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/fujo/ - A general Boys Love thread #146

Valentine lovers edition

>Previous thread

>Who are we
/fujo/ is a general for fujoshis to talk about their ships, share fanart, and also discuss original BL

>Sites recommended by fujoshi

>Read Yaoi High
male-only character MMO when
When all futard and waifu coomers die and it becomes profitable.
We don't even get proper sexy male-only regular games they're all phone gachas and otomes
It would likely require a studio not overrun by retards who have the cali mindpoison, or would do it but have shit gameplay/microtransaction hell/worst, Make the men ugly because some progressive RETARD in the company is trying to get twitter brownie points
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Thoughts on the current season so far?
are those real subs?
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Yes. If you watch the ED it's totally the kind of joke this anime would make.

I wish so badly companies wasnt that pussy
I ship Endeavor and All Might from My Hero Academia
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Incredible work, thanks Obari for delivering good food.
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You have numerous dedicated bara threads...
this is so fucking kino, im surprised its an original story. really hope it gets more than one season
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Sorry to bring you bad news but for now it's just one season.
It's too bad we can't have a kuroshitsuji thread
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big L for hetshippers
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Zoro and Sanji are my all time favorite ship
I will never forgive current zoomer tiktok culture for making sebaciel shippers into social pariahs.

alois x ciel is hotter even if it's anime only shite
Fuck moralfags

The shipping is the ony good thing of the series :P
imma ship whatever i want to and zoomers morals cant stop us
so many classic slash pairings are now "pRobLemAtiC" in the eyes of the zoomers and I fuckin' hate it. even tumblr's overrun with those types.
I’ve never seen anyone complaining about gay shota pairings after 2010, where the fuck are you seeing that?
tiktok loves child x adult ships tho
On every single website that isn't 4chan
I feel sorry for modern gundam fans
now that's not true
You're right, I've seen people bitch about it on 4chan too.

there's tons of normalfags on twitter and tiktok and etc that love cielseba and other yaoi 'pedo' pairings. sure it's rarer than milf on shota but it's not very vilified at all.
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I’ve been re-reading OP and I forgot how funny their relationship is
>I’ve never seen anyone complaining about gay shota pairings after 2010
>be me
>join discord server
>someone mentions attack on titan
>jokingly say that ereri is the best ship
>mod (who is a south park fan and is particularly fond of one of the little boy characters) insinuates that i’m a creep for shipping them and that she won’t tolerate “propshipping”
Ironically I don’t even ship Ereri because I don’t care about AoT that much, but I defended it anyways because getting mad about age gap pairings in a series full of violence, gore, genocide, politics, and child soldiers is fucking ridiculous.
south park shippers are cringe, all of the characters are ugly as fuck even aged up past 8
I'm ashamed of how much I enjoyed Hazbin Hotel and I'm legit impressed that Vivziepop got a mainstream studio to animate her Hot Topic sparkledog yaoi. Also Alastor deserves to be ryona'd.
street fighter 6 and tekken 8 both have fundoshi outfits afaik
what's the anime name
Is the supposed sequel to Dreaming Goddess ずっといっちょ really lost media now? I searched everywhere and couldn't find a single scan
Accursed Yuri Plisetsky destroyed Yuri On Ice for me. I don't give a shit about the morality of it but I will vindictively disparage his ships because the character is shit and his fans annoying AF.
>letting x destroy y for you
weak minded
What are games with character customization that are fun with lots of cute/hot anime boys? I need a fix.
if you want all 3 of
>character customisation
>cute anime boys
you're fucked out of luck. Try Code Vein or god eater 3. I can't say I enjoyed either of them that much, never finished either in fact, but both have cute boys being pretty major characters. Code Vein has really good character customisation, too. I'd probably go back and play it again if I hadn't fucked myself out of the good ending, because my custom boy was extremely slutty and I feel bad for having created him in a game I don't enjoy
pso2ng if you like mmos i guess
I'm proud of how much I enjoyed Hazbin Hotel

Guy btw
Fake and Straight
hazbin is too tryhard, helluva is also edgecringe but far more watchable
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>Top isami
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Smith getting fucked is hot (i like big bottoms), let them switch, it's his bday.
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Hey anons.
In the OP there's a mega link to a bunch of zines.
I went snooping and back tracing and found there used to be a jojo one:
but all the links are dead.
Is there any mirror of this archive?
i am too old for this
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Zoro and Sanji were the loves of my life when I first started watching One Piece in 2009. But now that I'm getting back into OP as an adult I've graduated from boys to men.
Why not? You can post slightly aged up versions, only prepubescent isn't allowed.
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Any of you reading the next big thing™, Kagura Bachi?
dofuwani W
is this basednutts? kinda looks like their style. glad bravern is getting porn
no, is paexie
the porn is not much but is good
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do you ever get into bl shipping shows you're too embarrassed to tell anyone you like
uploaded the wrong pic but pic still unrelated
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Anyone here ship real people? Not in real life but just in fics and fanart. I love reading Formula 1 RPF but the amount of fanart is lacking, there's a lot of excellent writing though
I do or did. Don't have anything new from the ship so it's stagnant.
I don't personally, it feels cracky when I'm doing it, but I can see the appeal
I guess I'm just not too invested in real life events for it
I rarely watch real BL stuff
I prefer fan content made for other things
stop following people that complain about that shit. once you can curate your experience better you wont see them
i enjoy kpop idols ships, always nice to see pretty boys doing fujobait.

nowadays im very attached to an actor ship, Kurokawa Souya x Hiiragi Hinata because of their roles in the 2023 film, Monster. [spoiler] yes i am a massive shotacon lol [/spoiler]
What's the password for this? "y" isn't working.
it's "yes", anon. I don't mean to come off as rude but do try to apply some critical thinking in the future.
No it's disrespectful and creepy.
That's the best part.
What if someone drew you fucking a man or woman you don't like and posted it online though? Or used AI. You do you.. I guess, but it feels gross to me.
Not that anon nor do I care for this thread but I saw this as I was scrolling. You absolutely did mean to come off rude as to project your insecurity of being wrong.

A password is rigid and specific, you don’t tell someone that the password to dog gate is D expect them to know the password is Dog. How fucking ridiculous. Swear to god you must be a woman with this attitude.4XW
just scrolling index, but holy fuck are you recovering from fetal concussions? this is a fujo thread, retarded pooner. fujoshi are women. yaoi is for women. YWNBAM btw.
Where do you think you are? You’re both stupid asf.
>How fucking ridiculous
Oh, I'm terrribly sorry. I expected someone to perchance apply some basic problem solving and logical thought instead of immediately giving up upon meeting the barest of resistance. I also noticed that you replied to the wrong post- I presume you and the anon who couldn't crack the password are kindred spirits- but I used my logical deduction to assume you meant to reply to me. Perhaps you recognised this mistake and went to post a correction, but you misspelt the captcha and immediately gave up on the idea, eh?
*munches popcorn*
If someone made deepfakes of me then yes I would be grossed out. Fanfics and fanart? I would not care.
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Don't mind me, just going to dump some Bravern porn
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thanks for the gifts
Thank you very much
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your welcome
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If cuntboyfags don't learn to tag their shitty pics I'm actually going to start shooting at them
Nah too cringe, only 3DPD I'm into is stageplay adaptations.
fuck they're always so ugly, hire some foreigner men
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Does anyone have anymore smith/isami stuff? Need some after the sad shit that happened in ep 11.
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Sorry for being late anon, seems like I'm the only one posting Bravern porn on here.
Anyway, we are on the same boat, anon.
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bro's dick is bigger than his arm
and probably sadly uncut
I mean, cut sorry lol
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and done for now. this is my fave pic, love ass eating.
even then it wont be profitable
Longshot but I'm desperate. Does anybody know the name of a BL manga where one of the leads is a yandere who cooks for his lover and uses things like his nails/hair as seasoning?
It's not about the looks it's about the memes and aesthetic.
【【dmmd舞台颗粒】世界上最悲伤的h/最后道晚安直接破防】 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1RX4y1v7kS/?share_source=copy_web
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Otomejos and idol stans seem to be having a lot of fun with whatever they're obsessing over
desu i didn't even do a double take, i just assumed you were american
Idk, I'm a fan of South Park and watch it for the type of humor, but I'd be lying to myself if I said I don't find Tweak and Craig adorable and I haven't liked some fanart of them
They are cute, I shipped them way before they became an official thing
tweek x craig is cringe, cartman x butters is based
Thanks Anon :)
The things I would do just to eat out Isami and hear his soft moans
full comic
bukkake version
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the carnal desire to have tender sex with Isami....
We know Smith
>seems like I'm the only one posting Bravern porn on here.
Bless you, anon.
Now that the series is over I crave Isami Smith first time loving hot vanilla sex.
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Lol thanks
Hot sex is the only thing left since pretty much anything else was covered by the show
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satoshi a cute
AHAHAHA what the fuck is this disgusting shit.
rude, you could do much worse
same artist, it's not r18 but maybe yes?
please shave him
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i recently watched The Case Files of Jeweler Richard and enjoyed it both as a show overall and for the growing relationship between the main pair. would anyone particularly recommend the light novel over the manga or vice versa?
stfu body hair is based
>hairy smissu
thanks I didnt know i wanted this
...on opposite day
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Why do retards keep replying this type of crap to me on this site? Not only am I man but could beat the shit out of you

True and Bi, btw

Hazbin is premium cringekino, I was cringing the whole time but also enjoyed it very much
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They are so cute
This thread is so dead, I miss when this general was in /trash/
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When will my favorite Kars artist return from the war? (capeshit fandom)
>posting in a fujoshi general
hello ftm
Same sis! I miss the gore, black dick, and incel hentai girl posting so much!! Quantity >>>> quality.
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Arajin was annoying and whatnot, but at least the other characters where fun.
Incel hentai?
This general started on /trash/, didn't it?
French-muslim coke addicted Aiden got mindbroken by /r9k/ and got mad and decided to shit in the sandbox and pay a bunch of people on discord to spam threads on trash. She also used to type shitty poetry in code to express her sorrow at the betrayal of one of her discord kittens ratting her out.
Oohoohoo how'd ya guess
What made you migrate?
More people should draw tops using anal toys.
we always had to put up with an annoying fuck who would spam anime girls and wouldn't stop talking about fujo breast sizes. Then some other mongs came along and started spamming black dicks every time he posted, and some other stuff I don't remember, and basically the thread became unusable due to the constant flooding... I mostly blacklisted certain keywords but there was a collective decision to move to /y/, where there's been a total of 2 threads over like 6 months.
I don't think it was that annoying. People thought it was charming and even played along.
Nobody did you samefagged yourself.
Most mentally sane fujoshi
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Which one anon
Can't help you sorry, but I think there are couple of anons in the /a/ homothreads who could answer you
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lmao even
stay mad about not being able to post your gross hentai girls here
Worst place to find a husbando in? I accidentally became a Zenosfag and I have no idea if I'll have to trudge through another 114 hours to even meet him in Stormblood. It's debatable whether gachas are worse than MMOs in that regard, however...
How does somebody become your husbando if you've never even met them in-game yet?
I watched a lot of videos with him and have an extensive gallery of fanart on my phone.
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Cigarette burns are underrated.
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whats the password?
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i posted the whole thing there, but the password is 02140831 (smithxisami bdays)
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yeah I know I just wanted to see their other art too and couldn't figure it out, thanks
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Is this supposed to be a parody of something?
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very nice
LOL no
Not a single person liked you, fucking agp faggot. We’d all talk about how cringy and disgusting you were on other sites.
Oh fuck off, you can share the 4chan gay board with the fetishistic moids you hate so much and simultaneously schlick to. Just because some of us like the art doesn't mean we have to like you, and we sure as fuck don't have to leave.
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shut up and post more dicks
you will never be male
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Damn I guess the dick I was born with isn't cutting it in current year. These male body standards sure are getting out of control.
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Genuinely hilarious you still think that, maybe ftms have the dumb bottom brain spirit more than I thought. Should I keep posting more Authentic(tm) bottom art or do you only want REAL BARA REAL GAY art here? Because clearly that's the only way gay sexuality functions, it's definitely not mostly horny bottoms. Oh, and MLP is totally a show only for little girls and not autistic 30yo men, so there's no way a guy could enjoy some very mildly edgy sparkledog show aimed at queers in general
>ftms have the dumb bottom brain spirit
Yeah you clearly do, but you'll still not ever be a man or a real gay bottom.
A real male doesn't need to come into a thread for fujoshi chicks to announce himself as male. A real male would just use a fudanshi thread, or lurk and post quietly without needing the validation. You are a woman exhibiting typical female attention seeking behavior. Go ask your brother to take a selfie of his dick and pretend otherwise but it won't make you male. Of course you're a retarded ftm 'brony' too. Autism runs strong with you cunts.
calm down sis
>genuinely hilarious
>oh, and
no man talks like this
True. We always know.
I wonder why she comes specifically to the threads she hates just to self harm herself with mental duress. Really odd behavior.
Im not actually a brony, that was just a good example. I wanted to clarify because that was the only offensive part of this post. My feelings are hurt
Nobody cares about your ftm fweefwees.
these are so bad
where are the big throbbing dicks
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I just remembered that there was another anon who ordered a Balam doujin like 5 months ago, hope she enjoyed it lmao.
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Best lewd figure
>only good NC figures are offbrand garage kits
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Aoba still has the better booty though.
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This isn't the garage kit dumbass this is the official version, they just used the same official art.
This one is the garage kit version.
>bag doesn't have a huge hole punch taken out of it and actually looks like it has proper iv tubing
point proven
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when can we move back to /trash/? when thread ends?
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These 2 are my all time favorite, gotta love the toxicity
Is the spammer gone? From what I saw, there aren't any twink/femboy/ikemen threads in the catalog which is where they usually hang around, so I can't check to make sure.
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a test thread wouldnt hurt
I wouldn't shock me if dickposter or one of her paid discord kittens monitored this thread and fujochan.
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iirc he's in /sjg/ /cbg/ and /heals/ now but he monitors the threads 18 hours a day so you're almost guaranteed his spam if you go
since these are so dead i assume 99% of the posting would be guro anyway
actually mind boggling how 1 autistic moid ruins everything
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I think /trash/ is the only place where I've seen multiple generals being ruined by pretty much 1 anon working alone
qrd on the spammer?
How can you tell? I don't recognize any of the posts.
It happens on all nsfw boards, from time to time.
NTAYRT, but it’s a specific namefag and you can tell after a while because his posts are always the same autistic lonely horny offtopic incel drivel. It’s not the dick spammer either, that guy hangs around in the flist and erp threads.
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Jealous of fujos in active fandoms
What dead fandom are you lamenting
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Not super into anything right now, kind of getting into Transformers
Are you in any fandoms?
This artist is so based
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not my usual board but i can't post them anywhere else
there is no porn anywhere on the internet of these two versions of them specifically
hmm...yes... gay sex.. yes, very based....
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It's aight
>Are you in any fandoms?
Not really
You should check the mecha/robot thread on /cm/ you might like it
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Thanks! I must've missed it
I'll be going there then
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I'm lamenting both the fandom and kengan in general being on life support.
At least I can hope something fun comes out of the upcoming Baki crossover.
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this is what darling in the franx should have been
>kids get out of school for the year
>suddenly the dead gay porn board gets a shitton of posts again
Makes you think.
Children are gay, gotchu
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sus post
>I will never forgive current zoomer tiktok culture for making sebaciel shippers into social pariahs.
its still a popular ship tho
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i miss 00s fujobait designs
When I first saw new Testament I thought that they decided to pander hard to ladies with his design
Then I decided to look up what he used to look like. He was a little more masculine looking but I somehow completely forgot that he has always been a bit of a gothic ladyboy bishounen
so is anyone here into F1? I recently found out about the strong homoeroticism around it, right now I'm shipping Carlos and Lando real hard. I need someone to talk about this.
As in...the race car drivers?
I was surprised too when I saw how popular it is on Ao3
right? I haven close the AO3 tab in days.I think the marketing teams noticed that section of the fans because oh boy they do a lot of baiting in interviews and shit like that.
thanks for pointing it out, I totally missed the post!

Who you ship in F1? I like CarlosxLando and Chestappen
I don't think I'll ever understand the RPF girls, I just get such a slimy feeling thinking about the supposed inner lives of real men. Bishies won't ever betray me like that. More power to them though.
>the marketing teams noticed that section of the fans because oh boy they do a lot of baiting in interviews and shit like that.
Any examples? I'm a little curious now
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here~ the file was too big for 4chan.
Also have some daftpunk shipping
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Haven't been here for ages, is this the replacement for the old discussion threads? What's happened in the last year or so? Anyone else hype for the anime of Hiromasa Okujima's vampire manga?
Warhammer 40k. I have so many and they are all terrible people and also obscure.
Never mind, found the current one. Hope you all get your home on /trash/ back, sucks to hear about the spammer. Glad you've found a home here in the mean time. Peace

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