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Hi all! I'm a new artist dedicated to making art just for gay men.

The series I just started is called The Brothers Rugby!

Fourteen Brothers. One Team. All Gay!

X.1 = Act 1, Establishing

X.2 = Act 2, The Fight!

X.3 = Act 3, If they win! (your choice!)

X.4 = Act 3, If they lose! (your choice!)

In every shot is all fourteen brothers. Every chapter has a unique theme story. In each one can you find the rugby balls? The new brother flirting with the enemy? What vehicles the twins are riding this time? The item acquired in victory carried on throughout the next chapters?

I'd love to know if you like any of these. I'm trying to release a full length gay rpg next along with a lot more art! Give me a follow on any of these links if youre at all interesred! Thank you for your time!

1.2, The Fight!
1.3 If they win! (your choice!)
1.4 If they lose! (your choice)

(You know you are making progress as an artist when you start to create BDSM fan fiction of your own material. 0_0 )
2.1 Establishing

The Brothers Rugby go to space!
2.2 The fight!
2.3 If they win! (your choice!)
2.4 If they lose! (your choice!)
More to come! I hope someone out there enjoys them!

Oh also...
stay tuned for...
The High School Homecoming Aliens Invasion Disaster - A Gay Adventure Board Game!

Download all the art for free! Play with your friends!

9 different playable characters! 2 major campaigns! 1 sexy adventure!

(short video can be found at finslandofgayart.blogspot.com)
I don't think you're old enough to be posting here.
You wouldn't be the first to think I was an idiot based on my nerdism. Many coworkers could never take me seriously. I can still see their scowls whenever I said anything mildly intelligent. Something about the brain dissonance headache I cause them, it must be.
Also you should check out Chapter 2 and what's to come. My art improves as I get more practice I think. These are close to within 3-4 months of starting to draw. Well anyway, thanks for the comment!
pseud lol
Adding Chapter 3 here instead.

The Match! (3:2)
Who doesn't love a dive bar?
And the alternate BDSM ending!

Go to finslandofgayart.blogspot.com for more art, games, and more!

Thanks for your time!

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