It's the other way around. Ngannou dodged Jones and now Jones dodges Aspinall cause he knows he's too old to fight him.
>>215690>Ngannou dodged JonesWhen Ngannou was champion, there were tons of talks about a fight with Jones, but Jones adamantly refused the idea of him moving up to heavyweight. The moment Ngannou left the UFC, that's when Jones decided to move up.
>>215707Jones was supposed to fight Ngannou but Ngannou left the UFC a few days before the fight
>>215708They were never officially scheduled to fight. Jon Jones said he'd be willing to fight Ngannou as early as 2020, but didn't make the move up to heavyweight for 3 years.
>cuts to 205 every fight>takes 3 years to bulk up 5 pounds above previous out-of-camp weight>mfw hw is 206-265>fast forward to late 2022-early 2023>”Oh gee look at the timing haha Francis is gone guess I’ll lobby for a title shot against a pure striker”Jones is an absolute pussy who has made a career off cherry-picking fights (including his wife) and failing drug tests for PED’s.
He dodged DC tooWaited until retirement before moving up to heavyweight
>>219638>Jones is an absolute pussy who has made a career off cherry-picking fights (including his wife) and failing drug tests for PED’s.Sad but true, this is the guy that Dana idolizes.
>>219654you see how skinny and depleted DC is there? because his natural weight is HWhe knows he can't beat him without the weight cut
>>215690Jones refused to fight unless they pay him more because ngannou is "dangerous." And he wanted to be paid for "taking the risk."
>>219638>takes 3 years to bulk up 5 pounds above previous out-of-camp weightDon't forget that he wanted to say he wanted to "properly" bulk up and be huge for the weight class, but when he actually fought at HW he looked doughy as fuck as if he just didn't cut weight like he usually does.
>>215690He is. Nignogoo won't hesitate to swing like a gorilla through the eye poke hand and would just murder Jones. Nignogoo sucks, don't get me wrong, he's low IQ dindu with no technique, but he is just too powerful and he knows it now which is why he goes 100% from the moment the bell rings. No one can survive that onslaught. He got tricked by Stipe into fighting MMA. He doesn't do that anymore.
>>220316>Gorilla Expansion: Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers>Jones gets a new asshole
>>215690None of the Jones stans commented on the Aspinall dodging.