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Delinquents and genies fighting and fucking, Bucchigiri?!
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Just to get it out of the way, I've not seen porn focusing on Senya or Ichiya yet. I am looking. If you see any, please post it.
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I think this anime is some few mainstream anime instances where they draw the nipples on the guys, and it makes me enjoy life more instead of ending it.
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I wish it was universal on all the Bucchigiri guys, but I appreciate that at least Senya gets them.
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It is because everyone quit the anime after a few episodes for how annoyingly incel the MC is and the female main is of a complete bitch.
Like a lot of people got happy when that bitch got beat for of a bitch she is.
good male designs waste din this shit anime
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yanki bl bait with a smattering of bara aesthetics is a pretty inspired concept but then imo what we got was just kind of a slow unfocused mess which Bravern out gayed it by moving beyond bait and out funned it so hard everyone just kind of had to look away.
based take, bucchigiri had some real potential too kind of sad. glad people are enjoying bravern, its well deserved. wish there were more doujin and merch for it. both have banger OPs tho
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wrong thread retard
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>Senya, Ichiya, Matakara, and genderswap Jolyne are all great with sexo designs
>completely wasted on an unfocused series with an unbearably shitty MC
A shame
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Who fucking cares my dick doesn't get hard for fujoshit stories
Kill yourself you womanish autismo. Leave it to a catty autist to care about that.
You're awfully triggered over someone stating simple fact. This show sucks.
my dick gets so wet over these pixels yum
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you are not wrong fuck aradin, zabu outa are zexo too
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It's supposed to be weak MC turned great just like the late 90s shonen fighting anime. It somewhat reminds me of Law of Ueki but with annoying MC instead. It could've been improved with better story telling and decently paced episodes instead of rushed episodes. The goods are the character designs and the variable fluid high frame rate animation. The bads are the story and the MC.
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Is what that blatantly homoerotic mecha anime with the giant mecha man in love with a dude?
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Brave Bang Bravern!, yes.
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artist id please
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They're two separate artists:
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Dose this guy really wear a blue loincloth in the show?
no ;_;
Then why are these pieces art portraying him wearing one?
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No, it's basically a jokey fanon thing that people ran with. He's part of a gang with a traditional Japanese martial arts aesthetic (Minato-kai) and a rival gang (NG Boys) tries to secretly facilitate a gang war between Minato-kai and a third gang, Siguma Squad, by beating up Siguma Squad goons and forcing them to wear blue fundoshi as a signifier that Minato-kai were behind the attack. Artists thought it would be funny if Minato-kai dudes did actually wear blue fundoshi, hence the art.
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There's also a birthday message for Matakara that jokes about fundoshi, so it's kind of an in-universe meme too.

i prefer younger outa
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Same. There's something offputting about his older design that I can't quite put my finger on.
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damn that's one ugly nigga
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There are some background QTs, but yeah, there's a lot of butterfaces in the trash mobs.
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fucking fujos dont draw more mataka proably most of them didnt like the show because the characters have muscles and they are not fucking anorexic twinks
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Fuck, the more tan one in the back is hot asf
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He's my favourite background guy. Shows up a couple times and I'm always happy to see him. My top three are him, the chubby guy in Minato, and Diet Jotaro (also Minato).
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Exploitable image.
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HRT tits
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This illustrator has some of the worst Japanese handwriting I've seen in my life.
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calm down retard
any more of this guy? what's his name
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Kenichiro AKA Ken-san. There's unfortunately not much art of him in general.
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