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Original series and thousand-year blood war.

>Rules, shamelessly stolen from other generals:
- No ugly cartoonshit western deviantart-esque art, good quality western art is fine
- No hyper, fart fetish, watersports, or musk
- AI is welcome, but don't spam a bunch at once
- No arguing or derailing for any reason, all pairings are welcome, all male characters are welcome incl. rule 63, small tops are welcome

Bonus points for Renji, Byakuya, Ulquiorra, and Kenpachi posts

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>another Bleach thread
>another thread full of the same pics from 2000s/early 2010s
damn, how does Bleach perform so poorly compared to other shounen series that still get decent homo stuff after all these years (like Naruto and One Piece)
bad anatomy and ugly designs. i think most of them are hot but i've asked other guys and they disagree. it's got almost no eye candy for gays or women.
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ulquiorra my love..
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more Aiichi please
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