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i love choji’s chubby ass
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This, post more.
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Can we post AI?
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yea go for it
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Father son bonding... hot.
File: 父子露营.jpg (1.35 MB, 2835x2244)
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The best kind of bonding
fucking based
i really wanna have sex with a cute chubby guy's fat rolls
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File: Happy.jpg (1.4 MB, 2000x2799)
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Want to include it again, Happy Belated Birthday Biscuit Griffon!
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A bit more of these drawings for all of you
I could've fixed him.
yep, i wanna fuck Eddie too
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how do I actually seperate cute chubbies from fucking human orcs
pixiv has better chubby art but you still have to sift through garbage.
Who is this cute dude?
File: Coop Megas XLR.png (2.19 MB, 1626x1596)
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We need more Coop
File: Coop Megas XLR c alt.png (2.23 MB, 1626x1596)
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Is this a joke? The fuck is that
Um a fat guy? Y'know on the fat guy porn thread?
Holy shit

That looks like steaming garbage and doesn’t fit, this ain’t a competition to see who can post the worse art LMAO
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Damn.. relax..
In what way does it not fit? It's fat guy porn in the fat guy porn thread
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Does this fit better?
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im going to be fucking sick yall fags are trolling
I rarely post western art but the constant whining on this board is suuuch a bonerkill, man.
I'd honestly say like 50% of the Japanese pics here are honestly kinda shit
/y/ really needs to be eastern-art-only like /h/ and have western art go to /aco/
These arguments are so tiring
99% of western pics here are flaming shit.
it’s supposed to be that way but the jannies are useless, /aco/ has gay threads. even hyper is supposed to be quaratined to /d/ but the trannyjannies don’t care.
meant for >>3039303
I think it's just a running joke and they leave it as a sign that they don't care
Or maybe you should just stop giving a shit you weeaboo, there is literally no difference between Western and Japanese porn, if you can't get off to it because the guys don't look 12 years old then that's a you problem
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Unfortunately there's barely anything drawn of him.
I'm not the one who was complaining you retarded slag
No but your idea was retarded
You're retarded.
western art and anyone who likes it is retarded*
Yall are just arguing at this point. I'm here to post cute chubby guys get fucked, fingered, or nude than to argue what retarded medium is better than the other retarded medium
>cuntboy russel
I know right? People need to shut up and post art there's enough space for both kinds
Can’t see the pussy so who cares?
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In honor of Toriyama-san :{
dicks out for toriyama
Dragon Quest counts too
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Thread needs more Russel in here
Got any Murdoc plowing Russel?
I do have one image of Russel getting fucked, but not by Murdoc
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1.78 MB PNG
Good enough thx
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The sexy pizzaman is back on the menu
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Guess who this guy is hehehe
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Is there any other drawings of fat guys fucking skinny guys?
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Sloppy with cum in Grandpa Max
istg I can't even face my eyes at the manga pages after a point.
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File: Itaru.jpg (459 KB, 950x1344)
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Average /y/ poster
File: CHUB.png (3.63 MB, 1385x1958)
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cute and hot
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Sexy yellow man coming thru!
File: Trashtoonz Capone.jpg (582 KB, 1324x1585)
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Gotta love pear shaped chubs
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Hot got more?
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More Mr. Incredible
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Oh yes, I got more of him
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I find it kinda funny how a fair amount of the examples here of Japanese art tries to make the chubby guy as young as possible and then there's the western art here where almost every guy looks old enough to retire, funny contrast.
aren't most western cartoon men fathers and most japanese cartoon men 14-16?

wiggum is the best simpsons chub. prove me wrong
Wiggum is ok but Homer is cuter
No lies detected.
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he is gorgerous
He's honestly cute and is meant to be dick down
hilarious thread ngl
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I would be Wiggum's most loyal, most corrupt underling in the Springfield Police Department.
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nigga istg i aint ever using 4chan again
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Happy birthday Choji!
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fuck yeah gundam chubs
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do you guys want the w/ glasses version of this?
hell yeah
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Some good Soos and Stan porn here
File: HE SHOULD HAVE LIVED.jpg (585 KB, 1200x1600)
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the latter half of this anime/manga is dogshit with the stupid fight mechanics

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Happy Fag Month!
thats so fucking hot
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I need more Charlie in here
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All Cops Are Fucktoys
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It's been 6 years and still no Han Xin :(
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The pizzaman is back on the menu
Oh dang source?
I almost thought his leg was the cock before expanding
is there a version of this without the smeg
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You bitches need help. You're lucky I'm here.
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File: GR6MS_xWAAAb1ox.jpg (360 KB, 2048x1400)
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Ok, seeing the rightwinger getting fucked is pretty hot

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