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File: 107517425_p0.jpg (254 KB, 1448x2048)
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Guys with beautiful feathery wings. Angelic boys with halos too.

[Keep any retarded religious/anti-religion fetish-play out of it and no penises as big as, or bigger than, a forearm, please.

Bara and traps are both fine- small tops too, chub and hairy also not a problem. Ignore and report all the shitposting and schizo derail posts.]
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Stable Diffusion
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Damn, these are becoming advanced so fast.
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Stable diffusion
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Not Real art if produced by a computer. Any dolt can type promts it doest not make you an artist.
My thanks for at least telling us its cheap, mass marketed filth.
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Are amputees even allowed or would that be /d/-tier? I've seen some crop up on the board
They're allowed unless it's straight-up gore.
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whoa. i stared at this beautiful boy for a minute. heavenly, thanks for working with SD!
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He wasn't quite that curvy in either iteration but I guess it fits.
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whos the green guy
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sexbend palutena
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He’d be hotter without the gyno.
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Wingjobs when
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hopefully some day but i've literally never seen that before
Here, found one just for you.
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Thanks. Found this awesome artist from this
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finally one without gyno
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I hope when I die I can have cute consensual angel sex with cuddles and kisses
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Who is he
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This isn't related to angels but bad end Aobas make me rock hard.
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Is there a name for the kinds that have the wings around their mouth

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