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Folder updated.

Thanks and great job anons.


Will post the missing guys list when this event ends but got the PoA ones.

Last thread

Whoever posted the LR guys in last thread, awesome.
That comeback sucked, anon.
Looks familiar, can't grasp which parody this is.
If someone's missed in the folder, let me know. Been on/off lately out the game.
It's a Goichi alt.

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Btw these are the new seasonal guys
Thanks for making a proper OP.
Do these classics guys drop along their reworked counterpart early in the story? Wondering where should I put them.

Oh, Goichi, but of course.

The last one died and couldn't reply about the PoA guys, had to.
Classic version of starters should be obtainable in Epic Pachinko for new players. At least that's what it for HH.

I suggest put the Classic Starters on Epic Pachinko folder.
Folder-anon, just now noticed that you like naming the scenes.

Agent Barry - The Recruitment
Mastermind Dex - Here Cums the Villain
Master Spy Kin - Spy Master
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Double Penetration guys
Folder updated.

Thanks and great job anons.

>Missing Guys List
Adventure - Florian, DILF Kai, Daddy Angel
Labyrinth - Kitsuno, Maddox
Leagues - Gontaru
LD - Nate
Mythic - Strict Goichi
PoA - Mathias, Dean
PoV - Val Jacques
Seasons - Lionel, Graham
Hot Assembly - Grand Ryder, Hound, Tachi, Grand Bow
Seasonal - Heavenly Daddy Angel

Done as suggested.

Thanks, it's a hobby of mine.

Crossing fingers so Yugi is the free one.

Also, got Kitsuno but won't unlock his scenes anytime soon.
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Here's a random picture from hentai heroes. Pretty sexy cock, unfortunately the very next scene it's surrounded by nasty girls.
looks like shit
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Got Seiryo as well, but I'm running low on affection items and can't upgrade him yet.
Legendary Contest guy
Gonna pass, not my type at all. Who is him supposed to be?
Sinbad from Magi
We're still missing KC Andrew from the MEGA.
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No rush, thanks anon.

Right, have his scenes unlocked so will update next week.
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Path of Attraction Guys
Wait, when did they start doing 3 different cgs for guys again?
Looks live guys from Given.

Since the start of February.
finally a hot twink
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Folder updated.

Thanks and great job anons.

>Missing Guys List
Adventure - Florian, DILF Kai, Daddy Angel
Labyrinth - Maddox
Leagues - Gontaru
PoA - Mathias, Dean, Yuma, Neiji, Shotou, Makoto
Hot Assembly - Grand Ryder, Hound, Tachi
Seasonal - Heavenly Daddy Angel

If I'm missing someone else again, do notify me.

I'm passing this PoA guys. Not to my liking.

Zack's not supposed to be a twink, that'd be Cloud. This Nate looks like a hobo, KK failed as per expected.
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Hi! Is there any mega folder for hentai heroes too?
Damn nice, but he shoulda been the top.
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Still missing Andrew in KC. Should've been between Claudio and Nyrox.
Folder updated.

Thanks and great job anons.

>Missing Guys List
Adventure - Florian, DILF Kai, Daddy Angel
LA - Maddox
LD - Niel
PoA - Mathias, Dean
PoP - Laurent
PoV - Zayden, Ashton
S - Barbosa
Seasonal - Heavenly Daddy Angel, Lustful Santi, Lustful Sharkbite, Lumis, Griffi

To be reminded of another KK failure, my boi Barret won't be made justice.

Check the panda.

Glasses, anon.
does your games keeps lagging like a lot and not loading any page? i'm getting a really hard time trying to even load the homescreen it's really annoying
Boss Bang guy..he looks so bad
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Looks like Shez from Fire Emblem Three Hopes
It's Beck.
Ah. Same hairstyle + purple hair rip.
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Legendary Contest guy
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Akihiko from Persona 3.
I wish they had picked his rugged look from Arena, hopefully it's one of his poses.
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next mythic : https://gh1.hh-content.com/pictures/girls/364398698/ico0.png

I saw him in the labrynth, I'm happpy to know in advance because i like him so i can save kobans in advance
Next Classic Event
Folder updated.

Thanks and great job anons.

Adventure up to Plains of rituals, Refias is the best thing to happen in all the adventure scrolls.
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New seasonal guys
New mythic guy(he was already leaked)
Godfrey, nice. If all 4 guys are from Elden Ring I hope we get Radahn and another Faustus alt.
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>PoP - Laurent

Hi Foler-anon. Just for the sake of being complete - I've noticed that the list of missing guys doesn't have Almus (3rd PoP) and nor is he in the folder.
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Thanks for noticing it.

Will upload him after Classic.
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Double Penetration guys
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Legendary Contest
How is this game still alive? I quit a year and a half ago for the lack of interesting characters, but seeing the wiki is getting far worst, too much repeat of same character for the 6 time or character from anime who nobody had ever heard
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The first question is a legitimate one, but it's still alive because something is making it alive, likely the whales. For the second one, I don't think because the parody source is niche, it doesn't mean it's bad. And why blame the wiki when the game decided to make a bunch of alts for a character? It's the game's decision because let's be real, some guys are just more popular than the others (and well, some HH countering shenanigans for a few number of guys).
Astarion. I'm surprised they didn't go with BG3 earlier when it was at its peak in popularity.

GH is just a mirror of the straight game, so the girls that bring in sales are gonna get lots of alts while we're stuck with their counters, plus every time they add waifu/anime of the month we're gonna get subpar guys.
Maybe the game will finally take a blow when they start enforcing age verification.
I like the reversible content.
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Can't tell if this is new path of attraction or next seasonal
I'd bet on PoA, too early for seasonal
Winx themed Classic
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Next seasonal
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