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A new one
Big growing muscles
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epic another hyper thread that belongs on /d/
what are you talking about?
the last muscle growth thread we had on /y/ lasted more than a year
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keep in mind that these videos have no sound so they could be easier to upload
and it still belongs on /d/ with the rest of the hyper strangegay garbage
Kys. You don't have to be here if you're not interested
>>>/d/ bitch
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There is a weekly hyper thread on /trash/ just as a FYI. It is like 90% furry though.
nice boobs
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I can’t wait for the Dungeon Athlete mahwas next season.

It’s an enjoyable little webcomic about an Isekai’d bodybuilder who can grow hyper muscles due to training so hard.
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thank you for the suggestion, anon
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Honestly I wish the translation was better, and that it didn’t stop halfway into the first season. Finally got the Dungeon at the end of it.
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Got more?
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Anymore from this artist?
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On their twitter.

Otherwise they put their art on gumroad after a month in Patreon.
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If any MG artist you like posts their works on Gumroad, know that it’s banning all NSFW art.
Also the weirdass new rules can let purity obsessed loser groups ban pretty much any accounts on Patreon.
Wait, what new rules? At least they should stay archived on kemono?
Any NSFW must have the characters consent. In the art/creation itself. That means there can’t be anymore of these kinds of kinks like no hypnosis. No rape. No non-con transformations. etc. it’s vague enough that someone undergoing muscle growth against their will can count as non-con.

Pornhub literally blocked all of Texas because of the shitty verification laws Texas made, which lead to a massive uptick in VPNs in Texas too lol. And you can get arrested for using VPNS as well.
Ah forgot to mention I brought up Pornhub because it’s also being smarter than Gumroad and Patreon about this since it knows how fucking stupid verification via ID is.
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Whose the artist?
Don't bother, I genuinely don't think there are mods on this board, and if there are, they definitely don't know about the strangegay rule.
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Source please
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Shonen Jump+ has a one-shot about a world where all men are buff.

what would a yaoi themed thread do *hentai* alternative board ?
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Looking for hyper muscular dom/top to roleplay with

Discord: Drazoxach
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Taka just released his new video
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Laios after eating something weird.
fuck off
Belongs on >>>/d/ with the boobless dickgirls. Gtfo.
or shut the fuck up
thanks for bumping
If verification wasn’t such a pain I’d definitely post more.
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Moar ?
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It’s an image from One Punch Man season 1.
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More juicy pecs
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Any muscle growth that's more gradual?
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Bara Red
Can anyone reupload the animations by maxmuscle3D? They are password protected and impossible to find. Any animation would help.
snakes and ladders live action
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