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Just wanted to update my sisters on the status of Reo Getting Fucked By Old Men.

There's more Kino available. This time it's a proper doujin:

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I got banned for a month for picking a fight with an indian mod on /g/. They get real uppity over people calling them out for shilling inferior products like AMD GPUs.

Anyway, keep posting more Blue Lock goodness. My japanese e-buddy and I are trying our best to get our hands on more doujins that involve ReoxUncles. There's a fair share of them that never got scanned because their target audience are women and they are disgusting selfish beings that never share anything with their fellow sisters like we do.
I'm gonna re-post my personal commissions as well.

I requested some Chigiri Sloppa on the draw threads of both /y/ and /d/, but I'm also looking for an artist on Pixiv to draw a good Kaiser piece. I have been told I look like Kaiser so I wanted someone to draw him doing his morning routine of standing naked before a mirror, but replacing the "talking with myself" bit with "masturbating to myself". I do masturbate to my own videos and photos all the time so I'd like to think Kaiser would do the same.
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This one was paid but it was worth it.
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Reo is BUILT for Nagi and Nagi only.
I don't get Reo's appeal. He's just a creepy rich kid.
Artist? Also let me contribute to the thread too in a second
I'm more of a Kaiser/Isagi person.
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Pick your Starter
Itoshi. I would totally creampie him daily if I could
Hot, I loved the part when Isagi told him "you're the clown in my story". If a guy were to trash talk me like that while he's coming balls deep inside of me I would forever be his bitch.
Honestly need more Niko
Isagi. I would train him to cum like a girl
Girls cum? Damn. I must have failed bio cuz I thought girls just squirted lol
Kaiser has enough energy for both Isagi and Ness.
The appeal is rape
they don't, squirting is just pee
retarded troons call men dry cumming or cumming from anal 'cumming like a girl'
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oh ok, I don't really give a fuck about what female bodies do lol

anyway I had the dream the other day about going to school with Reo and failing to stop his downfall after Nagi ditched him for good. It was like watching my HS sweetheart self-destroy himself all over again after his parents kicked him out of their house for being gay. Then he got a job after turning 18 and spent his free time sucking dicks until he caught something real nasty and now he's single forever because he ended up hating other gay people for what happened to him.
But you obviously have one so you should lol.
Rude. I hate women and mentally ill people pretending to be women.
What type of BL merch do you buy, sisters?
You should see your therapist about that lil sis, self hate is unhealthy.
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This is a board for male porn not your transgirls and shotas
Fuck off, fat faggot. Your kind would pollute this board with bara bullshit if we allowed you to do so.

Bara is just COPE for fat faggots. You're not even muscular IRL.

nice random ass pic from /soc/, pick a dude without nipple gyno next time
You will never be a real woman, transfaggot pedophile
Bachira my beloved
Fuck it, I'm just gonna image dump
That's it for now
BL if Latino
The only trans here is your trans fat.
>I got banned for a month for picking a fight with an indian mod on /g/
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Here's a lazy coloring I did
how do you color white filled lineart without ruining the lines?
stop looking at porn and watch a youtube tutorial
I just screwed around with the layers, I'm terrible at explaining things
ayo calm down roastie slut, nobody needs to know you’re bleeding out of your vagina.

Why are you guys so violent? lmao
thanks anyway
what? i just asked a question
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Nagi = Best Bottom
Lol, get owned
I want to fuck him so bad
damn imagine waking up one day with an anime face while the rest of your body remains realistic. That's some creepy-pasta fodder.
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What a pedantic thing to bitch about.
Today I got hit on by a younger gay guy who thought I was a soccer player because of my legs and backside, which he kept perving on during the whole ordeal.

He first approached me asking me in a very gay voice if I could be a "Nice lad" and give him the time, then I noticed him staring at my legs while I tinkered with my phone screen's settings to make it visible under the harsh sunlight so I decided to play dumb and ask him if he knew where I could get some beers for my pals back at the nearby soccer field, which was bullshit because I literally have no friends outside dad, and then he giggled and said he was also heading to the same direction of the store, so he then started making me questions about my fictional local soccer team and out of the blue he brought up that he had a female friend who was "looking" for someone to give her soccer lessons "but in reality she was horny and just wanted to fuck a soccer player", so he pulled out his phone and showed me a painfully obvious fake facebook profile of a chick with big boobs (it was also in that moment that I realized he just asked me for the time as a silly excuse to approach me because he could have just checked his own phone for that) and I guess he thought that turned me on because his creepy attention gave me a boner and he just kept looking down at it while we walked together and I was pretending to not notice while adding his "friend who for some reason pretended to be his girlfriend so she could live with him to escape her abusive parents" to both Facebook and Whatsapp. Then I asked him if it was "okay" if I told a horny friend to add her and he said I could just have my whole team to do it and then when we reached the store he asked me how old I was and I told him I was 24 and he told me that I was still "tiernito" (spic slang for young guys who look cute) and that his friend would love it if I sent her some photos when I went back home to take a shower after my training was over.

When I walked into the store I noticed through the reflection on the entrance's crystal that the guy pulled out his phone and apparently took a photo of my butt while making a memey face biting his lower lip. Then I decided to kill some time inside the store because I didn't really have any money on me and I didn't want to be caught lying about being part of a local soccer team. Once I got back home and took a shower, I decided to check the guy's facebook profile and I was dissapointed to find out that the he was actually younger than me (26) instead of a horny balding guy in his 40s.

It made me appreciate the fact that people still call me "lad" because they legit believe I'm in my early 20s instead of early 30s and that my buttocks still got game despite years of not doing any buttock-focused training since I quit American Football after concluding my college education. If anything now I feel inspired to get my buttocks back to their prime by doing 2-hours of buttock exercises every day like I used to do back in middle school while watching Telenovelas with my dementia ridden grandmother.
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Thanks for reading my mini-blog. Rather than spending tons of money on Reo doujins, I'll get super /fit/ and get a Reo wig to make Live Porn with creepy old men, once I manage to find actual old men and not just guys who aged like shit.

Maybe I could even find a Nagi of my own. There's a shit ton of autistic gay guys who'd love a sugar daddy. Then I could get creepy old gay guys to fuck him too after I get his ass in shape.
Anon, you should have given him a rimjob
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Nah. I'm already having fun catfishing the catfisher by pretending to be my younger 18yo friend who also has a soccer body. Gay guys just LOVE borderline legal homos.

I'm Bi so I'm pickier with my tastes. But now that I know sleeveless hoodies+thight shorts work to attract perverts, I'll get on crowded buses and hope some ugly hags go after my bulge and bum with their witchy hands that turn me on so much.
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Reo is the perfect butt slut
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Reo is perfect. I can't wait to watch the movie, they apparently "restored" the bath scene with Reo's BUNDA in full display. It also got new voiced lines.
The new lines are from the Episode of Nagi scene where Reo is internally seething before noticing Nagi is bathing with the other guys. Then he gets his sexy ENTER scene and acts all smugly evil towards Nagi.
They should just fuck already
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Tokimitsu is underrated
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Kaiser is meant for facefucking
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I love Boy x Mob. Is the full doujin out? I hope the guy kisses Reo.
After the last few chapters, I admit that I hope Kaiser gets a lot more art!
Which one you guys buying
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Do y'all like playing soccer
Does anyone remember that one comic with a new kid named Somi who goes to an all boys school has to convince everyone he’s a boy, some dude spits in his mouth, he saves that bully from the police station after he beats his gf and then they go to a love motel? I think it was by cousin anon but I can’t find it anywhere
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Wrong thread anon
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What are you requirements for someone to be your Nagi?
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I'm gonna post later
Sex now
guys I'm afraid the NagiReo movie kind of sucks.

I hope EPISODE OF KAISER save us
we need more from the best bottom: chigiri hyouma
post what
Blue lock porn?
Jesus Christ they didn't de-censor Reo's Bunda

I am glad I didn't waste money on this sloppa recap. My boyfriend did.
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Is Tokimitsu in it?
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