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GH thread


Previous thread
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In the anon folder of the mythic days : missing Strict Goichi scene 6
Next Mythic
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Him again? This is turning as this meme for how repetitive some characters get an alter version
Nice! Crossing my fingers for an Isaias mythic in the future, love the LoL guys.
Not counting the original he only has 1 alt from Dec 22
This is his second alt (or third if you count the base). It's not as many as you think. The definition of oversaturated alts is last month's POA, except for Morvran.
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I know that the majority here play gay harem, but I also know that there are those who play hentai heroes (like me), so I wonder if there are any HH mega or drives and if there aren't, wouldn't you want to try to create them, no? ? We put together what we have and we create
I believe on the drive only gay porn is accepted just as the /y/ we are. If you want the straight content to be on the same folder that will be a big no.

Also, not many play this game anymore for how bad it had being turning the past years and repetitive of making some characters getting they 10th alt.
Do you manually extract all of the pictures after unlocking them, or is there a certain way you can get the pictures without that? I posted some odd number from Comix Harem, and while I'm pretty much able to get any girl I want nowadays (sitting at 30K+ gold), I don't have enough cash/gifts to unlock the scenes as I used to (especially with how resource intensive mythics are and how large of a sink resetting skills every week is).
I saw a repository of the various games on Sad Panda, and looking at the Comix album, it seems to be complete until the date it was posted, which makes me think there is a way. But my personal escapades make me run into dead ends when venturing outside of the girls/scenes I don't own.
Been shadow updating the folder, will post again after classic.

If someone can get the ginger in PoV, do, fucking gingers I swear.

If you ever find how to bypass the session limits or datamine the images, do tell.

Haven't seen an HH thread in /h/, they probably got nuked ages ago before /aco/ was a thing and nobody in sadpanda is doing an effort in making an HH drive. I don't have the time.

So current folder is GH only.

Won't even bother with that GayPornstar thing.
I don't think it will be smart giving space to HH on the folder. The folder and this share started for we the gay people. We do not or did played the game for the girls and even dare to play HH.

Don't know what this anon believe it will get here, but is straight rude to try asking for images of a game we don't play and we will never play.
I'm gay and I played ComixHarem for a few months after it came out, stopped because I took a break from both games, but only ended up going back to GH.
I don't see it as rude to ask if someone here plays HH and you can't say for sure that there haven't been bi anons in these threads.
>giving space to HH on the folder.
That's not happening ever.

That mega acc is for GH only.

If anon wants to start a HH drive, sure, go ahead, I'll help with whatever old girl I had unlocked.

And most of us fags who play HH do so only for what's beyond current GH story. Or the bis.

Comix Bodyhack's hot.
Does anyone know where the comic guys (Wolverine, Gambit, etc.) located in the MEGA folder? I forgot to download them when i got a new phone...
Did the guy in a cock cage, Davey, appear again?
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Events folder, 063 Super Powers

No, he doesn't have alts yet
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That's a shame, but I get it's a niche kink.
Thanks for quick reply, anon.
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Folder updated.

Thanks and great job anons.

>Missing Guys List
Adventure - Daddy Angel
Leagues - Danny
LD - Elred
PoA - Mathias, Dean
PoV - Karuzo, Raoh
Seasons - Jockstrap Mason, Jockstrap Hector

Mega Events
HA - Painter Patroclus, Writer Vernon, Actor Dany, Musician Gregor
SE - Heavenly Daddy Angel, Griffin
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this board is gay only, het porn isn't allowed
Next Legendary Contest
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What characters are these new ones supposed to be?
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What's the parody of?
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The PoV ones are Kazuki and Rei from Buddy Daddies, but they don't really look like the originals

Shunsui Kyoraku from Bleach. He's the third champion, Matsuda.
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Is that a copy of Aminas Aminus art of Gladiolus?
Sonic themed Path of Attraction
I'd argue it's definitely "inspired", there's been worse cases.

Who the fuck asked for this?
The same brainroot who plague Discord. Cowards for not make actual furry.
Shadow's not edgy enough, need his gun.
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Next Classic
they should've kept Faustus a mythic artist exclusive, that art style makes him look like an old Instagay
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Actor Dany Scenes ??
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Next seasonal
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haven't played this in quite some times, is it still worth getting into again just for fun and all?
Sure, if you liked it before I see no reason why you wouldn't like it again. I still prefer GH over the other gay gachas because of how much easier it is to get the guys you actually want as a f2p.
How long ago did you stop playing?
Folder updated.

Thanks and great job anons.

>Missing Guys List
Adventure - Daddy Angel
Lab - Flint
PoA - Mathias, Dean
PoP - Mirajo
PoV - Salmon
Season - Philip

Mega Events
SE - Heavenly Daddy Angel, Griffin, Solstice Spring, Solstice Summer, Solstice Autumn, Solstice Winter

If I'm missing someone or duped an upload in the folder, let me know.
I can get a bunch of 5* with my alt just playing casually, so I'd say yes
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They keep using the same three positions oml I'm getting bored.
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Screwed up the order
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Can't tell if these guys are from the next seasonal or from the Path of Attraction starting today
My two cents on PoA, Seasonals have more shiny things floating around.
Looks like Adventure Time parodies so definitely PoA.
Next Classical
Can this game get even worst? It had being a lot of flop characters and scenes for months now. It is even worst as how was when it started.
Those guys are hot, though? They may not be your type, but they are far from being "flop"
a Granblue Fantasy classic, well, that's a nice one
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Then the Legend of Korra brothers must be next PoV.

Scenes have been good so far, tame, HH would say vanilla. Since most kinks scare the playerbase they're playing safe there.
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Next Mythic
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Thank god for this thread cause unlocking guys in this game costs 1million dollars.
Will update the folder by the weekend.

Who's that?
Flamingo, parody of Doflamingo from One Piece
Next seasonal
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Anyone have the video?
I didn't get the video, will keep trying today and tomorrow. The drop rate seems to be abysmal, many people on the discord channels claiming it took them well over 1k fights.

You could probably get a similar video just running this scene through an AI.
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Got the video, but I can't resize or convert it down to 4mb without it looking like shit so here's a link

Folder updated.

Thanks and great job anons.

>Missing Guys List
Adventure - Daddy Angel
PoA - Mathias, Dean
PoV - Amadeus, Marc
Seasons - Yuno, Jaiden

Mega Events
SE - Heavenly Daddy Angel, Griffin, Solstice Winter
LR - Bratty Sub Dolph, Orgy Morvran, Master Saxan, Shibari Amotus

Next time use catbox moe. Thanks anon.

It's like the base pose animations, lame.

>Ongoing Event
Will upload Eragon when the event ends.
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i love switches
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i love morvran
This guy is too hot to stay a 3*, I hope his HH counter was popular

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Whose parody is this brown guy?
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Magnus from Shadowhunters and this guy is Alec. They're a couple in the show as well.
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Legendary Contest
Laios from Dungeon Meshi

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