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Anything is cool, western/eastern & bara/femboy idc post what you got :)
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Sup bro?
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Is this noncon? If so that’s even sexier.
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I remember some place in Commiefornia was going to legalize public sex because keeping it illegal was "homophobic"
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I don't understand people on the porn boards getting political completely unprompted.
I don't get it. Aren't you here for porn? Why are you tryna turn this place into Twitter?
they always post the worst art so it's definitely not to fap
Legalizing public sex would be based as hell
>minors everywhere
>obese 90 year olds getting it on
>forced to observe ugly people sex
>being subjected to shit fetishists and other extreme kinks
>minors everywhere
>obese 90 year olds getting it on
>forced to observe ugly people sex
>being subjected to shit fetishists and other extreme kinks
Close your eyes bozo
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Disgusting AI garbage, fuck off
Anybody doing it wrong get's hit with obscenity charges. Anybody doing it right get's a high five by me as I stroll on bi.
Ignore the roastie sperg, AI is fine.
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Is there a version of this, or similar art, without the heels?
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When you realize that it'll just be denizens of california it's not the yaoi haven you thought it would be
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