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File: IMG_5659.jpg (25 KB, 600x600)
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Got this Element skateboard as it’s the same one I use in the THPS Remake and immediately bailed out and fell backwards but I ain’t giving up
>Practice makes perfect
How do I get better at balancing and learning to fall backwards
I probably would have died or got heavily injured if I didn’t wear that helmet or ended up becoming a bigger tard than I already am
I was laughing my ass off when I fell though
What’s your advice on a beginner skater like me
for falling in general the key things are to stay loose and to get low. and also like the best way to learn how to slam is to slam and realize it's not actually that bad.
a lot of it will just come from riding more and getting used to the feeling of being on a board which is why imo the best thing you can do is start riding everyday even if that's just cruising to the grocery store/to get coffee/riding with your dog etc. practicing manuals is also a good way to get comfortable with placing your weight over the board and you can do them pretty much anywhere even at home. i just do mannys while i watch tv
>a bigger tard than I already am
dw too much anon we're all retards and that like 90% of the fun of skating
Thanks! Got any vids on helping get my balance on a board?
that'll mostly come from riding more but this is another thing you can do at home
just take a deck/ no wheels or trucks instead of a snowboard
Skating is extreme?

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