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File: boxe_ring_3d.jpg (16 KB, 300x247)
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I train boxing 6 days a week and 2 an a half hours each day minimum, is it enough for competing amateur?

When i rest on sunday, i feel like i could do much more but with the gym closed i don't have the same will to do exercise.
Are you fucking stupid lmao
I trained like twice a week max and had an amateur fight
People do 3/4 days a week and have fights

How long have you been training for
for like 6 months. I do a lot of cardio, bag work and wrestling training for clinching, i have a pro training me so i can't slack off
So why are you asking. You're basically training like a pro. Do you have the willpower and aggression to step in the ring? That's down to you
That’s way more time most people can invest in a sport… if your not totally untalented your good.
But how about asking your coach instead …?
I thought "amateur and pro" were STYLES of boxing ,tho? Amateur is the one with helmets, and more focused on points ,the one seen at the Olympics. and pro is the one based on KO
what's the correct terminology if YOU are an ameteur doing "pro style" fight?
No. Amateur is when you get carded by an official boxing governing body(of your country), have a medical and get your bouts registered officially. Amateur literally means "for the love of,(the sport)" you don't get paid, at most you get a medal/ trophy and wins on your card

Maybe your coach will find you a fight outside of those terms and conditions, can you still call it amateur boxing? Idk. More like heavy sparring or interclub. In order to truly say you do "amateur boxing" I think you need to get "carded". I think that's where the line is drawn. Otherwise if you simply "train". I would say it's a hobby. You're not an amateur boxer youre a hobbyist who trains and spars.

Pro boxing is when you get your pro boxing licence. This allows you to compete at a "higher" level although to my knowledge there's plenty of amateurs who would wipe the floor with "pros". As far as I know anyone can get their pro licence. This is where you start getting paid for wins and fighting in general. I don't fully know how this side of it works but I'd imagine it's similar to being carded. And yes this all costs money to do.

Olympic boxers (I just found this out btw since you asked) seem to have specific rules like the boxer can't be a pro with more than 15 fights, they don't make money off it, and it's mostly amsteurs using it as a stepping stone to turn pro or make a name for themselves

Headgear has different rules as well. For Olympics it's required. Here for amateurs it currently isn't since around 2018. For women it is still required. Pros don't wear headgear. In different countries it may still be required. The conditions vary depending on country to country. Weight classes also differ between amateurs and pros.

Neither are based only "on points" you can KO or TKO in both of them
Correction, apparently olympic boxers can make a shitload of money, government grants etc

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