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guys with piercings, particularly around the dick or nipples
im also fine with bara, just only have fem on hand
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i love nipple peircings
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i had an entire folder of pierced yaoi art and I can't find it. woe is me.
you go find! go find folder nau! go! go find!
Snakebites and nipple chains..
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nice self-report freak
Pedophilia is an integrap part of being gay, take your vagina back to twitter roastie
Speak for yourself
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I'm pretty sure I never felt anything for a child. Kys pedo
You felt someone else in you as one though.
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That's not funny it's sad.
I want to convince my bf to get nipple piercings but I also think of how disgusting the empty holes would be if he ever took them out.
if the holes are small dont they close up? The ear does
I thought if you had them for a year or more they stayed open permanently. Never had a piercing, though I just think they’re sexy.
The ear ones, no matter for how long you had them, if you don't use a earring it will close, idk about the rest of the body tho
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thats hot. I've only ever topped but have recently been feeling lonely and wanting to be used
find a powerbottom, you can be used as a top too
>find a powerbottom
i dont like being promiscuous. The guy im seeing is only 125lbs, and would be so perfect if he was more dommy
tiny dude pinning me down and spitting on me would be hot
okay so i found whatever gear he is wearing hot enough to actually make it >>>/r9k/76914993
nice, why post it on r9k though
i didnt know where else
Used to get topped by this tiny 15yo twink princess who was way smaller than 17yo me. It was fucking great.
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I want a jacob's ladder really badly but I have to choose between that and continuing my foreskin restoration which is progressing really slowly
Isn't foreskin restoration just stretching the skin? It's never going to function the same or have the same sensitivity, I don't get the point desu. Just wait if you care about it, + give it like 4 months after you finish the restoration so it heals properly.
You never get the actual foreskin itself back, but having skin cover the glans restores sensitivity to the glans. Which become keratinized and insensitive when it's exposed 100% of the time. Also having skin on the shaft that can actually roll around instead of just absorbing lots of friction.
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why does he look like senpai from friday night funkin?
Is that not who it’s supposed to be?
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According to rule34 he's the artist's OC choseki
still I don't know why he literally looks like Senpai
just a coincidence i guess
Some anime is bound to look samey.
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nipple piercings aint supposed to bleed
hes so fucking ugly bye
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I have a nipple piercing and it bled a little right after the piercing, but it stopped very quickly.
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just found that in my old folders, as i recall the artist made some really good homoerotic boyos with piercings
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aonowaisyatsu on twitter, the good stuff seems to be buried pretty deep back in time though
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