimbogan Slice!
>Ranton's boxing is pretty okay for an inexperienced kung fu flippy boy who's never hit someone before.
I heard that shaolin monks learn modern boxing during their first year. It gives them something effective to defend themselves with and relatively quick to learn compared to their kung fu stuff.
Fuck this show, I just want Based Craig to win
Good news for you then, they'll probably rig it in his favour cause he's a student of the self defense guy planning the challanges and he's literally done all these before.
>Natan hits a guy over the head with a broom
>He holds back so he doesn't kill the guy IRL
>attack is completely brushed off
>Ranton: That should've been a kill right?
>Rokas: well... I'd say yes
What a hack fraud
Angry Manlet "Icy" Mike "Hard2Hurt" "Pedo Puncher" Pesesko did his own little react vid on the Shank Tank. Had similar commentary as to these threads, up to and including not giving a fuck about Jordan.
his pulling guard take is retarded
it only makes sense in the context of the shank tank or if the attacker is extremely uncommitted
In real life, if you literally just laid down at the start of a fight like he did (wouldn't even call it pulling guard) you'd get stomped out Shogun Rua style, never mind the knife stuff. It's an extremely retarded thing to do.
The problem is that while they're wearing padded gear none of the people involved are going to play fair and accept that:
>yeah that kick would have knocked me out
>yeah I wouldn't be able to breathe/move my legs right now
there was that one video where the tactical fudd said if someone is coming at you with a knife and you don't have enough time to draw you should jump backwards to your back and then shoot
This. Midget Mike is either a retard or doing what he always does and taking the most contrarion take possible for engagement. Take your pick.
>”pedo puncher”
lol wut? Did icy Mike actually slap a diddler around like he did ninja rob? If so I’ll respect him a lot more.
Which is completely retarded and no one has ever actually successfully done in real life ever. This is the kind of shit made up by “what if” crap made up by LARPers.

Here’s what you can do if someone is coming at you with a knife and you don’t have time to draw, you can try to close distance and control the weapon or you can try to run. Both options are bad. Getting jumped by someone with a weapon already out and on you before you can get your own is most of the time going to be a losing scenario (which is why people do it in the first place). No meme shit like falling down and drawing your gun is going to save you, practical hand to hand skills or good sprinting skills MIGHT.
I'd sparta kick and then draw
Ninja Ron IS the pedo, anon.
Shout out to Rokas, my man got taken to snap city by some autist throwing kani basami during sparring

I do have some respect for guys like him and Chadi who were aikidokas, realised it doesn't work, uploaded their experiments with it and then switched to more practical grappling styles. Imagine the number of aikidoka who realise it doesn't work but aren't brave enough to admit it because their friends think they can handle themselves in a fight
Having 'some guy' as a control is honestly a pretty good idea lol

Like if you're a kung fu guy who scores worse than an untrained rando it must really suck
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>kimbogan slice
I've heard people say his karate style was originally some obscure knockdown style his dad taught him, but is now more like a mix of the better elements of other styles

I can respect that, he seems to like karate but understands the limitations of muh tradition
Rokas got his shit fucked up pretty badly so probably delayed it to recover
In 'Hide And Go Stab', was there a rule about needing to exit the building through a specific door? Because it seems way easier to slip out a different door or window and circle the building on the outside rather than outmaneuver 5 people in a hallway.
I'm a bit surprised that everyone's plan for round 3 of the Shank Tank was to throw the bag at the attacker.
It's who's line is it anyway where the rules are made up and the points don't matter
I don't know if it would work, but couldn't you wrap the bag around your hand for extra protection and attempt to grab the weapon without getting cut? I think that shows up in various swordfighting manuals.
You'd probably just lose your fingers
Now they're being bouncers.
>Jordan quits due to knee injury
I see the USDC tradition is not the poop bus or the shank tank, but instead crippling knee injuries. Ramsey Dewey took one during the zombie event.
for the record being a bouncer is no longer self defense, you're now in a profession where you have to sometimes fight people
so this is a retarded game to play in a self defense challenge
Ramsey's was even worse since it meant nothing for the competition and was completely unplanned
So is Ramsey Dewey's beef just with Jeff Phillips or the whole crew from the first edition?
This whole thing is so retarded. It would be far better to determine a sequence of challenges that are previously known by the people participating in it so they can actually plan to act, which you know, would be the ideal for anyone to do whenever they go to a new place. There should be more scenarios involving using the environment and items around you, and more elaborate non-combat scenarios too.
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>Jordan quits due to knee injury
Frankly I think this just made him hate the occident as a whole and prefer the glory of Communist China now.
Real answer: I think he just thinks Phillips is an arrogant retard. It should be noted he's barely done anything in a while besides a couple livestreams - which are stupidly long so I'm not going to flick through them to see if he's commented on the new season.
Once again, a completely retarded challenge. First of all, even the dinkiest places usually have more than two security guys (in the US there's even legal requirements).
The likelihood of a bunch of disconnected 1 vs 1's breaking out simultaneously like that is also pretty much 0. Big fights do happen but they're virtually always concentrated to one place with group vs group, at which point the procedure if you're working security is to just get everyone not involved out and call the cops.
I wouldn't have a problem with this show if it was presented as "martial arts entertainment", but the self defense angle really opens up a lot of room for criticism.
HEMAfag here, yes cloak and sword works and is historically documented
This is true. When I was a bouncer at a seriously shitty club, we had a crew of about 10 guys just for security

and the cops would send a couple units when club closed because there were always fights in the parking lots, usually with fists but sometimes guns
And yet Craig, despite not being a martial artist, has stayed in the top three for the entire competition. He even reached the number 1 spot for a short while.
Impact tools like the self-defense knife, knuckleduster, or a kubotan are designed to not penetrate. These strike tools are basically so you can strike/punch without injuring your hand (in real life you won't have enough time to put on gloves). Basically, they are less effective than a knife but legal in areas where a knife isn't.
Ranton outed that he's not really a "normal guy," and while not a practitioner of a typical martial art, was a bare knuckle fighter in prison for years a la Kimbo Slice. He has a longer fight record than half the fucking roster.
>Why did they do so much better in the shank tank this time?
They made it more fair, this time if you struck the attacker really hard before he hit a vital, then you could win the round. In the first season, the attacker would get kneed full force in the face and just act like nothing happened and keep going.
I wasn't talking about Ranton. I was talking about Craig Hunter. Who needs fancy techniques when you're the tallest, heaviest, and strongest guy in the room.
I'm also talking about Craig Hunter. Ranton in a reaction stream with Rokas outright said Craig Hunter turned out to have been Kimbogan Slice.
my contention is if you'd rather have a pen instead of an empty hand you suck at fighting, I'm not giving up my ability to grab for potshots
Some martial artists will disagree; they want to protect their metacarpals from breaking. Nice job moving the goalpost btw.
that's not a bag and they aren't directly grabbing the sword.
They're mostly using it either to tangle the weapon or obscure their vision
In Australia (where this was filmed), it is never legal to have anything on your person for the purpose of self defence. Any weapon you use has to provably be a weapon of opportunity. A flashlight for instance, would be justified at night time but not in the middle of the day. An umbrella would be justified as long as it was was raining. A pen isn’t a terrible idea, because carrying one is always justifiable. But you’d need to have a notebook, that you actually regularly used, to make this work. Fortunately, a notebook is actually useful (for jotting down appointments, grocery and to do lists), and if you actually get into the habit of regularly using a pen, you’ll have it with you.

Only problem with the atomic bear. It’s designed as a self defence weapon, and therefore the police here can and will make the claim that carrying a device to cause harm to a person shows premonition. At the very least I’d paint over or scrape off any brand naming, but even then, the design gives a little too much away. Best to just look for solid metal pens. You’ll waste money trying them against targets, and hurt your hand if the ergonomics are wrong, but once you find a design you like you can buy in bulk.

By the way, this obviously applies for umbrellas and torches too. That self defence umbrella looks amazing, and a big maglite would fuck someone up, but the cops will see through that. Even a walking stick that was too thick of made out of hardwood would get you interrogated. It’s a weird thing, but Australians who don’t want to be brutally murdered by our thriving population of future world leaders need to choose mundanity over quality in anything they defend themselves with. Before you ask, yes I do know this is crazy. But avoiding being killed needs to be balanced with avoiding being imprisoned, and it’s almost impossible here, what with the government frothing at the mouth to see you either in chains or buried.
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That's pretty common to see in various South American countries where knife dueling still happens regularly.
I doubt any of these people have long enough careers to become experts
Fucking hillarious that you thought the meme man who’s learnt some wushu forms and watched a few chop socky flicks was the bareknuckle fighter.
No English sadly
>They're mostly using it either to tangle the weapon or obscure their vision
It is also used as a means to parry the blade using your off hand without taki mg serious damage. Just because it is used in the ways you’ve described does not mean it is not used as a parrying device also.

As an aside, there are plenty of scenarios where you can grab your opponents blade with a gloved or even bare hand relatively safely to gain an advantage. Even when it can’t be done safely, you have to weigh your options. I know of at least one anecdote of a duel between a Frenchman and Englishman where the Englishman intentionally took a thrust into his arm in order to deliver a killing blow to the Frenchman.
I didn't, as I've clarified twice now, you illiterate ape.
They really called these wild dagger fights creole fencing. I can't believe it.
>6 Martial Artists Attacked on a Moving Bus
Ranton and Jeff are just giggling like kids while watching the other guys kek
God the banter in this one is unbelievable
>jeff calmly removing himself from the situation without incident is a lower score than the jew getting molested and beating the fuck out of the guy
>the random eye poke the bogan did counted as KO even though eye gouging is 100% fake movie bullshit biting tier technique that only serves to piss off the guy you're fighting even further

it's just all too arbitrary to be entertaining
Why did the gay guy spazz out at Ranton but let Craig and Jeff go with no problem? Seems inconsistent. The abusive couple was actually a good challenge for once. That shit happens all the time and it's interesting to see it in one of those meme self-defense challenges to see how people react.
Honestly, I believe they all failed the challenge with the abusive couple. Once you start white knighting her, she'll just scream and get other white knights to try and beat you up.
my thought as I was watching is I'd make a quick heel turn and become the villain in the story
if I stepped in and she hit me I'd smack the fuck out of her and tell her to sit down or I'll beat you worse than he does, then I'd take a few more pot shots at him and tell him to take his trash off the bus

I would absolutely not be taking this competition seriously
This guy would use the self-defense pen on the woman. Rather than getting the $2,000 prize for making the pen look good, the pen company sues you for ruining their already dumb image.
not that I ever found someone like manlet mike legitimate, but anybody in this industry who would be willing to receive sponsorship from mall ninja gear like that is permanently on my block list
1. He's proved to be a real fighter in his streetbeefs debut. 2. He hates tactical pens as much as you claim to, so by claiming you hate "mall ninja gear" you are actually agreeing with him.
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he's a featured spokesperson on the website

so maybe it's his personal belief they're stupid, but he sure has no problem selling it to his followers if there's a paycheck in it for him which makes him an even bigger piece of shit grifter
Icymikebros not like this......
OMG they took that picture from his react video of season 2's shank tank. This is hilarious!
Delete this
Don't care because if I were trying to make money off of Youtube I would take shitty sponsors too, scummy? Maybe, at least I'm not a hypocrite. Plus the manlet has a toon of good videos.
>the swede acts the most gay towards his rapist

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