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Cody is cute
I’d say Caleb and the orc boy are my favorites, but Cody is up there
amber, ruby is a close second
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also ash, i like to think hes either secretly gay or bi in some way
I like dross's stuff, but isnt this basically flat chicks with dicks?
Unrelated question, but is Cody Hispanic or just tan?
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that would be futa, which he rarely makes. dross 99% of the time makes biologically normal males sexing with each other
no wonder this board is so slow all it is is bara shit, even though the board is called yaoi
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Most of these men hate it because they cant relate to it, they are either fat or too masculine. But they are bottoms and want to see big fat muscular bottom threads to feel wanted. They see this stuff and they feel unwanted.
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they hate seeing the ideal male body bc they know they cant have it
Anon, becoming a femboy seems easier than becoming a bara
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What was I even talking about, I should go to sleep
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you aint me nigga
literally just get fat and dont shave or take care of your skin and youre a bear. being lazy is easier
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Wait, doesn't Bara mean like buff?
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retarded mental gymnastics for the sake of being angry about something. you enter a thread titled "dross" and find that dross is being posted, and now youre mad. why not go elsewhere? you do know you can hide threads, right?
Is this the girl with the character who's always getting fucked by jocks?
This person cannot draw expressive faces to save their life, and it is painful to see it never improve.
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improve how, samefag?
I was asking a legitimate question though.
Where's the black haired femboy with the pink headband?
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>using the board rules anchorpost image as your insult
retarded mental gymnastics for the sake of being pissy at something. you entered a male focus board and pollute it with your tranny shit and now you're mad that gay men and fujos are calling you out. why not go to >>>/d/ where this belongs? you do know >>>/d/ was made at the same time as /y/ for that exact fucking reason, right?
>he isn't attracted to little girls with dicks, he MUST be a nazi/a woman/irrelevant
And you wonder why your tranny threads get derailed with superior images of actual men with realistic male bodies
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Just stay banned, you will never be one of us western art femoid.
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Don't give trolls attention, she only spams because it generates (You)s and the board is pretty dead lately. Just ignore it desu, this is babby's first shitpost compared to the stuff on other boards.
I wish the mods were more active to deal with it. I’ve never seen an admitted raid go on so long.
This is hetero pegging what is wrong with you
does she know that any of us could just as easily go to the hypermasc threads to post femboys or is she just ignoring that so she can keep pretending that she’s not the only one participating in raids and being an intolerant nuisance

i don’t get her logic
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Less replying to shitposts and more femboy yaoi.
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She knows we ain't gonna stop to that level, we keep relevant topics to their own generals. If I wanted to look at bara right now I'd just jerk off in a mirror. Trapkaren is a bogeyman made up to keep fake arguments going on this self-made wasteland. If you told me both sides of the forced & fabricated divide were the same person would it surprise me? Not at all.
Ork twink is sex.
I'm a gay man who loves twinks/femboys, but I find it hard to jerk off to Dross. Same faces, same body types, no weird/interesting imperfections, it's way too clean and artificial. However I did masturbate to his latest comic about two skateboard guys, since at least there was a nice story to follow and I loved the dynamics between characters.

Also thank you for reclaiming /y/ from retarded fujos. I don't want 95% of the board's content to be bara.
I'm not fond of the sameface either but the bodies when drawn like >>3026918 are pretty hot.
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Many Twitter femboy artists suffer from sameface, sadly. And Dross kinda gives off "Shad lite" vibes to me, but their bodies and character designs are decent enough to let it slide.
Wow a thread of actual cute effeminate young men? What is this??? Real yaoi??? Quick someone get the mods, and someone else spam hundreds of images of overly muscular balding men.

Kek at all the old fags that act like they wouldn’t jump at the chance to fuck a pristine pretty boy irl. Porn like this just reminds them that they’re fat slobs.
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She’s not an oldfag, she started trolling here in 2021.
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This is good
Trying to find more porn of cute boys like these topping men and it sucks
the nipple chains do me in
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linky twinky
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Why are you trolling? Get a life.
Just do what she does back
>be me, well-adjusted adult female with no father issues whatsoever
>wake up in the morning, say good morning to dakimakura
>I'm such a based uke UwU senpai-sama OwO
>six unread messages from mother, don't read because I hate women
>rev up the PC and go to /y/
>five new threads, eating good today
>mass reply "/d/" in each
>post Patrick Fillion's art (my favorite yaoi artist, very realistic proportions!)
>lunch time! three bottles of gatorade and a bag of doritos, splendid!
>gooning sesh with my 8.5 inch bad dragon spiked horse dildo
>go to /y/, reply "/d/" in ten more threads
>ah, another productive day!
>goon for a few more hours, hug dakimakura, cry myself to sleep
I dunno if that's them. That poster usually at least stays mostly on topic, this one just spams random stuf because there's no moderation and she can get away with it.f.
based thread, bump
I'll see if i have something saved on my pc to add when I get home.
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Spam/trolling homophobic roastie.
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someone in another thread says its a mod that does it, i wouldn't be surprised
It’s not, she’s a salty axewound from fujochan that blogs about her hate of men there.
This character is canonically a cuntboy...
He's a robot. You can install any genitals onto him.
It started off female, it's a tranny. Shit belongs on >>>/d/ with the other cuntboy/herm garbage.
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Homophobia is when gay men don't want to fap to women with dicks? Ok, Flawless logic, Karen
How much copium did you swallow before you made this, lil straggot bitch?
Looks more male than whatever is going on itt
>Real yaoi???
Where? I don't see any itt except for these based posts
Everything else is a straight man's fetish
Nice deranged meltie, pooner troon. Go back to twitter and learn to sage.
i don’t like traps but your roastie bitcbing is so annoying that if you keep spamming ill just post traps in every thread to spite you for falseflagging as a real man
keep it up skank
>cuntboys are okay if they look male!!1
Pooner zippertits freak confirmed. Back to >>>/d/, festering slimy yeasty hole.
Dross enjoyer here. What do you think about Andava? I'm super into Nick/Alexis pairing, still patiently waiting for part 4 of the comic.
he’s cute, ignore the offtopic trolling spammer she’s on her period
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I like his FF stuff.
(As a fujo who came into the thread originally to rag on Dross for the sameface and boring shininess you touched on, I'm pretty sure the fujos usually aren't the ones who are posting just baras, we're usually posting lanky twinks over bara or Dross type femboys.)
>lanky twinks
All I ever see posted on /y/, except lately, are either bara (based), tumblr art (cringe), or ugly muscle dudes with baby faces and fat gyno boobs that make me want to vomit (self proclaimed fujos post these). I don't want to derail any threads because that's catty shit so this is the only post I'll make here.
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The best Dross has done but no sequel yet.
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Here's a link
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Thank you
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What's with this off-topic spam?
Ban evading roastie having a meltdown in multiple threads again.
Imagine spending your Christmas weekend being a sad loser like that. Jfc.
Pf. If only; she’s been doing this for years now.
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This body type is cute, not too girly, just a twink with some reasonable thighs. Dick’s too oversized though.
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Too big and pencilly yeah, oversized dicks plague most porn nowadays.
nice :)
I wish dross drew his femboys fucking big dudes, there's never any small top yaoi...
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Has he done more genshin stuff?
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Fuck yeah.
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>ash sends you this
what do?
Ask why I’m not invited over to frot that conk..
tribute and send it back
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Twink orcs raped by masc elves as nature should be.
bump to piss off the bishitnen fujo
got more?
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Any dark elves?
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I want to destroy his bussy.
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Nice view.
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Hot. Who by?
Tekuho iirc
this image ruined me
Is Andava and Lilandy the same artist?
I like this art style for him
made me want to be a bottom lol
nothing wrong with that
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Are you sure it's a roastie? There are multiple baraposters who have an aneurysm whenever there is a femboy thread. Or at least there were. I haven't been here in quite a long while.
nta but it's a spergy girl from lolcow that hates bara and spams really ugly korean bishonen, not a baraposter
Less arguing more femboy dick
Same here, I don't know what other fujos are smoking but that shit isn't attractive.
I miss when this board wasn't raided by tourists and bad faith actors.
didn't he originate as a ghost? they're literally sexless beings, how does that make him ftm in any shape or form. also doesn't matter if art depicts him with a dick anyways.
Why are you replying to a post from last year?
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nother elf
the world needs more cute bottoms
ur not wrong
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Well? How do you like bottoming?
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id be gay 100% if humans werent disgusting filthy creatures
Once you start dating someone and liking them enough it's not gross, just sayin.
just fuck clean twinks and use a condom
its cool
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Does anyone have torrent of work or archive
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need more brunette boys
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its all genetics
This. A 5'2 low T twink will have a harder time being a bear and a 6'2 hairy guy with wide shoulders will have a harder time being a femme twink.
this is the cutest character he's done and it doesn't have the usual long pencil dick
I want to fuck Dross’ boys so bad. Sex with a cute trap would feel amazing
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>They see this stuff and they feel unwanted.
>they hate seeing the ideal male body bc they know they cant have it
It's true. I cry every time I jerk off because I am trapped in this ugly husk of a body, but I can't stop myself. Unironically suicidal over it, I don't know what to do
Bro coom isn't that important, just jerk off to them and embrace your own appearance.
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Eating less? changing your diet? working out?
I know where I am but I still want to tell you this, you can do it, you can get in shape if you take better care of your body (unless you are like 60 or suffer some kind of chronic disease), give your body some love and it will boost your self esteem, you can do it anon, believe in yourself.
i think he means being petite instead of tall or stocky or whatever he is
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any new stuff
not atm
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Envy is so fucking hot. I'd marry that ass and let it drain my soul.
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As a 6’2, broad shouldered guy, who had a full beard in high school, not really. It might be harder, but if you shave and buy the right clothes you can still look like a twink pretty easily
If you have the right genetics like they said. A guy with a strong browbone and jaw and wide shoulders isn't going to be a twink no matter how hard he tries.
I've never understood why he had gwyndolin in this position, those dicks are like a half inch from being stabbed
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Want to boiwife sapphire
he's bad at depth but they're a good few inches away
You ok?
This kills the roastie
Did Dross ever do anything with sapphire? I know the other gems got one shots
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don't think so
Nice. Got any more?
I didn’t know he did orks
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Elf from Dungeon Meshi
Idk being a twink is partly about how cute your face is.
If its not cute then you cant be one IMO. I should know, I suffered from it. By now I'm approaching 30 so my twink dream is dead
>how cute
How youthful*
Don't care for his art but that's a massive improvement from >>3049813
to >>3049768 between the more masculine eyes and the perineum that isn't 10 inches long.
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Only sometimes, it's like half buff half overweight
>femboys aren't real
How do I cope?
You can still fuck twinks though.
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god i wishbthat was me
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