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>/xs/ is slow as fuck, practically dead at times
>pic rel is the alternative
It takes longer than a week to get to know people.
Beginner autism in judo is worse than anything I've seen in bjj. Half of them are legit scraping up against nonverbal and self head bashing. It filters somewhat quickly, but not enough.
this is literally what every single person in the reddit thread is saying. I dont understand why OP felt the need to post this here.
I think his point is that he wants to talk more about /xs/ topic he wants to talk about but /xs/ is slow and reddit is awful so he has nowhere to go.

OP you should embrace that there's a limit on how much you can talk about something online. Fast moving threads and communities lead to too much talking for the sake of talking and obsessing over minor shit. That kind of constant empty stimulation is what got you sucked in to this site in the first place and it's how the really mentally ill people here got that way.

The enthusiasm is good though just hold on to it until next time you actually do the thing instead of spilling it everywhere.
i agree with you on your second half but I dont think that reddit thread is awful, the replies are the same as the ones you'd get here except nobody is calling him a faggot neet retard or whatever
in /esg/ every thread we get retards asking sperg ass questions about skating around other people or making friends or talking to people its the same shit as what OP posted.
IMO the core problem here is that people are always advising each other to get into a hobby to meet new people and socialize, if they're lonely. It's not exactly bad advice, but if you treat the hobby activity itself as instrumental you get this kind of faggotry and it's extremely annoying to the people who are really there for the activity instead of using it as an excuse. It's all strongly connected to the geeks/MOPs/psychos model.
this is also something I wanted to touch on but kept forgetting. everyones suggestion to meeting people/making friends in the modern age is to get into a hobby but then you just end up with a bunch of spergs joining hobbies without any real interest in them for the sole purpose of talking to people.
The what? Is this the graph with Terry A Davis in it?
Anon is talking about this old internet essay about subcultures: https://meaningness.com/geeks-mops-sociopaths
Is autism why the judofag is the way he is?
how have i never seen this? to think that this is pretty much common sense now is pretty interesting. this is why you gatekeep shit. though im glad judo has an extremely steep learning curve that filters out normalfags efficiently, sometimes too efficiently. for every 10 newbies, maybe 1 will stay lmao
Should I try Judo? I’m a fat retard
There’s lots of fat retards doing judo. There’s a whole fat retard division at every tournament.

I am not joking I am 100% serious about this.
I thought that’s sumo
Think again
isnt there a 4 panel ms paint comic that basically sums this up
Well, they do say that there's an XKCD for everything
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It's seven panels, but yes.
oh yeah i forgot this had an incel element to it. original article is better
They need to kill this place and bring back /asp/
Pre-wrasslefag /asp/ could never exist again. There’s no more kung fu fags convinced their sifu could totally fuck up jon jones challenging random anons to street fights. The people with that attitude have largely been absorbed into bjj who have their outlet through actually competing instead of saying dumb shit online then pussying out of fights.

Half the fun of /asp/ was dogpiling on tma fags who say stupid shit. Without them the board is boring.
Any hobby that is largely based on consumption rather than skill espression suffers from this mostly. See any trannies/woketards in combat sports? Exactly. I pity the video game and anime communities.
>I pity the video game and anime communities.
why? theyre a buncha fags
post body fatass
lmao faggot anime pedo wants me to post my body to jerk off to
if you weren't fat you wouldn't be too scared to show your body
we both know why you're deflecting
lmao all this because i called video games and anime gay
stop being so insecure faggot
Because I've slowly witnessed their subculture go from CoD lobbies calling each other niggers and fags to literal playable nigger bossgirl women in spec ops. I don't engage much with the community anymore but I do feel sad for them.
>Because I've slowly witnessed their subculture go from CoD lobbies calling each other niggers and fags to literal playable nigger bossgirl women in spec ops
oh so youre just a retarded racist sperg then... got it.
You can call me whatever you want. But the truth is there for you to see, just check any vidya or anime community outside of 4chinz. Weird hostility there, I just replied to your question with sincerity.
>the truth is there for you to see
nigga I dont see shit but your retarded posts
tried it, fell on some dudes arm and ribs are now bruised.

Will go back when I healed, but will probably do no sparring for some time
>an incel element to it
I'm married and my married friends as well as my wife agree on the importance of men having men's spaces and women having women's spaces. Some spaces can be coed but if all spaces are it hamstrings gender dynamics.
It's still baffling that you managed this. Are your ribs actually bruised or just the fat over your ribs? Fat tissue bruises pretty easily from what I've observed hitting lean people versus hitting fat people.
the comic in question is clearly about video games or some other nerd shit
sure, but fraternal orders and female book clubs aren't what that comic or the subculture article is about. they're talking about music scenes or in the case of that comic, magic the gathering. i can't imagine a reason why such spaces shouldn't be coed unless you hate women, as the artist appears to.
>It's still baffling that you managed this.
Not sure if you say this generally or if you read my post in the general (not sure if it‘s still there). Still I even managed to do this in ne waza and this never happened to me in bjj (did sparring 2 times there)
>sure it‘s bruised?
I went to the doc she said it is bruised, she did only some xrays. It is now a lot better but I still suffer occasionally. Also it‘s now 4weeks. Once I don‘t feel any pain anymore I will join judo and bjj again.
I also want to add I am a fat fuck. 108kg, so maybe it has something to do with weight, maybe my ribs are kinda weak.
what is there to talk about?
You have very little life experience then. All the examples listed in the article, and the card game in the comic, are naturally extremely male dominated hobbies. Most music is created by men. Maybe 1 in 10 bands will have a single female performer, and that's being generous. Most card and board game players are men. Maybe out of a friend group of 20-30 people there will be 1 or 2 girls. And they will most likely be the gf of someone there which means she's there for socialization and support rather than interest for the game. Those spaces should stay male dominated because it gives guys a chance to socialize without worrying about feelings or having the more spergy friends compete for sluts.
>See any trannies/woketards in combat sports?
All the time. There's a lot of trannies in BJJ and the like.
>Most music is created by men. Maybe 1 in 10 bands will have a single female performer, and that's being generous.
Even in the case of solo women performers and girl bands, most of their songs are written by men and just performed by the women. That's why feminist types like to make such a hysterical big deal about female singer/songwriters: it's rare as fuck.
yeah i shouldve rephrased it to account for relative prevalence. i do think bjj's lower barrier to entry is what encourages tourists and parasites alike to flock to it. compare this to boxing gyms (not boxing 'classes' offered by gyms) or grappling arts with much more athletic demand like judo or wrestling, who have relatively much much less of that crowd
not reading all that incel faggot shit. get a fucking life dipshit
>some other nerd shit
Many traditionally masculine hobbies are described this way.

>i can't imagine a reason why such spaces shouldn't be coed
If they're traditionally male dominated spaces then the feminization of those spaces changes the dynamic. All it takes is one woman and the group dynamic changes radically in social, work, and hobby settings. If you're used to your MtG club or whatever else being your fraternal order stand-in and you start to lose that it's understandable to want to resist the change.
t. so insecure in his fat-laden body that he's scared to show it
god damn shut the fuck up you fucking faggot retards
>video games and magic the gathering are for MEN!!!
faggot shit, kys
Very low-testosterone replies.
sorry I forgot to take my steroids this morning
>/xs/ is slow as fuck, practically dead at times
Thats because the people in /xs/ are sometimes out in their clubs practicing their sport. Unlike the lads at /pol/ that never go outside.
>the way he is?
You mean based? Yes.
Well if it were bjj she'd be completely ignored and tossed aside, likely end up quitting or being reprimanded by the instructor for lack of participation.
Or some equally stupid shit
Nah as much as i dislike bjj, you gotta hand it to them, they know how to market and retain the average joe and make them feel welcome.
You're onto something actually. Fat retards don't do judo, right? Well, if you do judo, you won't be a fat retard. You'll lose weight and learn a new skill. Fat retards don't lose weight and don't have any new skills.

It's 10x harder when you're a fat retard, but if you believe in yourself and the goals you mean to achieve then you'll further than you could by hating yourself.
>Fat retards don't do judo, right?
pretty sure japan sent a fat chick to worlds 2022
either japan or france
No it doesn't, you have autism
actually being really trusting is a sign you're on the ASD look it up.
If you trust someone after simply a week you're autistic. Just because you do martial arts with someone does not make them your friend.
>Fat retards don't do judo, right?
I do agree with your point but I'll take the opportunity to report that half the old men at my dojo joke about having "judo bellies."
See >>210739 and >>210742
this is probably the one board where the majority of the user base actually participates in the focused activity of the board
then you have anons that just tell on themselves like>>213327
lmao, so does everyone in the reddit OPs class have autism too then?
>this is probably the one board where the majority of the user base actually participates in the focused activity of the board
Yeah, shame it's slow as hell. /sp/ is just full of spectator retards
You could go to Sherdog I guess but the kind of Martial Arts discussion we have here died out on that forum years ago

It's the closes equivalent but not quite the same
Please no

/asp/ got colonised by wrasslin threads to an insane degree

We've got a good thing going here, problem is the whole of 4chins is moribund
The issue is people are used to speeds of fucking /v/ or the top boards so when they start to trickle down into the lower end their ADHD brains cant handle the fact a good portion of this website is actually a ghost town
I think the problem is that women are significantly better at preventing (undesirable) males from joining their hobby than vice versa. If you join a yoga studio full of conventionally attractive women they're all gonna passive aggressively give you a hard time until you leave unless you flamboyantly act like the gayest man to ever gay or are 11/10 ultrachad golden retriever himbo "haha I'm just here to try it out :)"
On the other hand, if a 4/10 girl joins any gaming community she instantly gets free beta simp orbiters
>On the other hand, if a 4/10 girl joins any gaming community she instantly gets free beta simp orbiters
thats because gaming "communities" are full of retarded beta virgin nerds. a yoga class is women looking to exercise
If a girl joins a majority male hobby group that isn't necessarily full of beta virgin nerds she will still get simps
name a couple of majority male hobby groups that aren't also desperate for women.
That's the problem, every male hobby group is thirsty for women. Even gay guys tolerate women going to their gay bars
The Judo Reddit is literally children. I've seen threads on there with people asking how to get good, and they're some actual 13 year old posting videos of shitty club comps with 3 months of training. At least here people at least try not to act underage.
This. Just go look at faster boards had see how mentally ill the regulars are.
Once again an online discussion has devolved into incel banter about women.

I came to /xs looking for some content but it's all just lame ass MMA with a splash of skateboard and combustion engines.

Men activities just kinda suck because the crowd of men that gathers suck in that they are low class, uneducated, and poor.

/xs in the past would have been kings and other such high class nobles discussing Falcon hunting or other such extreme hunting using their private militia to quarry unregistered animals with some significant personal danger involved.

Essentially it's just that modern men are all fake and gay.

They have no soul and cannot orchestrate anything because the population density has lead to an urban sprawl that confines humans into conditions closer to captive animals.

Anything dangerous is sterilized and shut down and there is no such thing as a real extreme sport anymore.

Allow me to summarize with the colloquial phrase of the current era:
>try to respond without sounding mad or poor

Modern men suck not just for women but we can't even stand each other.
you sound like a bitch dude

what's extreme about falconeering?
tell me
explain it?
most extremely sports are affordable
especially martial arts.
The only uber expensive extreme sport here is bohurt.
you're the only person here getting butthurt about anything.
>muh incels
do you know what website this is?
>most extremely sports are affordable
especially martial arts.

to add onto my point

there are literally bjj schools at every major shopping center.
My city has like 15 schools
all of them are almost a block apart
find one that doesnt make you pay a ton of money for gay gi
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the bjj reddit is incredible. it's 90% people talking about their social anxiety and asking people to break down the minor interactions that they have in class. there's hardly discussion about technique or training, or even quality shitposting. it's always about some autistic invalid shitting a brick about his first time going outside and a bunch of faggots making quips in the replies.
Yes you are the most intelligent supreme gentlemen lmao
I stumbled across this forum for extreme sports discussion on a different imageboard. It’s dead, but it looks to be because the board is not very well known and very new

Name a couple of majority female hobby groups that aren't also desperate for men.
name a couple of females
>there was no response to this

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