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File: GOghPxjWcAE77N3.jpg (222 KB, 1821x2048)
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Post healthy bara not full of fat blobs. Hairy men are allowed.
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And it worked. Always knew pozziggers purposely spam their filth everywhere.
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There's nothing about any of these images that isn't healthy, go be a troll elsewhere.
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Ignore her, she always wants to bitch about something....
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I'm not the one spamming, pozzed troll.
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But here you are following me. Obsessed and hypocritical much?
>on an image dump board
What a retard lol
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Yes, spamming off topic images is spam. You don't spam scat in a non scat thread and say it isn't spam. The pozzed has addled your brain it seems.
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>posting bara in a bara thread is spam
She's definitely retarded.
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see >>3050948
She’s a lolcow tourist troll and calls lifter bodies fat
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>ignoring what I said because I'm right
Pozziggers are something else.
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You can like what you want, but calling your fat blobs pics are the only type of bara is retarded.
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Just ignore and report her offtopic nonbara spam.
>still trying to pass Bara off as a body time and not a narrative genre.
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I bet your pussy real stanky
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How bad does yo pussy smell
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Calling for others to report a thread is against the rules.
This is what I don't get. I would think since they're this purist about bara they would understand bara is a genre and not specifically a body type.
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>femboy with tits
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Don't reply to me. Bara was specifically a genre against fake pretty boys with feminine features like this.
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She knows, she does it to troll le moids
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Mental illness.
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>mutilated foreskin
rip, good pic otherwise
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More, please.
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goated artstyle
drayden is so fucking hot
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hot as fuck
based art anon, i love Dobnezumi artstyle so much
Stocky gym baras are so cute
aged like a fine wine
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>this is considered "feminine" to pozzigers
This is actual toxic "masculinity" in the wild. Imagine calling a guy less than a man just because he has a youthful face.
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Worst: Artist OC fucking women. It is not even gay art
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So? You jacked off to plenty of canonically het guys. Geez, you pozzigers are no different than purity obsessed incels.
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>pozziggers continue to keep the thread alive
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That's not an artist OC... it's (a rather idealized) Mr. KK from pop'n music
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I love bara
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me to
ITT: Niggers with shit taste
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Go to /b/ if you want to be a racist little spergette.
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