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if I like yaoi but only if I already like the characters does that make me gay
Probably at least bi, assuming you're a man.
well yes, but also means you're more romantic than gay
>assuming you're a man
How do you feel about non-animated gay stuff?
In the same vein that makes all lolicons child rapists, sure.
Only if you have consensual sex with real adult men, and no women, are you gay.
who cares? it's sort of hot.
nah i’m straight irl but i still think yaoi is hot. fiction ain’t reality.

Check out demisexuality. I'm demi, anything with a character I don't know is uninteresting even if it's same artist, poses, etc.

Outside of 2D, I see everyone as sexually interesting as a potato until I get to know them. The pipeline from "That's a person alright" to "Oh he's kinda hot" is real.
It could be voyeurism In a way. That's my theory on why I enjoy it when I am not attracted to men at all in real life and trust me I've tried to be.
I want to see them fuck eachother not fuck me but only when it's drawn.
Sexualities when you get away from who you want to be with in real life get very messy and strange
If women can like yuri and be straight, men can like yaoi and be straight too.
I want pictures of naked Catholocism and I am straight Muslim man.
Preach dawg
Not sure esp in 2D
Faggots are fucking disgusting, yaoi is just cartoons my guy
i have a gf for almost 2.5 years and i masturbate to yaoi without her knowledge.
does that make me gay? maybe, but who cares, it's hot.
you're worrying too much about terms

gay sex is based and beautiful, whether its in 2D or 3D. sometimes a man has certain urges that can only be satisfied by another man. embrace it.
if you have a gf and like guys you're bi
If you jerk it to child porn, ur a pedo.

>im straight but i like watching men fuck
it's called bi

so faggots are fucking disgusting but you also jerk off to faggots fucking?
Straight women shlick to lesbians all the time, go back to tumblr.
>If you jerk it to child porn, ur a pedo.
Kill yourself for minimizing real crimes against children and ever comparing 2d shit to real child abuse videos. I hope you step in front of a moving train.
English and context matter regarding the pedo comment.

CP is everything below 18 years, breeding age is technically the age of puberty and psychologically thats within the range of normal attraction besides it being illegal. If semen can be produced then it’s not pedophilia anymore, it is however hebephilia. Which is actually incredibly common. If a picture of a 17 year old was here and you didn’t know, you’d jerk off to it. It’s a little silly to consider it CP and pedophilia in that context.
>breeding age is technically the age of puberty and psychologically thats within the range of normal attraction
based i went through puberty at 10
If you can be a furfaggot and not a zoophile then you can be a fudanshi and not gay.
You are scum and you know it, you can throw all the words you want at it but it won't change you being human detritus who gets off to 10 year olds and calls it okay
>breeding age is technically the age of puberty
I was not ready to get my asshole blown out as a 9 year old boy tf are you on about
holy crap this is galactical levels of copium
>shitting her pants over what grown men do with their cocks and labels
Not really. If you wouldn't have consensual sex with a real life man you're not gay.
Sexuality is a spectrum, I truly don't think anyone is 100% gay or straight. This just means you are less straight than you thought you were.
>Sexuality is a spectrum
No it's not, take that shit back to tumblr.
I said sexuality, not gender. Why do you feel like sexuality needs to be a rigid 2-3 things?
>nobody is 100% gay or straight
>needs to be
Go back to tumblr.
What point are you even trying to make, faggot?
This idea doesn't challenge your world view, you just hear the word "spectrum", and your mind broken ass immediately switches into anti-sjw defense mode.
>gays don't exist! straights don't exist! everyone is a degenerate like me
Back to tumblr, roastie.
this post has gone to fucking shit.
Nobody here is an adult capable of letting someone else have their tastes without sperging out. Just look at the PF spam in half of the threads.
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u rang?

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