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1) Be nice to drawfags, they're drawing for you for free after all. If you're looking to add criticism, please do so in a respectful manner.
2) Specifics details & reference pics IN ONE POST are MANDATORY. Be Mindful before hitting post. Combine them in MSPaint & compress with TinyJPG. No excuses.
3) Don't expect your request to be done straight away or at all, not every request is going to get done. If you're repeating a request in a new thread, try including more refs.
4) Stick to fictional characters. Characters from live action film/television are fine, just not the actor themselves. ie MCU Captain America requests are fine, but not Chris Evans.
5) DON'T BE GREEDY- no begging, repeating filled requests, It's ungrateful to the drawfags filling for you for free.
6) Usual board/global rules apply - no yiff, cuntboy or other hardcore /d/, make sure they're legal, etc. Use catbox if you're worried a request/fill is too extreme.
7) NO THREAD DERAILMENT, Don't bother arguing, report filter or hide them. if (you) want to contact the jannys:
8) When the thread reaches bump limit, please wait until the current thread reaches page8 of the catalog before making a new one.
>Collection of Deliveries:
*use your extra time to archive deliveries in the booru or r34
>Drawing books, tutorials, practice websites & drawing programs:
>Drawing books, tutorials, practice websites & drawing programs:
>Drawing tips >>>/ic/1579290
Previous thread: >>3018054
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Anchor for requests
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Anchor post for fills
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Requesting for someone to draw out a scene from this fanfic
where Jesse Cossay, the shorter Native American boy, Is topping Simon Leurant, the taller blond boy, on a bed as seen in the refrences at the bottom
It's optional, but I would also appreciate it if you make them look 4 years older like in the fanfic
>still didn’t include the new anchors.
Requesting Shin Tsumiki as an amputee getting raped by a laughing Sou Hiyori
Rq this guy's tits being played off by anon.
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Requesting Griss (left) getting fucked exactly like in the pic on the right. Same facial expression as on the right, but maybe just change his eyes to look a little more unhinged like in his character pic. Also, keep Griss' cape, tattoos and piercings
why there's 2 drawthreads?
Because mods won’t perma ban a retard
twice the opportunity to be ignored by drawfags
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Requesting Laios from Dungeon Meshi getting manhandled by an Orc.
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I'd like to request a POV where Ranzal from Dragalia Lost is in his werewolf costume and is spreading the viewers legs while looking at or has his face pressed up to the viewer's bulge/dick like in the references.
The schizo sometimes makes threads too early (like this one) for petty personal reasons like trying to continue drama from a past thread.
When that happens, we usually just make a saner thread to leave hers to rot.
Even then, she still tries to bump hers to keep them from being pushed from the catalogue.
This was her most infamous attempt if you're curious to how autistic she can get.
She is a crazy tranny after all. I like reminding her she’ll never be a real man lol she goes nuts.
wtf I hate fujo dykes now
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Here you go.
(too lazy to do shadows)
Requesting adult Tai Kamiya from Digimon naked lying on a bed masturbating with his eyes closed and him breathing heavily with with erect cock leaking pre-cum.
It's a dude, please don't further validate him by humoring the stupid pronouns thing. I tend to find it's the perfect retaliation whenever one of them is off the walls crazy.
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i hope you like
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>>3018192 claude tentacle request from previous thread
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oops idk why it looks like that
What's next for you to draw?
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(Humbly) requesting Magnus Hammersmith sucking dick
Requesting DJ Subatomic Supernova from No Straight Roads masturbating in this pose. (Can be clothed with his pants unzipped but you can draw a naked version if you're generous, I guess.)
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I don't think this thread it's the right one but anyway, here it go
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I'd like to get a picture of the dude with the little dick and a football jock making out and frotting, please and thank you.
>Posted req
>"Wait, why are there two threads?"
>Realized this thread is the wrong one

Also, thanks anon. Appreciate it. I'm gonna slide off to the right one now.
Sauce on those Reigen pics?
Why not
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I have an odd one.

Requesting Caleb Michaels from the audio drama "The Bright Sessions".

He has no canon appearance, but I like this fanart rendition of him. Requesting him nude, except for his football letterman jacket, with larger pecs, abs and jerking off or even just being all smiley like he is here showing off his package. Extra points for his legs and feet in the picture.
Stop trying to make your thread a thing, fujo
It's not going to happen
Be nice to the drawfags
Why not? It's the only one not being hit with spam
You're the one spamming it, Karen.
Not the schizo you're arguing with, but you and your buddies feeling the troll is derailing the thread just as much as the schizo herself is
Not even posting in either thread right now except the one post and this one, you know what you're doing. Nobody will use this thread you troll.
Requesting Cahara from fear and hunger on right getting fucked by prison guard
Lol, still the same pics she uses to melt about traps and real life references, crazy.
requesting uzu sanageyama and houka inumuta from kill la kill

as for the pose i’d love to see houka eating uzu’s ass or using a vibrator on him to overstimulate him, either is totally fine. i’d also like it if uzu looked really embarrassed/annoyed. kinda tsundere thing going on but not rape. that’s all thank you
Wrong thread.
where’s the other one? i tried looking for it but all i could find was this
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Requesting this chubby gang boss from Dororo 2019 wearing only his fundoshi with a visible bulging erection underneath with a devious smile.
what if...nvm
This is the shitposter's thread, go here for the real one
Think I’ll draw.
No real life photos, tourist straggot.
Ignore this post >>3028446
It was made by a salty tourist who can't follow basic fucking rules
Ignore this post >>3029034
It was made by a salty tourist while she is derailing multiple threads on the board.
Not your bogeyman, stop spamming your shitty early fake drawthreads you retarded foid.
Merry Christmas
what did you draw us for christmas
Happy New Year to you too
Sad loser spamming multiple threads on Christmas/New years lmao.
see >>3020994
she’s never not going to shit up this board with her petty TiF self hatred
If you make more DJ-SS hot say gex I will virtually suck your dick
I don’t like women.
Requesting Edge getting railed by this black teen I made.
Check out the Trailer Park Boys cartoon season 2 ep 5 to see him get screwed.
me too, that's why I'm gay
you're a lesbian
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me witnessing 4chan bein 4chan aside i would like to request fusionfall!dexter gettin fucked by tentacles please
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Requesting my onocentaur working out, his muscular body glistening with sweat, and emitting an aura of heat or energy.
bruh that is futa
Nigga what? That's his asshole, it's very well used, and he don't got tits. If you are referring to the cocks on the side, he's a horseman so his cock retracts into the sheath when he's not erect.
Any chance I could post like an original sketch of mine here to even see if my art is jack off worthy?
Just post it.
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Love this type of pairing!
good stuff, the only thing that needs work are the faces and head anatomy but it's fully jackable
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Requesting the dad from The Boy and the Heron standing, naked with an uncut erect cock.
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Something involving tentacles(the ones in the top left spray) with this version of soldier 76. It doesn't have to be a 1-to-1 recreation of the smut smith reference image but something in that spirit. Ideally keeping him partially dressed but I won't mind if he's completely nude.
Looks like this thread won after all :)
Question: Can I fill the requests with AI???
AI is perfectly welcome here.
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more rule 63 of raven
especially of him showing off his ass
Why do you keep bumping the thread? Retarded ass fujoshit. Nobody wants to use this shit.
Go to the real thread. Search the catalog.
Requesting Will from One Wheat Mark with his limbs amputated being kept as a pet
requesting yushiro from demon slayer losing his personality and memories transforming into muzan
So true
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Requesting a sketch of a bust shot of Kyros from one piece surrounded by cocks as they cum on his face while he looks annoyed
Why 2 drawthreads
>bumps the dead one made by a friendless pedophile
Would you people keeping this thread alive?
Sorry, I fucked up. I mean "Stop keeping this thread alive".
take your meds and stop being an aggro bitch then maybe people would listen to you
why there's 2 drawthreads?
i lol every time
contentless bumps are against the rules roastoid
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Requesting this guy naked.
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Had to rush because it's getting superlate here, but I hope you still like it

damn your anatomy is good bro, how'd you learn it ???
I forgot the anchor, srry, I'm brainfried rn
Cute retarded fujo
Not drawing your request unless you post in the correct thread though
>this cunt really bumped her shitpost thread to fill her own req
Happy Pride Month
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Please draw Tomars little character being objectified, used, slutty, however you want, and enjoying it despite not wanting to. Thank you in advance and please feel free to take whatever liberties you want <3
yes >>3051911
>off-topic and tranny spam happens
>this thread gets bumped
Yeah it's lookin' like summer
You people can just reach out the bump limit or use the sage option to avoid the thread getting bumped.
Retarded newfaggot, just for you.
>complaining about the troll thread getting bumped
>get told that you can avoid your own post bumping it by using the sage option
>bumps the thread they supposedly hate just to spite someone trying to help
The math aint mathing
Do you actually despise this thread or not
Most likely the troll trying to bait me to keep bumping the thread. Anyways, even if that was the case, my comments still wouldn’t bring the thread back to page 1.
not really
you're absolutely fucking retarded, this post >>3053546 didn't bump the thread YOURS did
neck yourself retarded tourist
You're replying to the spammer who made this thread btw
/y/ has 2 drawthreads and both of them are dead.
let it die
that's true, let's use this one that has been like almost a year old thread. :D
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Imagine if he farted erm.

A green plume if you will.
damn this looks sick u draw so good
At least the Patrick Fillion fag doesn't spam here
u mad asf
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idk what is going on in the other thread so
requesting young cricket from warioware being forced to wear embarrassing and revealing outfits like pic related, please
Still hoping that someone will pick this up.
Nobody's drawing shit for you when you bump the troll thread.
Not a troll thread.
This thread needs Patrick Fillion.
True that
Stop keeping this fucking thread alive! No one else will ever use it.
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This thread is lame
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BBC rules!
>Verification not required.
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But BWC is better!
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Fuck Disney and Nickelodeon
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No mamé
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Me rn
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Masterbation instead of arguing
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