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Male nudity in official non-hentai anime/manga/comics thread. No fan art/edit.
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best one in history
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better reso
It truly doens't get better than this
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Has his blank crotch ever showed up in the manga? I checked the 1st 6 volumes and I couldn't find anything...
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Why are their asses so fat and round? Even big male asses don't look like that
I mean... some actually have really big and round asses. Either way, i'm not complaining about this trend in anime, so much better than flat backs drawn with three lines total
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Get your straggot heterosexual shit off of my board and back to >>>/h/.
You’re no better than trapkarens. Post men not women, STRAGGOTS.
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what manga?
What anime?
Zom 100 Bucket list of the dead. This character gets naked basically every other chapter
Kochikame, it's got plenty of male nudity
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oh rosen garten saga, the gift that keeps on giving.
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Is this from Vinland Saga?
no shit retard
I was just asking, you dickless freak.
what a stud
>dickless freak
now THAT'S some projection lmao
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Why aren't you deleting the posts?
Where is this from?
please sensor w*men in your photos. they're disgusting & revolting to look at.
kill la kill prolly
Why did you "sensor" the o?
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>censoring women
Even the jannies don't care about upholding the rules this hard... just lay back and jerk off to some tits and pussy.
Because they only draw nude women so it bleeds over when they draw nude men, funnily enough just like AI
>Even big male asses don't look like that
Yea they do, you just look at yaoi porn for little fujo girls
Go watch some bubblebutt gymbro gay porn and step out of that hugbox
Hey, you didn't answer my question! Why did you censor the "o" in >>3049132? Is there a strict rule against mentioning women in boards like these? Doesn't look like it most of the time...
All I want to see in the manga version of Peter Grill is the "MC" naked with his blank crotch shown to us...
no its a meme. black people and atheists would do that because they say words give power or something. so instead of God or white peoppe they'd say G*d or wh*te and it became a meme on sites and social media. in this context gay dude who hate women or someone being cheeky is doing the same thing as a meme
Oh, of course.
I want to fuck the blonde girl's ass while he watches like a good cuck.
>can't even see her pussy
I was just asking for a comparison...
So neurotic and retarded.
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>couldn't even "censor" it to at least give us a tease
Shaking my head, to be honest.
I think that was intentional.
Lmao, did he die?
Nope, though he starts wearing clothes after that.
I want to fuck the chick and make him watch my cock slip in and out of her pussy wishing it was his ass.
It's so sad that official stuff only shows ass, otherwise you have to watch hentai and that's not great imo
Well, you have to understand most artists and producers of these series are straight and the vast majority of the audience is too. Man ass is seen as funny and non-threatening to their sexuality. Penis on the other hand is inherently sexual thus threatening.
Don't forget manga and settei. They're fine.
Are you sure Inukami and Kimagure Orange Road don't count?
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Hey! This is for those who don't like Rudeus:
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What's this from? And is that an adult diaper his putting on?
Try reading the filename and are you retarded as well as blind? That's a suit.
what is the name of it again, and I thought it looked like one?
Does this count? What's his age?
I also wish I knew what the "meme" in >>3049132
and other posts where there could be asterisk poisoning is called...
Yes it does count.
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She has a nice bubble butt, where's she from?
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Schizo who?
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Iida’s bare ass in the most recent episode of MHA. Just wish it were a liiiittle fatter.
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Why do I keep forgetting this manga exists?
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No Edit and its must be in non-porny manga
I came here thinking about the same scene, it was followed up by so many abs.
Sometimes I get the impression it uses that Fleshlight looking doll figure thing as reference and not actual porn. But it do be hot
bifags come here too retard
where did you find this? it's censored on the website
the manga author published at their x @yo_shi_ki
Is this some sorta Tenchi manga?
...Yes. Hopefully...
you two should make out
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this, stop trying to police the thread discussions
as long as the posts are ontopic who gives a shit
we have worse things to worry about like the fillion/offtopic spammer bitch
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Here's deku's bare ass if you were curious
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Did we ever see shoto naked???
I’m more interested on Endeavor’s nudity

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