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Small characters topping OK.
Bara, cds, and traps all OK.
Genderbends OK, as long as they are male.

No hyper, lactation, urination, gaped/prolapsed anuses, bitching/derailing, or female characters in any context (watching, background, etc).

Keep other gacha games in their own threads.
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based, i’ll dump some when home
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Cool, thanks.
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Last one, for the moment.
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Gacha is shit but these dudes are hot af
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You can get most boys fairly easy without ever spending.
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bovidae gang
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best boys
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Which character is this? I don’t play but I want to find more.
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Based thread
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His dick is too big for such a tiny dude.
it's small for yaoi
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does arknights have any old men? can’t remember
Other than Hellagur not really.
nice, got more like that?
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Someone else mentioned Hellagur, and there's also Mlynar. Pic unrelated.
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Ethan is cute and deserves to be more popular.
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More plz.
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Mm perfect.
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Is there a name for this fetish? Cum all over the face. I think I’ve heard it somewhere before..
bukkake or something
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cum facial
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I want to fuck him so bad
Downloaded the game, it’s actually not bad. Any porn of the white hair villain with shorts?
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More of the brown boy
He's Thorns if you wanna look any up
Just wanted to thank this thread for helping me discover Arknights.never realized the game had hot guys in it until stumbling across here. Now I have Ebenholz and am really happy.
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Kakenari has a new arknights comic
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Appalled by the lack of Mizuki posts
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maybe he shouldn't be so goddamn hard to pull
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Logos by https://x.com/Yodaka_Sansei?s=09
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Haven't played in a while, is this a new char?
Yes, a super rare male banshee as well
The most powerful operator among Rhodes Island's Elite Operators
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>cute ansel art ruined by a cringe flat cage
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any good new male ops this year?
Lessing, Logos eventually, Hoederer
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Yes, baras bishies and traps alike!
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tried restarting this game and i have no idea what i'm doing lol
Aaaaaaaaaa this is unbelievably sexyyy!!!
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Fuck off spammer.
What are you confused about?
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