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File: Kiss1.jpg (3.72 MB, 2387x3531)
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Passionate tongue action
Lip biting
Swapping spit
Tongue brushing
French kisses and throat swabs
Nothing gets my cock at rock more than a good man on man snog

No arguing or trolling, if you don’t like something don’t look at it
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Uhh.. more wincest..?
Throat Swabs?
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>tfw no lamia to throat swab you with his long, thick, phallic tongue
why live
I'd settle for a regular guy with a really longue tongue.
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fuck more
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Who’s the bearded guy?
i wanna see some super long tongues
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Bottom Sasgay based
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>bara on femboy
that's hot
Kissing is the best part of sex
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That's no femboy that's Yagami from Judge Eyes
Looks like a girly twink there
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whats a twink?
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@cold_seoul on twitter if interested
>Game Over, Link
stop posting ugly AI art, you fuckwit
What's ugly about it, and why would you tell someone to stop posting hours after they had already stopped posting?
Just ignore them, I don't care for AI either but there's nothing in the OP that says no AI and we don't need to have every thread derail into arguing.
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Based as fk
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