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No drama.
No western-styled art.
No replying to trolls, ignore + report.

Be nice.
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this would be perfect if the chains were tied to nipple bars desu
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imagine pulling his nipple chains while you fuck him from behind
Based appreciator of nipple jewelry
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MORE of the angle and eye contact bjs
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too specific an ask for a thread like this desu
I love Arashi... my canon transgirl goddess. I'm so upset ENGstars is erasing her gender. It and the anime refuse to address her as female like she is in every other language.
If he's a transgirl why are you posting him on /y/? Checkmate.
People post canon transgirls like Bridget and Ferris all the time here
Naruneechan... my beautiful transgirl bride <3
I'm so happy Rule34.xxx respects her gender
It's a shame there's not enough porn of Naruneechan. She's so sexy <3<3<3
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chiakana my beloved
>this schizo retard is back
dont reply it’s the mentally ill pooner lolcow spammer
She must be on her fishy blood cycle.
This is a cry for self help- you will never be male and your samefagging won’t make dicks female or anyone care about your feminist roastie politics. Kys lolcow bitch, or go back to your breeding pen and await a straight man to give your disgusting female body purpose.
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Leave it to a roastbeef bitch to get mad and sperg about a character that wasn't even posted once ITT before she posted him.
This board was so much better before all these covid crystal cafe tourists started shitting it up.
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ignore and hopefully the janny gets off his fat ass and nukes the troon's shit again
This isn't enstars this is Side:M
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This is Midori not Arashi
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Mistook this as ring a bell at first glance, w/e
Why is foreskin pinching such a common fetish in hentai?
it's epic
It hurts though
what's the sauce
i need more size difference in my life
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Off topic garbage.
not even a proper translation either lmao, this dumb cunt is retarded
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All this OT spam about Arashi but no porn of him? Guess I'll post some.
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Honestly, he's the least interesting enstar.. but there you go.
i'm not the retard who's been shitposting but probably because "transwomen" are literally men and definitely not futanari/hermaphrodites, though they wish they were.
if her posts ever get deleted it's always for offtopic trolling, not because jannies ever gave a shit about men with severe gyno whether they're fujo muscletits or twinks on hrt.
he's boring because he's just self insert bait for fujos
smelly coomer boy
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Is that a guy or a girl?
Play the game retard.
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Don't reply to the troll, report trolling and post more enstar men.
he's stinky
he needs to stop gooning and work on his baths
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even japan laughs at weeaboo trannies like the thing having a meltie
stinky boy
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>okama means gay man
It's so close yet so far and grasping its stupidity. Sigh.
Anyway just I&R its spam.
i don’t post in this general but it’s the same tranny that spams on /cm/ getting bored with no engagement there lol
ye it makes the rounds every few months
thanks for ignoring her btw it makes filtering and still seeing images easier
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i like this artist, they draw him well
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I didn't even recognize the artist, but she has a nice style looking at the url.
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I don't care for Naru on his own, they are cute together I'll admit.
aw he’s cute tho..
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He's not bad or anything, personally it's just I'd like him better without the weird undercut. An undercut never looks right when you bleach your hair since the colour shows through.
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I too wish she had nice hair. Long hair to cover her beautiful transfem pecs
>arashi is a--
READ! BEASTS! Banning me here and /cm/ will not erase the canon fact that she is and always will be a woman
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>ban evading just to post a fandom wikia
trannies are wild lmao
Don’t acknowledge it, just let the mods reban.
don’t give a shit about your gay boyband game but delusional trannies = men so they belong here. futa isn’t allowed because we hate vaginas. anyway.
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fair nuf
i don't hate females altho you're correct in saying trannies are men
narukami's just an effeminate faggot howevermst
'maiden's heart' is a super old okama faggot phrase that troons are too racist to even try to comprehend
not worth engaging with mental illness, all the sperging is just making my dick soft
So you won't read her coming out story that's in the actual fucking game?
Heart of a woman is transgender. Okama are older transgender women much like otokonoko refers to young transgender girls. You would know this if you understood Japanese language and culture.
Please read Beasts! It's a good episode
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ywnbaw tranny freak
now enjoy this image of a man getting thing shoved into his ass
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