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all artstyles and bodytypes welcome, ignore + report bullshit and unrelated imagery
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Let’s all agree not to post characters like Oliver that were voiced by prepubescent real children.
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Agreed, I'll post what I have in a little while.
All of these 2000s yaoi threads are giving me a literal nostalgiaboner..
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Who are these 2?
Shoto on the right, and Geheichou's oc on the left, who's an ftm irl which is kind of gross.
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that's all i got he's my favorite
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based and eggplantpilled
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Gakupo deserves more art.
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name on the black and red hair one?
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vox akuma
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happy kaito day
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made for gakupo cock
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amazing model, brown monster boys are the best
yo gaba gaba
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Dex more like Sex
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nice cowprint
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Any vtuber recommendations?
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nijisanji is kinda garbage but you guys should definitely send more sonny brisko photos
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I’m sad that Miku is the only popular vocaloid and formerly popular characters like Gakupo, Len, and Kaito are essentially forgotten now. There are some cute vtuber designs in here but I can’t get off to them because I don’t like virtual streamers.

Does anyone know of any active vocaloid BL artists?

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