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bump, i need moar
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bf material
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Based hemipenis.
any more ?
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>one penis rubs against your balls while the other rubs your prostate
I see why you guys like these things.
His tail can be used to stroke you off as well.
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Holy moly
he’s perfect
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>only one penis
But can you FUCK a male lamia?
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They would have anuses in their cloaca, presumably.
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very very very good thread
so hard to find this kind of content for males
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Nu Carnival?
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Holy shit I drew this years ago what the fuck, it's wild seeing people post my old art
You should make more lamia.
Good stuff, anon.
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How would you use a hemipenis on another man
frotjob, double pen, etc
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They would make fun of you for not being able to deepthroat two at once.
>always two dicks
>never a human topping and fucking their slit
I have that but I dunno if mods can discern between futa and male cloaca.
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not enough penis!!!
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Why is it bony
Why are your tits bony
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are you taking comms...
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