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Previous version: >>3021816

Robots, mechas, machines- get your NUTS and bolts here
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So, really, how does this work in your minds?
Are these robots... warm? Do they feel like human skin except they are not shaped like it? Do they smell like synthetics/acryllics or do they just behave basically in every way like a human would except they just aren't?
>Uhhh it's just porn bro
Yes, I am aware. It's called curiosity.
I imagine their genitals and anuses as something akin to cyberskin dildos or fleshlights but warmed by heat transfer to gel that surrounds/fills them desu
The rest of their bodies just being metal and internal hardware
Maybe a soft mouth depending on the model, not too into oral so I never put any thought into what kind of lubricant would act as saliva or how it'd work desu
thick hips and thongs are a godlike combo
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>are they warm
yes, look at your laptop, tablet, phone, etc. it can get very hot if not well ventilated. i assume the same for robots

>do they feel like human skin
i assume if they're fucking humans or other fleshy creatures and if they care, they'll put a protective layering on it to make it more comfortable to the end user
if they're fucking other robots or just don't care, then its all mechanical
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I noticed in the last thread that most of the robot designs have something that accentuates the chin, and are less likely to have it the more of a twink the character is.
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I always see the accentuating of the chin as something similar to giving them a beard
whether its done intentionally or if the artist not even realizing they're doing it
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Middle is my fave.
I enjoy the dimorphism and different designs to 'masculinize/feminize' them, it feels like different models for different purposes desu. Twink robots for pure, gentle sex and diagnostics or something lightweight. Beefy bots for heavy lifting, fighting, slamfucking, etc.
>I enjoy the dimorphism and different designs to 'masculinize/feminize' them, it feels like different models for different purposes desu.
Yeah, that's my biggest problem. I'm trying to design a screen-face mask/helmet. A masculine-looking design isn't terribly conducive to an expressive screen-face. And while I'd prefer it to be a unisex design, something that isn't overtly masculine easily comes off looking twink-ish and bland on its own. Then there's something like >>3046243 where the chin bar doesn't really work well with the displayed face, which also clashes pretty badly with the body.
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have you thought about giving your robot just one eye?
i'm imagining something like the Zakus from Gundam
A monoeye design is pretty far removed from what I had in mind. The Rick Dom or even something like Shockwave from Transformers could at least make the eye also go up and down. I just want some expressiveness that's natural to the design, not something like >>3051713 where the droid is shown blushing in a way it obviously cant.
then i suggested looking up on body language
cause if you want a screen-face fask/helmet robot
but want them to be expressive while still staying true to its design, then being more expressive through body language is the way to go.
>cause if you want a screen-face fask/helmet robot
>but want them to be expressive while still staying true to its design
I have no idea what you mean by this. My point was that a screen face can be expressive because you can show anything on the screen, while something like a Zaku could only really look left and right.
I'd just like it to be expressive without seeming too feminine. I don't want to rely on body language.
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my bad nigga
i thought you meant you wanted them to have a screen face but not have a cartoony expressive face
just give them a unibrow or something
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10/10 perfect suckable robocock and cute screen face. That said, I need to see lewd of a Zaku. Their "face" and proportions are so cute and I think they can still be plenty expressive without stretching belief. Not enough gay mecha sex.
My problem with Canti's screen face is that it's used to blush and show some text instead of actually talking, and that's about it.
That's fair enough. I like it (I find stuff like Yes Man's face unsexy, part of the appeal of robots for me is the lack of a human face. But it's a delicate balance, something like a text emoticon face on a screen is not a turnoff for me). You should make a robot OC that's exactly what you like in a hot bot.
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Personally, I like em bulky, a little clunky, faceless or with a heavily mechanical or abstract face, not really quite human.
I think my dream bot looks a lot like this or a Titanfall spectre. Huge cocks are a must, segmented metal is idea.
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Ideal*. Love these body types, never been sure why. Titanfall is unreasonably hot.
Fat (not necessarilly this fat, though I don't mind either) silicone robo cheeks are a must too. Imagine a lubricated, temperature controlled, motorized robo bussy grabbing your shaft and riding you till you bust...
Anyway, have some other stuff from my recents.
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>vrrr vrrrr
Fucking kek
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need more porn of captain, desu
this is hot
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There's not enough of hunks like captain, kay/o, and svarog getting their ports filled, 99% of the time they're docking their plugs instead
what is this shit
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yeah, sadly
but i can't really blame them if they're being too daddy. anyways, captain my beloved
Known Patrick Fillion spammer/derailer, just ignore and we'll be fine
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my bad
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