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I general, they really need to show pic of asshole too. They're so expensive as is, I would at least need to know what the important bits look like quality-wise
I don't think they even bother with the assholes since mostly women and bottoms buy these.
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where would you even find these
not slogging through straight slop to find handsome men, is there a site just for male figures

where do you get those..?
nta but senshi18 and aliexpress has some too. there's other websites but I don't know the names off the top of my head. I've found similar figures by just filtering for most expensive prices on eBay, then you can look those figs up on Google to get more results. just type in a popular male character from a main series. theyre usually over 500 bucks
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chinese/japanese garage kit makers (usually thru twitter), alibaba/express, yahoo auctions jp, native, etc
the only one i've ever seen organize by male vs female is orzgk and they're not recommended
Screw 1 bloc sculptures, I want to play dollhouse with smaller jointed poseable action figure with holes you can insert another figure's dick into.
they'd get stuck and their dicks would break off
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You mean like this?
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Does anyone know if Gentleman 18 releases its figures on time? The Priapus ones are scheduled for June but there haven't been any updates. Don't really mind but wondering when I might expect a surprise bill when the preorder goes through.
Is that dicks someone pulled from a different statue or is there a dedicated nendoroid cum market?
looks kind of like a doll penis from aliexpress attached onto it
what are the search keywords? I always get nothing but sfw figurines
Should I get this? He might looks uncanny on the head but I think I can customize the head with something looks like anime guy. I hate the other gay guy doll that looks like retarded fujo fantasy guys btw. aliexpress.com/item/1005006584032364.html
weareanimecollectors has a lewd male category that's really good. Gentlemen18 studios has my favorite sculpts usually. Can also buy on mozfigure
are they moulded from metal press or 3D printed?
gentleman18 are usually resin cast
what's a resin cast? 3D print? That's what comes up when I tried googling that word
Can't they make any smaller because having that nude figurine in my house would be embarrassing when my family visited unannounced.
resin poured into a mold
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I need it.
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>anon doesn't have a shelf of proudly displayed sex figures above his doorless cabinet full of dildos

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