Fandangle edition
Based beibel
>>220112I kneel.
Throwback: thought Brockman had one of the gnarliest styles. He'd throw switch tricks on some massive shit too, the ender in this part on Hollywood is low key crazy.
>>220112um sweaty hes been canceled by slap we dont talk about that MAGAt b*ibel
>>220112Ah yes, a very intelligent commentIt will all be forever convoluted to your minds until you accept the class society of the usa which is based on race.
>>220112Fucking based
>>220112lol Slap is pissing and shitting over this
>>220112>guy who has spent the entirety of his career pretending to be black: i've had it up to HERE with this DEI horseshit
>>220129This Anon having a nigga moment
>>220158"white racism" is redundant
I WILL learn back tails this year
it rains...
Skate shoes are so boring compared to whats available out thereI'm so glad I quit skating
>>220218WHAT ARE THOSE!?>I'm so glad I quit skatingIf you're the same guy that keeps posting this you're probably miserable. You would have moved on if you were normal, but instead you have a weird need to post your ugly ass shoes in a thread you don't belong in
>>220219>thread you don't belong inI could kickflip over your mom nigga
Jamie Goy lol
I bought a skateboard years ago and have never one used it.
What liscence plate for the new whip?
>>220258Personal taste, I like the ones I didn't cross out.The orange one looks nice too but the color pops a lot so it'd be very dependent on what your car looks like.
>>220219We have had a resident troll since /wwe/ moved to /asp/
>>220143kek, this.What does DEI mean?
>>220258first in forestry has a beautiful classic look to it, very 90s and calming
>>220263DEI stands for Diversity, Equality and Inclusion and falls under the 'S' in Blackrocks ESG policy inline with their Sustainable investing initiative. From their website:>What is sustainable investing?>Strategies with environmental, social and/or governance (ESG) objectives, themes, and related considerations as a principal means for selecting investments.What this means is that for a company to have investment from BlackRock they must align with their Sustainable investing strategies. This means every company reliant on investment funding from the largest investment firm in earth need to follow their guidelines and basically not hire white males. This has lead to an incompetency crisis.Now I hear yiu ask, how is that possible it makes no sense. Well you really need to understand how this company gained such a monopoly of global wealth and why they are using it to destroy western nations. The Federal Reserves practice of money printing and fractional reserve banking has allowed a gigantic amount of wealth to be created backed by nothing (well, the citizens productivity and their military might). During the covid pandemic the federal reserve in an unprecedented move collaborated with blackrock offloading US bonds and ETFs allowing them to essentially purchase these with newly minted US dollars (backed by you the tax payer), the obvious conflict of interest being BlackRock is a private investment firm. Now if you get into the genealogy of all this you'll find a surprising (((coincidence))) between all the players who ensured this corruption and robbery of the everyday citizen went ahead smoothly. And therein lies a greater rabbit hole which will have you pondering why these people hate us so much and what Jesus has to do with all this.
>>2202612010 called they want their gronks back
grindline are building a new skatepark in my city and some of the younger employees are literally spending their own money and weekend time to come and build stuff at the local diy (the place where i built that small steep concrete quarterpipe if anyone remembers). those guys are so fucking dedicated to skateboarding it's unreal. 100% skateboarders. will post pics after the weekend
>>220272I don't know still sounds like they could use a few dozen H1B replacements
how did michael burnett even get to become editor of thrasher? dude is such a nerd
>>220258Forgot to say it's a silver Honda pilot
I probably make more money than most pros just being on social security lmao at pros
>>220285Idk there's never been a backstory as far as I'm aware
>>220285nobody is really sure. he's awful. video goes hard
>>220326For gay zoomers maybe
>>220268>What is sustainable investingA pipe dream. Marketing/propaganda.All profit margins drop. Capitalism needs rhen to either destroy capital, kill humans, or both.
>>220272>the place where i built that small steep concrete quarterpipe if anyone remembersWhy would we forget, it was only a couple of weeks or maybe a month ago.
>>220326whats with zoomies and their gay melodic rock
>>220348whatever, boomer
>>220355Its not a pipedream but reality. Its not marketing and propaganda it is policy enforced by governments and companies worldwide to the detriment of their citizens. And it certainly is not capitalism to hand over an unprecedented level of wealth of a private equity firm, moch closer to communism with the exact same "expertise" excuse used to justify enriching the piggies.
How do you do higher hippie jumps? Even when I bend my knees, I barely get any height.
>>220359>And it certainly is not capitalism to hand over an unprecedented level of wealth of a private equity firm
>>220364he died for a hippie jump
>>220365>wealth to* a private equity firm
>>220259JANNYYYYY>>220368Phew, I am glad that you corrected the strongest flaw of that sentence.You do know hat Orwell fought in Spain on the side of the workers, right?
>>220369>on the side of priest killing commiesFTFY.
>>220364how high you can jump is literally determined by genetics so idk
Could a heelflip have saved him?
>>220356okay will keep you posted.
>>220364Train your tibialis anterior and get a jump rope. Will make you jump higher and improve pop
>>220378I would unironically wear a mouth guard if I were a skater. And gloves since FUCK getting your palms torn open on dirty concrete covered in feces and fentanyl.