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get dat ass ate

no musk/farting/dirtiness
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p.s. no whining or arguing allowed ITT since yall some catty fucks
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Good taste, no pun intended
you too
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Do people actually like eating ass? I get liking the feeling of having yours eaten out but I can’t wrap my head around liking eating theirs back.
Sorry if this is too offtopic.
I personally would not eat ass, but I love having my ass eaten. A tongue in your ass feels great!
as long as i was sure the guy was properly clean, i’d love to. i usually like doing more giving than receiving, so i’m more willing to do things on the more “gross” side of spectrum for someone else
I would never eat ass and I don’t love the feeling but the art can be hot
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Not I, but I'm thankful for the dudes out there that do.
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What the FUCK is that anatomy
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I just like having my ass eaten out, my bf likes eating out ass. I don’t ask why, probably mental stimulation over reciprocation for bottoming more often when we’re both tops.
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That black haired character is cute
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Aside from the smell/feces aspect which can be mitigated, how different is it really from sucking dick or doing cunnilingus?
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cunninlingus is the least repulsive in my experience, but they’re all disgusting unless your partner scrubs their shit, no pun intended, the fuck out minutes before hand
most dudes dicks smell worse than their ass anyway
and for me its like i owe them one since i top anyway and if i can’t lick it why would i shove my dick in it
>inb4 some retard cries about barebacking in an asslicking thread
it’s called showing an std test before sex
>it’s called showing an std test before sex
The fact that most people don't do this disturbs me.
some yaoi doujin
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gays are pretty degen, hard to find bottoms that’ll take one before you stick your dick in desu

captcha RAWW
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Eating ass is amazing. Of course your partner needs good hygiene. Because I have standards.. that’s a prerequisite anyway before we even get that far. But the feeling of putting your tongue in a man’s most sensitive area is mind numbingly hot. And when you get good at it, oh man that’s when it gets amazing. You gotta have rhythm and a strong tongue. For me I’ve found that broad flat strokes over the hole and gooch really get guys going. Sucking on gooch is underrated. Suck a ball or the tip of his dick into your mouth every now and again too. But consistent flat strokes over his hole will have most men moaning. Only once you’ve warmed him up with some strong tongue strokes should you really try to “stick” your tongue in. Slipping it in after the warmup, I assume, is a crazy sensation for them. Suck a couple hickeys into his ass cheek and right where the glute connects to the hamstring. Start licking stripes underneath his sack up to his hole. Shove your nose in his hole and lick/suck on his perineum. It’s important to keep your tongue flat for most licking and sucking. A pointed tongue does not feel better than a broad flat one. The symbolism of it is really what I get off to. Having a man ass up ready for you to devour is crazy hot. Especially if they’re not touching their own dick. Just waiting to have their man cunt licked.
Much thanks for the tutorial, anon, the pornos usually show guys using tongue like a woodpecker.
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I've been trying for a while to get my bf to be more open to letting me eat his ass. I've done it once and I was really enjoying it, but he's super sensitive down there, same for bottoming. So it's mostly ticklish/overwhelming for him when I'm eating his ass. Is there any way to get around this? Am I doing something wrong, is there a way to make him less hyper sensitive to it, etc? I really wanna do it more often, but I want him to enjoy it too
they have numbing creams for anal stuff, try that

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