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Last one hit it's page limit. Post dudes getting fuck against their will.
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So you went and married some cunt, huh?
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Let's start with a healthy dose of fanfic recs:

- https://archiveofourown.org/works/11980665/chapters/27099294 (Injustice. Superman with mental issues has Batman as prisoner)
- https://archiveofourown.org/works/38861331/chapters/97180515 (Arcane. Viktor gets raped by some faceless dude and has to recover)
- https://archiveofourown.org/works/47815807/chapters/120544000?view_adult=true (Clone Wars. Krell rapes Dogma like it's a normal tuesday)
- https://archiveofourown.org/works/36387058 (Resident Evil. Leon tries to escape Mr. X but we all know how that will end)
- https://archiveofourown.org/works/34252516 (Team Fortress2. A careless Spy sneaks on the opposite team base and gets captured)
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A unwashed asshole full of blood and shit
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sorry I dont have much hard-core, mostly non con
This is the best one.
Is this from a series?
I love the trope of a straight married man getting fucked!
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Previous thread: >>2999474
If you post viral horny-bait Twitter memes in a rape thread I will mail wasps to your house
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Rape music.
>Really fucking likes it
Don't post these nondescript-looking blobs. Post men getting raped or gtfo
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sauce please
Humanoids don't count?
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they look like anonymous guys and there's already a thread for that
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I wrote a Subway Surfers rape fic, if y'all are interested. Feedback is welcomed. However, it's underage, so be warned.

Person's Twitter account was deleted. I found it on Rule 34.xxx.
tfw I hoped it was marikin online but it was really just anon bases…
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Why is worstkoreashit so fucking ugly? Hot concept tho
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Here’s my artwork :')
Very nice anon. I like it.
Here's a rapefic in which Jonesy rapes Orochimaru, prison style. [spoiler]Also, I apologize for the brainwashed Jonesy rape picrel; there isn't much noncon Jonesy yaoi. I guess it counts, in a way.[/spoiler]
Reminder that JK Simmons played a gay neo-Nazi rapist on Oz.

Somehow I found rapefic for I Have No Mouth but I must scream. AM finds a whole nother way to hate the last human alive.
oops forgot to post the rapefic
silly me
It gets consensual in the second half though
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This is actually canon though, right?
That happened with the characters.
They got chased of twitter by moral puriteens for daring to be an amputee and now we will never see their horny (yet cute as fuck) comics about a big dude and his extremely kinky smaller adrogynous boy who loves roleplay
Can a kind anon repost those Fear and Hunger drawings from the last rape thread, please? I wasn't able to save them back then.
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Seconding this. I only have this one.
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Reiner getting raped just makes sense https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/97494366
based pathologic enjoyer
I can't unsee Keanu Reeves raping Reiner.
I need an artist who can draw me being raped... someone good at drawing realistic faces... my tlgram is sserbiol
rape is bad :(
so is jerking 2 porn, if hell is real we're all going anyway

just lrn 2 ai art, man
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i wish i could find a fujo girl to live out my mmf fantasies
What's stopping you? /soc/ and /trash/ are that way ---->
I miss this artist. The big guy and his tiny fem bf enby bf or whatever. Really wholeosme and cute but in a “my tiny boyfriend is fucked up kinky bastard” kinda way and it felt really relateable to me. But then twitter puritans happened
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God i love ppatta
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Should've called this the Russian Military/Vatnik thread kek
Rent free...
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What is the name of this?
Just wanted to contribute my atrocious art since I didn't see a /Co/ thread
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And of course I act retarded and forget to upload the image
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A fanfic I wrote about the victim getting raped while he's tortured: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51278311
Accompained by this wip I was going to post on it, but didn't finish because I got lazy.
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if someone can post SU incest fanart then this is good
This artist is God send. Love their rape Reiner fics.
link to fics?
I've seen these around so much, what are they actually from?
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prison rape
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Sorry I meant djs.
One is them: https://myreadingmanga.info/nakajikake-gaze-attack-on-titan-dj-jp/
holy shit iwish it was me
holy shit i wish iwas me
sauce plz
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Sana's so good, I'm poorfagging the latest vid and waiting for a link for now but I hope it sells like mad
mind control rape is really hot is there more?
Uh. I'd say it belongs on /d/ with shemale art because of his tits but we have tit lactation threads and hyper so who fucking knows.
Half of the threads have massive tits but the tourists pretend it’s normal and not strangegay.
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is this the fujo general now? how do i convince my bf do to gay things?
Nah those are here >>3027588
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Zak fucks around and finds out in the hood going in to buy weed on his own.
hahaha what is this shit
swing and a fat miss, mistress. you should stop spamming such ugly art
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Calm down anon, we're all friends here.
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Got 'em on fireden.
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Yikes, did your mom abandoned you?
mass bumper meltie
don't you have some mega milkers america hetalia pics to spam right now
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How dare Quee assume their pronouns
What happens to your father nightly.
What my dad does to >>3031235 nightly.
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Anyone have more art similar to this?
tumblr pooner art?
DIdn't tumblr ban porn?
Similar how..?
I believe anon wants us to give him more art of Midoriya raping Bakugo.
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Which one would you like to rape?
Don't know if this is the right place to ask, but have you guys heard of a doujinshi like this before:

Some probably mentally retarded guy abducts a girly boy who is a student because he praises him like a saint. He thinks he's a god or something.
The boy expects to be molested and gets pissed off when it turns out the man had no such intentions. He ends up egging him on until he finally cracks and rapes him.
It ends with the abductor saying that he didn't abduct a saint, but a demon.

Anyone read something like that before? Help me please, /Y/ou're my only hope!
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https://nhentai.net/g/321415/ this?
Yes! Thank you!
You made my day!
Is okay if it's fictional and not real. Or should I say fictio-anal!
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np, good taste
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a [g]old one
>finally a twink orc doujin
>guro shit
nta but that's ryona, blood and small lacerations =/= guro.
there are also TONS of orc on twink doujins, probably one of the most oversaturated kinks.
>orc on twink
I'm talking about orcs with a twink body type
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I love the dark elf smug face. He liked to fuck with orcs and kill them. In the end, the orcs ambushed him and raped him to death.
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NTA but that’s pretty common too.
Legend of the blue wolves. It has nothing to do with blue wolves btw
I want to get raped by both of them
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Too bad they only had one episode.
Sis got FAT titties.
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imai cosmo I would like to rape that ass
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wesker/sergei from the drawfag thread
Sauce for this? Yandex, TinEye and Saucenao all got nothing
I wish my dad did this to me lol
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Save these audios cos you probably won't find them anywhere.
>Boys' Night in: MSUB version - Speaker gets anally raped by listener:
>Boys' Night in: MDOM version - Speaker anally rapes listener:
>Exhaustion - Speaker beats, attempts to orally rape and then anally rapes listener:

art is from mayoryashy aka yashydraws, I think he's on pixiv
fucking amazing thank you
if you know of any other audios do post
Sure. I also have these:
Both of them are listener anally raped by speaker. If you go to gwasi.com and type m4m rape, it'll come up with a lot. Those were just the "rapiest" I've found using it
tysm, i appreciate it. god, these are so hot.
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Thanks for reminding that it existed, which made me look up what the artist published recently, which included a sequel.
I haven't felt a >giwtwm that strong in quite a long time.
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He was the strongest demon in his world, they betrayed him and stole his powers and raped him for days until he turned into a bitch in heat.
if you ever finish this, it’s going to be important
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Nah I'm not finishing it. I don't like how it turned out.
What happened to the old Rape Masterpost where it linked videos as well
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I sometimes take screenshots of mainstream movies/shows that can look kind of rapeish when taken out of context, like picrel (the scene is just a bunch of monster chasing a guy to kill/eat him).
Do you guys can think of any movies/shows with similar scenes to take more out of context screenshots?
omg good art I want that to happen to meee
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Don't know dude, this Animatrix shot comes to mind I guess.
Try the edit thread.
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What is this from?
This one is really good.

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most accurate. those men had virgin holes
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i jerked off to this one more than i like to admit
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canonical rape
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>rape victim pov
Implied at best. But hell, I take it.
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how is this noncon
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>Jon gets kidnapped by a psycho ultraman and trapped in a volcano with him for like a year or something
I doubt it was consensual
>Raging boner
>it's probably a fear boner
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I know what you're trying to say but its a dumb point to try and make
I like watching blowjob rapes. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JVZSY8xGM0w&pp=ygUcc2F1c2FnZSBwYXJ0eSBqdWljZWJveCBzY2VuZQ%3D%3D
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A sketch I'm not finishing but is clear enough to post.
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very nice
dunno what's going on in this but you have clear skill, good art
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reverse forced oral is the hottest
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Thanks! It means a lot!
It's supposed to be a gang rape scene, with the handcuffed characters on a table, but I abandoned it half sketch.
You should pick it back up. I like where it's going.
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oh wow double rape time? hot
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It's not explicit but is rape (or that's the intention I drew it with) so I'll post it.
I have to get on with my rape wips.
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based non-con drawfag
Ones I keep coming back to.

Same artist I believe (Harada)

Stuck-in-wall turns out the way you expect

Capture and psychological torture that keeps dropping the floor in depravity
Anything by cinnasty is great. All fairly quick reads with good writing


I particularly liked these;
Two inches
- https://archiveofourown.org/works/27453769
Take your fill
- https://archiveofourown.org/works/31841167
Sixth Suit
- https://archiveofourown.org/works/29869716

Same with dragongunmy. https://archiveofourown.org/users/dragongummy/pseuds/dragongummy
Still Here (this one wrecked me for days)
- https://archiveofourown.org/works/14765679
Withdrawal (this one near broke me)
- https://archiveofourown.org/works/16230920
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I like it when the victim is more like angry rather than crying or traumatized, and his pride is all hurt because another man was able to dominate him and he's still struggling like he's trying to win a fight.
Bonus points-
Hes not aroused at all - just flat out disgusted about coming into contact with someone else's dick.
Getting livid about being called "pretty" or "girly" and getting fondled like a bitch.
Not easy to rape - manages to actually get a couple of hits in and his rapist ends up having to dick him down with a black eye.
Victim gets ryona'd.
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this but w/o cringey cartoon shite or ugly older men
Any originals or stuff that doesn't need extensive knowledge of fandom to enjoy (say, AU)?
i tried writing a story a while ago, it's not based on anything and is just a standalone if you want to try reading that
Doesn't open for me for some reason
https://paste dot ee/p/rHr41
maybe this works? pastebin doesn’t like erotica
kys cartoonfag
your kind ruined this board, you should fuck off to /aco/, because you cringe Western shit is offtopic here
I need more of this so bad
I would also like to know if there is more of this >>3012751
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the rest is paywalled unfortunately
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Do you guys have the uncesored verison?
Are you retarded on purpose?
What crawled up your pussy, cunt?
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I didn't even know where that character came from.
Gangsta has doujins?
I hope the next thread has more eastern fanart...
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>says while not posting any eastern fanart
damn. wish I wasn't broke
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just make a rape thread for eastern only fanart dumbass
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