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File: tra.jpg (153 KB, 850x1244)
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This thread is for Anime/Japanese-style art. For anything else, make your own thread. All bodytypes welcome.

Report and ignore the trolls/off-topic shitposting.
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based throwback, i wonder if there’s any gary porn from ib getting raped by the hair tentacles
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>This thread is for Anime/Japanese-style art.
Dumbass fuckwit.
ignore and report her
Anime STYLE. You stupid fuck. Keep the western shart out you moronic twitter tourist. Learn to read.
not like it matters, the resident ftm janny here only moderates her own threads and trolls the rest with awful falseflag art
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twitter: cold_seoul
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>captcha: NAPS
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modest dump ended, enjoy
Thank you, good images.
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Where is the tentacle bara?
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>This thread is for Anime/Japanese-style art.
Post Japanese bara not this fugly off-topic westslop shit from a patreon faggot that shits out AI art regularly, bitch.
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