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is that all, nothing more? damn, what a sad life.

i need to step up my own drawing game.
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I love how it's borderline canon Griffith fucked up everything for everyone because he was gay for Guts
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This is so good hehe.
Guts's crippling autism and social retardation damned mankind.
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Yeah, IIRC Griffith was staring at Guts when he was raping casca during the eclipse

I think grifith still would have fucked things up, but in a different way if guts had stayed with him
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He tops
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Thanks for the hot thread, guyz
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Griffith topping Guts
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Anyone have Griffith x ugly bastard rape?
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so happy i found this thread bc i have a huge collection of griff hentai i’ve been wanting to share lmao
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personal favorite
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i have more but the rest are mmf with casca so idk if they’re allowed here or not
they are not but thanks for sharing
God bless.
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This is the best __ difference contrast by far. Nothing beats femboy/twink on ugly bastard.
good one
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I started reading berserk because of this thread
I like griffith
Based, enjoy.
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Thanks I did enjoy it. And now I’ve returned to make contributions
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where that griffith post-torture porn at
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bite it off guts!
He’s so externally perfect and internally repulsive.
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For money
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Griffith is simultaneously driven to homicidal rage and an unquenchable lust that Guts had a penis twice as long and thick as he does.
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>16.7 cm
I knew Guts was packing, but holy shit
Too small
Need more of this schizo twink!
Pretty sure that's the whole point of Griffith, anon
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I need a full doujin of this premise
wish that were me
Its just so much better without Casca. My least favorite character of the whole series. Just this annoying thirsty bitch who came between these two and caused literally everything that went wrong. Her bullshit confused Guts and led him to go off and leave Griffith, breaking his heart and driving him insane with heartache. Driving him to seek comfort with Charlotte only to discover it did nothing to take Guts off his mind and ended up brutally tortured to the point of death. Even after being rescued Guts couldn't have a moments peace with him without Casca dick riding as usual. I'm glad the bitch got what she got during the eclipse. I only wish she'd been eaten or just ripped apart afterwards and her corny cringe girlboss ass was gone from the series. The whole things now basically everyone playing nurse maid this little mental case who went retard mode because she got some dick forced in her. Oh boo fucking hoo like you're the only bitch in this series who had a bad time. Give me a break. You got people in this series impaling and roasting little kids and wiping out whole villages but you getting a little rough sex is the end of the world. WAHHHH Cry me a river you ugly brown whore. How quickly and easily that bad bitch persona went out the window huh?
I don't hate women but she's a fucking bitch. Lost interest in him the second she found out he was ugly lmao what a whore.
Oh yeah. When Griff needed Guts the most the bitch couldn't stop worming her way between them for just five minutes. I still remember her little rant about how Guts took all of Griffith's attention away from her. Typical woman, someone took the attention off of you and its the end of the world. Christ. You just tell somebody forced Miura to put her in the series because its gayness was a bit much for late 80s 1990s Japanese tastes. Look how he wrote her. He clearly hated the character. Everything she says is just pure cringe. She's even worse than that simpering Princess Charlotte.
shame since her design is cute, should’ve been a bloke
Griffith needs more torture porn
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Need more Griffith getting face fucked by fat sweaty Gennon.
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Literally everything would've been ok if Guts just Dicked Down Griffith.
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Griffith no harem no jutsu
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Mirin that huge pepperoni
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can anyone recommend a good griffith x guts doujin??
Griffith would've killed Guts over the shame of being emasculated that hard desu
XENOMORPHS ??? damn this nigga freaky
Right before and during the eclipse Griffith seems both deeply jealous of Guts but also infatuated with the aspects of Guts that make him feel jealousy. It's like a turbo case of penis envy. I still think he'd enjoy getting his shit pushed in though.
The jap ones are all mpreg. Stay away.
Why does Guts talk like a discord mod.
Fucking yikes.
Also, terrible art
Why did this thread go from page 10 to page 7? Did a whole bunch of threads get deleted?
need more where griffith doms the shit out of guts, like cmon he seems the controling type (also love me some good muscle bitch)
I don't see any deleted therads
Sauce? Google lens is useless.
lol the face in panel 3 killed it

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