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Is kicking a viable option in a street fight?
rarely if you really really know what you're doing. So no. Why would you be street fighting anyway? Do martial farts faggots actually delude themselves into thinking this will happen to them, mano a mano with zero weapons involved?
>Why would you be street fighting anyway
idk, i just wanted to know about kicks
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boyfriends fighting over their homosexual relationship
High risk high reward

Google Charlie veitch front kick compilation for safe use examples

That kick only works one time and it looks like it only push the people to the ground. If you are gonna fight a crackhead the motherfucker might get up and eat your liver unless you finish him after pushing him with the kick IF they fall to the ground of course or you will be fucked.
Are we seriously at a level of 4chan contrarianism where retards actually believe kicking isn’t a valid form of striking?
>I grew up incredibly sheltered
Good for you
The front kick is the most powerful opening gambit in any fight, and is the only reliable way to defeat someone with a knife
Try a gun


Just shut up you have no idea what you're talking about

not of these guys have sparred
Yes and no.
Mastering kicks on stand up fighting requires much training and at least a bit of a gift. Without been master of kicks it's not wise to use them.

But if you are a master of kicks , then kicks are ultimate weapon against amateurs. They hit very hard , long range and people don't know how to defend themselves against kicks. It becomes low risk, high reward attack that immediately wins fight even against much larger and heavier opponents.
that's not even "4chan contraianism"
that's literally what a lot of people in general nowadays think.
The whole concept of kicking someone in the nuts has gone out the window
even people that train bjj or judo think kicking isnt a valid form of retaliation.
he kicks like duke nukem lmao
>even people that train bjj or judo think kicking isnt a valid form of retaliation.
I don’t know where you get that idea. I have a black belt in judo and have cross trained bjj, I don’t think I’ve met someone from either of those arts who think that “kicking isn’t viable”
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It depends on how you kick
>go into bjj gym
>"i previously did kickboxing"
>bjj professor "Here is why i wouldnt use kickboxing in a street fight"
>he glances at you while doing the demonstration
>"you should always rely on bjj and no strength and power"

jew jitsu tards are insane i swear
When cross trained bjj it was at an mma gym so their stance on kickboxing is probably different. That said I do agree the jiujitsu nerds are insane and the fact that their coaches want to be called “professor” is mega cringe
Thats not a street fight. That was staged.
Weird, can't relate. My jiujitsu gym (not an mma gym) has muay thai classes and my coach literally berates us to go lift weights. I quote, "if you can't lift your partner to open their closed guard... go deadlift more."
Man almost died, that's a committed actor
>Literally post video evidence of technique working
>Some dyel nerd no fights martial arts expert will tell you why it totally doesn't work bro

Every time
If you have the time to perform kick during a streetfight, you're better off using it to runaway. Unless you get 1 million dollars if you win the fight and opponent is unarmed, just bolt the fuck out.
In some situations it is even optimal. The streets aren't magic if it works in high-level combat sports obviously it is going to work on some random asshole.
>Thats not a street fight. That was staged.
Anon, there is a difference between mma and wwe.
Yes, you fucking idiot, obviously. I trained muay Thai for years and a good roundhouse is fucking devastating. As is a well placed front push kick.
Yeah i may have just walked into a bad bjj gym.
Only Muay cut kicks or the Chasse Bas from Savate if need be. No high kicks at all since it'll expose your crotch to attacks. A kick to the thighs (a good low kick will immobilize a noob) or a well-placed chasse bas to the kneecap will be good to use.
Westerners, Anglosphere especially, just don't kick. We've all grown up on MoQ boxing and generally treat kicks like a kung fu theatre sideshow. Kicks are definitely viable but most people suck at kicking in controlled environments, let alone a frantic street fight fueled by adrenaline and impulse.
Not me though
what kind of kicks? The other tard you are fagging slips and falls then kick his head when he is down.
Yes, but because you're realistically going to be in jeans and tipsy, you should stick to low kicks - probably calf kicks and be ready to sprawl a football tackle.
Ok, that was epic. But would've been embarrassing if he failed.
I want to learn capoeira
Obviously its situational (though the same can be said for literally any technique). obviously there is an increased risk of stumbling and falling though its way overstated

However if you are proficient enough at throwing kicks to throw them confidently and effectively in any rule set similar to MMA, you almost certainly use them in a "real fight" especially low kicks that carry basically no risk of falling as compared to any other technique.

People who say otherwise are often just contrarians or uncoordinated baby giraffe people who want to justify their lack of talent.
here's your (you) annoying faggot
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Here is a video of a head kick ending a street fight
Nice illustration. We have semi competent semi trained amateur, he holds hand sup and surely knows basics of boxing but he absolutely didn't see high kick coming and didn't defend. If you didn't sparred against kicker in gym (that covers 99.9% of the population) you would be as defenceless against high kick as this guy.
>uncoordinated baby giraffe people who want to justify their lack of talent.
That is offensive to giraffes.
As a kid I ended a fight with a small but plumb and aggressive kid charging at me with a teep to his solar plexus. The fight lasted one second.
So yes.

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