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File: towa-slow-damage-00.jpg (2.76 MB, 1980x2769)
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ocs/characters with alt aesthetics or
vampires, goths, visual kei, decora, etc

eastern and western styles and masc/fem
are fine just stay on-topic
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May I post bara biker boys?
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ye sure
i dig it
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who's this? he's berry cute
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Idia Shroud
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Goth guys with pale skin and black lipstick.. uoh
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he cute
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I wish the artist did better nsfw that wasn't just piss garbage.
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I miss scene/emo subby fagboys so much.
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i crave vampire bussy
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Transgender thread?
yo barafags should just kill themselves at this point if that's considers "too feminine"
Ignore and report the shitposters.
>tfw no Peter Steele bf
Fucking based.
he was so fucking hot
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We are all gay for Peter Steele. Not gonna lie, he converted me.
best thread ever. reminds me that i need to dye my hair
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what color
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black most likely
do yall have bj pics where the dudes lipstick is smearing
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Wish it were easier to find that without the BNWO fetish shit.
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damn, nice
I am imagining he’s blowing an elf, as nature intended.
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gave me a stiffy
Fuckin love this
I looked him up...his name is Ryo Akebono. Other than being smoking hot, he's a bassist who thinks he's an alien. Mental
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good pic
In need of more lipstick blowjobs please
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Lol ywnbam
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Soo fucking hot mmore like this
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have the full picture
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I like this one a lot
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Is it possible to make one of these with black lipstick?
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>thick luscious pubic hair
why isn't this more common
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kissable tummy
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how tf are we on page 10 already
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I can't remember which thread but someone asked for this image's source recently and I found it in my folders
It's by https://www.pixiv.net/users/61815081
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Artist @?

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