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As a goth male myself, I need to find me a goth alt-twink to annihilate.

I mostly have femboys, but I'll take anything for more goth boys and men
>two alternative threads
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Cum behind that plug. Lots of it.
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im right here
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I have an alt version
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Yeah /y/ is for men, not dickgirls.
same thing
underrated assblast
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This truthpill kills the self-immolating, tranny-obsessed, lolcow fujoshit.
this is the only somewhat goth one, the rest are emo
Actual goth mxm hentai is nonexistent
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Is goth even still relevant?
Surely it has vanished like Swaggots and Hispters.
The not-goth goth mommy memes and shitty rap artists claiming to be made it relevant, I guess.
However it's still a music-based Eurocentric subculture and will always be relevant to, at the very least, that group.
What the fuck is a swaggot?
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Shadman is gone, we will never see more of his goth closeted femboy with a huge ass.
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note the word in your image file, "girlfriend." This is /y/, fuck off with the boobs and women and post homosex.
See the last panels, the guy is wearing his girlfriend's clothes
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Not him but:
Pussy/vag images
Real life images
Could find more easily if you bothered, plus tons of off-topic shitpost spamming in random threads. Fuck off wannabe janny, there is no moderation here and the rules were never followed by anyone let alone the janitor.
That doesn't make it /y/, crossdressing by itself's fine. Literal heterosexual sex shit goes in /h/.

Great, so it's a trend of a problem. There is moderation here even if it's scarce and not omniscient. But you can be an idiot and encourage others breaking the board rules if you want to. They've definitely been enforced - and followed - or I'm sure you'd be posting some female inclusive dreck here too by now. Who knows. Maybe I will apply for "janitor" just to spite your petulant ass. Be the change you want to see in the world. In any event please continue to go out of your way to disregard the sticky up at the top of page 1 - and enjoy your resulting deletions and bans from the staff you don't believe in, newfren. Also, fuck off and die you simpering would-be little keyboard anarchist. Have a nice day.
You're the one being petulant and acting like a complete newfag tourist, pop off. Imagine getting this mad at images online you retarded sperg. You do it FOR FREE.
hey emo boy hey hey hey emo boy
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