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- No arguing, no derailing, no off-topic shit.
- Ignore (do not respond) to the roastie bitch that cries about bears/chubs/fembois and report her.
- No cartoony art. High-quality western art is fine but keep the saturday morning cartoons on /aco/.
- No hyper or absurd proportions.
- Fat and conventionally unattractive males are welcome.
- AI is welcome, but don't spam with it.
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The hell, that's good for ai
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square > round
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honestly, I prefer either or, it just depends on the character design overall for me.
Why are the eyes like that
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Nta but I haven't seen any instance where round glasses look better than any other shape.
That's what homestuck eyes look like.
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do you guys prefer fully opaque glasses (that smug anime nerd type) or glasses you can actually see the eyes through
The former but I also enjoy FUB rape so
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live, beautiful bespectacled boys
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who was the guy who made you realize you think glasses are hot, anons
some fallout character, i don't remember his name
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