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Why is it when someone asks how to get out of x position like the back strangle the gays say you cant do shit and shouldnt take out the eyes of the one doing it exactly?
If he is going to strangle me might as well make him blind foreva
Because it doesnt work if you dont follow their rules lol
Because it doesn't work and there are better things you could do to prevent him from strangling you
He probably isn't trying to kill you, he's just beating you in a fight. If, however, you try to maim him, he probably will try to kill you, and since he's winning already he'll probably succeed.
I tried the bite thing with the arm jammed all the way trougj,
it works.
Put the brazilian dude with myke.
He tries to snap his neck.
Mike is going to bite hard.
>He probably isn't trying to kill you
If someone puts you in a chokehold in the context of a streetfight you probably should assume they are trying to kill you unless they are applying limited pressure.
chokes are pretty easy to not be choked by
if you know where the choke is then you know where the choke isnt
all you need to do is rotate your head slightly out of position
I tried to show my girlfriend some bjj shit and she just pinched HARD in my side

Not gonna lie, that shit fucking hurt enough to make me reconsider what I was doing

Bjj without strikes and dirty shit falls apart

>B-but he can do the same AND from a dominant position!!!

Then why teach all the other complicated shit that flies out the window. It's fantasy. The reality is just get mount into ground and pound
I want to ground&pound your gf if you catch my drift
this. Bjj works but like most martial arts it works on people that have no fighting experience and just see red or their only fighting experince is high school.
After a few fights as an adult if any most people start carrying a knife or a gun.
That's why hoodlums do that.

i remember i did bjj for 3 months and i would always get in trouble during that time for relying heavily on strength.
Stacking people in exhaustion and then mounting/armbaring them.

There is a lot of weird rules in bjj that go out the window the higher level you go and they try to twist it and say that you're doing it wrong even thought it obviously works.

>dont rely on strength and power
>dont like weights

and then you do exactly that and see an visible improvement in your jiu jitsu at all skill levels. There is a lot of ego involved for higher level belts/fighters to just feel superior because they wasted the equivalent of a 4 year degree in terms of cash to get a black belt only to be stomped by a blue belt with a 405 one rep max
>people in

people to*
There is a lot of ego in bjj. It can be seen in literally all of it's media.
I honestly wish there were wrestling gyms and not bjj gyms everywhere
bjj is such a mixed bag because you could literally be a child molestor or an ex con murderer and get your black belt and open a gym
BJJ artists will shit on other martial arts and then turn around and say they're a respectful humble martial artist and then the next day talk about how bjj is the ultimate martial art:
i literally saw a video on reddit of some prisoner taking a prison guard doing security checks alone into an arm bar
the prisoner proceeded to get dogpiled by 5 guards and basically lost whatever fight he thought was going on.
it, again, works on people who have no experience at all in fights or havent been trained but the instant you throw more than one opponent into the mix it becomes useless.

I dont know why BJJ fighters shit on stuff like wrestling and boxing so much if those are two of the oldest martial arts in existence that are still taught for very good reasons - they work.
Brazilian culture is the worst? Everything it touches is made worse by it?? Woah who ever saw this coming
if you tuck your chin in time they'll spend more time being confused as to why you arent passing out

New video about this topic in fact
Personally I'm loving this trend of white men completely dismantling this gay shit
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>gets pinched by a girl
>gives up
>There is a lot of ego in bjj.
>I honestly wish there were wrestling gyms and not bjj gyms everywhere
If wrestling was the more common art then we'd see all the bad actors in wrestling instead.
This. I think the issue is not the art of bjj itself but just its current status as THE martial art everyone wants to practice. I remember 20 years ago when all of these same kinds of faggots were doing kung fu and krotty. 10years later they were all doing RBSD commando larp like krab magoo. Now they’re doing bjj.
Don't quote me faggot, I was talking about eye pokes being useless
If you can just rotate your head out of a choke, your opponent sucks at choking
those are the ones who are trying to be nice during sparring. some will just crank the fuck out of your neck and jaw

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